STACH Short Story Contest #10: 199 words-10SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago


Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #10.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

  • Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
  • Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
  • The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
  • One entry per user.
  • Stories must be pasted in the comment sections, No links please.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on Broken Hearted.


First Prize: ----------------------5SBd
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD prize. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.

Good luck guys!

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

Steem Accelerator Hub... decentralizing the offline!
Stc.JPG STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.



ungrateful love

A badly hurt young ran desperately down the street spitting her failure, she was not crazy, only had wounds in his heart for that ungrateful love that has beaten her, although he was very young fell in love with the wrong person who at first tricked her with dazzling Gestures and compliments, was a man much older than her, and her experience allowed her to know how to touch her fragile heart, she innocent fell into the networks of love, she gave herself with crazy unbridled passion, the simply made him believe that they were made for each other.

Laura missed every day of his behavior but love blindfolded him and clouded his reason, they already had several months of relationship and he knew almost nothing about his life. Although he was an excellent professional, his feelings were very unstable, he had double life and several adventures, among them Laura, who when she found that the love of her life constantly deceived her; he could not contain his tears, the sadness and the despair took her to the edge of madness, only thought in the sincere love that he delivered without condition in exchange filthy lies and detestable deception.

Image source

excellent i liked


Michel and Alex were great friends when they met Ann. She was a beautiful girl who studied finance at the same university as Michel.

The first time Michel saw Ann was in math classes, he liked it instantly and invited her to have a coffee. From that day Michel was always accompanied by Ann, and became his girlfriend.

One day Michel takes advantage of the fact that Alex, his best friend, moves to the city to introduce him to Ann. So he invited them both to dinner, the evening was great and to Michel's surprise, Alex and Ann got along very well.

The weeks passed and Michel noticed that his girlfriend for some time always had an excuse not to see him, this worried Michel a lot.

One day he decided to appear in the apartment of his friend Alex to ask for advice, when he knocked on the door, Ann opened him wearing Alex's shirt. Michel realized at that moment that his best friend and his girlfriend cheated him. Michel pushed Ann out of the door and hit Alex, then left the apartment. They both broke his heart.

Very good, I like!

The Promised Day

As he entered the cafeteria, Jose fixed his gaze on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He had to meet her so he approached to the table and introduced himself, her name was Ana. After spending time with her in an engaging conversation, Jose realizes that she is the woman he would like to marry.

Jose asks Ana to marry him on a beautiful beach facing the sea and they seal their love with a kiss and dreams of a life together. Ana feels happy and prepares for her wedding by buying the most beautiful dress and decorating the room with wonderful white lilies.

On the promised day, Ana arrives to the church on the arm of her father, relatives and friends await the entrance of the bride, but the bridegroom has not arrived the church and the bride is worried. After a while, a friend of hers informs everyone that a terrible accident has happened and Jose died in the place.

On the beach where she committed herself, Ana looks at the horizon and longs for the life she could have had with Jose, her heart is broken and not even time will heal that wound.

Source of Image


Sweets for Susanna

Pedrito is a ten-year-old boy and is playing at recess when he stumbles over someone who makes him fall, from the ground he saw a beautiful girl holding out his hand to help him get up, "excuse me, I did not see you coming" the girl said with a smile on her pink lips, she was Susanna, the new sixth grade student, she asked if he was okay but he could not speak as he looked at Susanna's face and her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to flash lights whenever she blinked with its long lashes. The girl left leaving Pedrito fully enchanted, he had fallen in love for the first time.

The next day at school he anxiously waited for recess and spent all of his allowance on sweets, he looked for Susanna and saw her with another boy, Pedrito burst out in jealousy and started to walk towards them, but a boy clashed with him throwing it to the ground along with all the sweets, Susanna approached Pedrito who stretched his arm, but the girl took several sweets from the ground, turned her back to him and went with her friend laughing at Pedrito.

good story!

Hello everybody. Here's my short story. I hope you like.


The sunset of love

Daniel was 62 years old and fell in love with Mary, a 21-year-old girl. They decided to live together. Everything seemed perfect. Until three years later, he had a heart attack and for his treatment, he could not please her in bed as before.

One day, he came home early and he heard moans and voices in his bedroom. He felt immense frustration and anger and decided to wait for them to leave the room.

Daniel looked for a gun on the desk in his studio and waited for them at the door. When he saw the man, he shot him and so he told her: "I gave you all my love and trust,If you had wanted to leave, I would have let you go. Because with you, I enjoyed my last years as a fiery lover, instead of having chosen someone to share old age with me with little passion, but with a lot of love and understanding". He hit her and after she was unconscious, he strangled her.

The newspapers referred the crime with the following title: "65-year-old man killed the murderer and rapist of his couple before he escaped."

I liked it, very good

very good!!!!!!


