In 1916, when the world was at war, there was a soldier who was drafted to the front lines in Stockholm. His name was Melvin. When he got there he found that casualties were very high and the commanding officer was using a wrong tactics resulting in the death of his troops. Determined not to die he chose to approach the commanding officer about a more practical approach. He suggested that they utilize the strategy of guile and stealth rather than a frontal approach as their foes were more numerous than they were.
The commanding officer heeded the idea and they designed an elaborate plan to outwit their enemy. Their plan worked and they were able to reclaim the frontiers of Stockholm. Following this strategy saved the British many soldiers and Melvin went down into history as the man that helped win the war. But what no one really saw was the humility of the commanding officer who knew that accepting to implement a new plan from a low ranking officer was the stitch in time that saved nine. Melvin may have had his name etched in history but he made the humble decision to save lives.