Like any other day, I grabbed my morning cup of coffee and headed to the office to begin my day of work. I sipped my coffee quietly as I worked on a pencil sketch, preparing myself for calls to start coming through the queue. I had only been on the clock for one minute when a call comes in on my cell phone; I don't recognise the phone number, but the area code is familiar to my hometown. I answer the call, shutting myself off from the queue, an uneasy feeling wafts over me.

There was a doctor on the phones with news about my Dad. He had been brought to the hospital the night before. The doctor tells me that my Dad has a massive inoperable bleed in the centre of his brain, and I need to get there as soon as possible to say goodbye, while he is still lucid. Broken-hearted, I gather my husband and kids, and we make the journey home. Eight hours later we arrive.

"Daddy," I say, "I'm here," tears streaming down my face. I think there was some recognition that we were there, but he could no longer speak.


I read the contest theme again and again and I could only smile bleakly because it hit me straight to the pieces of my broken heart and brought back painful memories.

Dayo the guy who innocently broke my heart had been my colleague since my first year, we worked together, read and even led groups together but I never felt anything towards him until my final year. The relationship started so innocently and so beautifully, he was the first guy I would open my heart to and he loved me right back. The memories are making my eyes teary now but truthfully we were just too perfect together and I was considering for the first time in my life changing my stance on marriage.

Well, this was until a fateful Saturday morning I rushed over to his place to iron my clothes and I met this beautiful young girl on his bed. They were playing scrabble together and I desperately wanted to believe she was just a friend but his next words shattered me completely.

“Tolani, have you met my girlfriend?”

I stumbled blindly out of the room; my heart was broken forever, never to trust love again.


The autistic child

There was once, a child who was 12 years old, was an autistic aspenger, he attended school every day, he liked music. He excelled in numbers even though he was very intelligent, people judged him because of his condition, but how little friends he had he treated them like brothers.
He was a noble and simple boy, with dreams and aspirations. One of his thoughts was to become an engineer and have many friends despite his young age, excelled in school and the schoolmates got very involved with him because it bothered them to get good grades.
He cried because in spite of being a good student, the teachers and classmates got involved with him, laughed at his vocabulary but also caused them envy because they were not as intelligent and beautiful as him.
In spite of the psychological abuse, in his broken heart, he did not keep any kind of grudge and he promised that when he was an adult he would help people with his same condition. In a school project, working hard he was careful and was the best in the class and he showed everyone that despite his difficulties, he was no less than the others.

Chris walked alone through the park as a cool breeze ruffled his jacket. He stopped and looked at the bench he had sat on a thousand times. That’s where he had met his girlfriend, with Mika. He brushed his cheek with his coat sleeve. People walked by; smiling, laughing. Picking up his pace Chris had to get out of there. Then he saw the red fire hydrant. That’s where Mika had always stopped. Chris slunk down to one knee.

“You okay?” An old man stopped and gently placed his hand on Chris’s shoulder.

“Sorry, it’s just my...” Chris hid his face as his shoulders heaved up and down.

“I’m sure it’s not so bad, whatever it is.”

“T-thanks, I’ll be fine.” Chris picked himself up and nodded at the old man. He hurried home. Opening the door to the apartment his girlfriend was there, waiting.

“Hi, baby.”


She looked at his red bloodshot eyes and embraced him in a tight hug.

“Don’t go to the park baby, you’re just torturing yourself.” She stroked his hair.

“I know. It’s just... it was Mika’s favorite spot. God, I miss my dog.”

I Lost the Girl I intended to Keep

I started talking to a girl online. At first, I thought nothing than just friends, we started talking day and night constantly, we made each other smile so, we decide to meet each other until one day I realize that I fell for her. We met again and again and we became bestfriends and suddenly we were in a relationship.
Months went by we were strong until years passed arguments came. We always go through every problems we have, whenever one of us messed up we always forgave each other but this time I thought I started loosing feelings and she starting to feel unwanted so, she broke up on me eventhough it's really hard for her. She didn't know what to do, she cried most nights.
Months went by, I started to think that I miss her, that I still love her but I found out that somebody who made her happy.
She's gone! and now, I'm the one crying at night knowing that she belongs to somebody else and all that's left are memories.
I lost the girl I intended to keep.


Troy: Hi babe! Happy 9th anniversary to us! I love you.
Shane: Happy 9th anniversary too babe. I love you too!
Troy: Babe I have something for you. :)
Shane: Oh really? what is that?

(Troy gave a doll to Shane)

Shane: What is this?! I'm expecting more than this!

Shane was angry and left without the explanation of Troy.
The next day troy went to Shane's house.

Troy: I'm sorry if you did not like the doll what I gave to you.
Shane: What do you think of me? You know what? Let's just stop this relationship!

Shane shut the door but Troy did not leave. After a few minutes Shane came out.

Shane: What are you still doing? Go away!
Troy: I just want to give this doll to you. I hope you accept it.

Troy gave the doll back and Shane took it but she thrown it on the road. Troy ran to take the doll but there was a car coming and hit him. Troy died after the accident.

After a few days, Shane notice something inside the dolls pocket. There's a ring and a letter. "Will you marry me?"

17 Minutes 17 Seconds

Four drops of tears rolled down my phone screen as I went off the phone. I watched them thin; from round chubby drops I watched, till they became faint sticky stripes on my phone screen.

The torrent of tears from my eyes came stronger as the phone call lengthened. With head on a pillow and phone placed against the ear, the escaping tears effortlessly flowed downwards, sealing the gap between the screen and my right cheek.

Beep beep beep, and the call was up with impressions created all over; a broken heart, a resounding voice in the head, noisy ears, flattened wet right cheek, weak right arm, tired neck and eyes lustrous from glossy tears. Yes, noisy ears. Noisy from disbelief- for same ears heard soothing words months ago.
Heartbreaking; so it was, for just in 1037 secs, a gigantic love story collided against an iceberg that robbed off on it. As cold as ice it has become, but it was once hot as the northern sunshine.

Owning no blames, the tears rolled down faithfully till the heart found momentary solace. The beginning had them, yet the end had them to witness.

Is that contest running now? @stach

Yes. Read the rules.

It was an icy cold night.

After the heavy downpour, it was still drizzling. Sarah wrapped herself up in a blanket while waiting for Ejor to return. She could do with a little warmth from the man she loved.

She has always been head over heels for him ever since they met at the University. The day Ejor proposed she literally melted like icecream. His charm was unbelievable. He had his way with words and that made her feel so loving. But there was a very dark side.

Her friends think he’s a ‘player’. Sarah’s friend Amaka said she had seen him on many occasions frolicking with an unknown girl in the club. But that was almost 2years ago in their school days. When she confronted him, he confessed, assuring her that nothing happened between him and the said girl.

Now is it a de-javu? Ever since he got this promotion at his office, he has been keeping late nights. Today before he left, she made him promise he will come back early. It’s her birthday afterall. The time is 2:15am and her fiancee isn’t home. Then she got the text that left her forever broken hearted…

Thanks @stach for this opportunity!

There once a man named Robert where he work as a bagger or packager in a mall in their city. One day he did saw a new employee in the mall where he work,
her name is Rosa. Robert fell in love with the girl so he try to court Rosa. Many days past and Rosa become his girlfriend , which makes Robert really happy.
One day when Robert is about to go into mall for work , he did see Rosa with another male smiling to each other. So he approach Rosa and ask who the is. But Rosa tells Robert that the new man named Kurt is her new boyfriend , which Rosa immediate break up with Robert. Robert was so sad and really broken hearted.

Join us in Discord.This post has been resteemed by @msp-africa courtesy of @ejemai from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

This is a great contest and I think you are doing great work and I'd like to support your efforts with what I can do. Something I can do is make simple promotional animated videos and I'd be happy to make some for you.

Currently I'm making animated videos to promote steem contests outside of steem for free (I announced the offer here) and I'd be happy if you decided you want one to promote your contests and spread the word about steem in the meantime.

Here's the first one I made about a sports contest, but I'll be happy to revamp it to fit what you are doing.

We can also work on a promo video like this one for the accelerator hub in general.

Hello Dave, thank you and we are interested in getting stuffs like these for the purposes of promotion. Are you on Steemit Chat or Discord? @ejemai will contact you.

I'm on, should get on Discord, but haven't done so yet.

Seated, on the glass stool,
with her eyes tossed between the calendar
on the wall and the last pictures in her phone of
her husband-to-have-been. BROKEN HEARTED, Bola couldnt hold back
the tears as they rolled down her "tender"cheeks (as Jide
would always say). Exactly four years gone today, and it seems
like he's been gone since Adam. Memories of their
last moments together still played fresh in her
head. In her thoughts, she could still feel the warmth of his breathe
on her neck, his kisses on her forehead, not forgetting the tickles
from his stubbles. She had gone through hell
and back since she lost Jide to a ghastly car accident. "Jide, if only
you had listened to me about that Trip", she could hear herself
in her now shaky voice.....
"Mummy" entered Temi, her 3-year-old daughter whom she had wit him. She would tell him about the pregnancy on his return but...
"are you crying again"? Asked the little voice. "I want more tea"

Hello, this is my entry post for this contest, I hope you enjoy it. Special thanks go to @stach for creating this contest.

Its titled "The Birthday Gift"

He woke up the next morning to the joyous chants from every one around.
It was his 10th birthday, he had anticipated this day for weeks and it was finally here.
Smiles and tears made contact for the first time in a long while on his cheeks.
They were tears of joy.
He rarely had such moments.

Presents followed after the usual rhythm that represents a birthday celebration. A particular gift struck him, it was a number he accidentally stumbled upon, the number of his father....

His old man was finally in Nigeria.
He had left years ago to seek for a better live for their family.
With joy he dialled the number, he had not hear from his dad since he was 4yrs. The call was answered, it was his old man, he was ecstatic, his voice was the only memory he had held onto for years.
He was sure it was his father
He introduced himself, this was the one gift he had prayed so hard for, only to hear on the other side of the call....

Sorry I don't know who you are followed by the disconnection tone.

my name is Kate. love they say is the greatest gift. i never believed it till i clocked 18 years. a lot of people are always dreadful of that age, but me, i was very happy to finally be of age for a lot of adult things. little did i know that adulthood is overrated.
it was on the night of my birthday, cake, drinks, food and anything you find in all those teenage parties were available and surplus. i wasn't a virgin but i had never fallen in love before, but as faith would have it, i met josh who was older than me but i fell in love with him regardless. he was with me through out the night, we danced, kissed and made out. i felt like a queen with him. i was coming from getting a drink when i saw josh making out with my friend and telling her that i am nothing to him and she smiled to it. i was heart broken by my friend and love. truth be told, till today i still love josh with all my heart even more than my boyfriend but whenever i remember him i still feel heartbroken.

Adeola Broken Hearted Ordeal
Adeola woke up very early in the morning having an unsleepness night, his heart was troubled, his face look completely freightened was what john his younger brother told their father when he asked about the where about of his elder brother.
Adeola came back in the evening with a stammering voice i have lost my money, time, knowledge, and shout saying everything, the whole world hate me.
I have lost all my shares, the stock market just went down also my bank account have been hacked.
His father was trying to console him, he continued saying i saw this happening in my dream must it happen in the real life.

One Last Time

These were the houses in which we partied. Where we drank and consummated what we had. New Rochelle Road fused into the Morgue Street I realized. The junkies were now beginning to populate the streets. They were as ubiquitous as autumn leaves. I recognized a few of them after Peter slowed to point them out to me. I watched them drink and snort and smoke when I was in high school.

They offered me snorts and pills. But every time they did, I pulled closer to you. I only managed to do a few puffs off a spliff, but even that was too much for me. Those were the days before the white lady. When ganja and cocaine were the worst that could happen. You drew lines off my breast after we made love, then you stayed up all night having conversations with yourself. I tried, but I couldn’t snort. It was just not for me. The only thing I could do outside of studying was give myself to you. That was my purpose. And I was at ease in that role.

You left, it was ten years ago. And still, my heart is in shards.

Our relationship started well with the fire of love burning in our hearts like the unquenchable flame of hell. I was even ready to let go of my destiny if it will be an hinderance to our relationship.
After six years of courtship, we agreed to get married; the date was fixed and we started preparations.
On that fateful day, friends, families and well wishers gathered In the church to celebrate with us. I was really happy with smiles on my face waiting for my wife to be to come so we could start the church service. Then my phone vibrated and I reached for it to check; behold it was a message from my heart desire which read
"I am sorry to say this but I can't go on with this marriage, I love you but I love your best friend more".
My heart stopped beating, sweats covered my body, my body temperature raised up So high. I remembered all the good times we had, the warnings of my friends, looked at everyone in the church and I fainted.

He was everything that i've ever wanted. I didn't expect him to come into my life and give me all his love.

I was seating on a park bench and I was holding my phone with my eyes closed. I was wishing for something because its 11:11. Call me childish but i do that. As i opened my eyes there was a man standing in front of me and he asked me immediately if was i okay.
I smiled and i told him i'm fine. And in that small talk it turned into long night calls. Our relationship grew and become deeper. He would always call or text me at 11:10 just to remind me and at 11:11 were both wishing for our dreams. He never failed to make me feel his love for me.

But i'd never thought one day he would leave me with a broken heart.
I'd never thought that love could be this painful and i'll never love this way again
I close my eyes and wish. And this time i would always wish he would be back into my arms.

My loving heart became a "cold rock" the day I went out for a meeting to secure my First contract. After two hours of closed door meeting with the manager of Real Life Agency, I came out smiling, eager to go home to celebrate with my "one week old wife".
Indeed it was a double celebration for me as I drove off back home like James Bond to break the good news to my darling. The gate of our was not closed, so I went in.
The loud music from the home theatre couldn't have allowed anyone to know someone came in. I opened the door to the bedroom and i saw my best friend on my wife. I was dumbfounded, couldn't utter a word. They both knelt down begging me with "a face of regrets". I quietly left them letting my silence speak for me. Indeed my heart was broken into pieces that cannot be assembled together