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RE: Flat Earth= CIA disinformation campaign

in #conspiracy7 years ago

And you have no answers just a need to argue. How about an honest discussion on every point instead of hostility? racist morons and religious dupes do not speak for me and I can't say if the earth is flat or not no one can. But the nasa lies and the obvious fact that the sun and moon are closer than what we are told should be enough to want real answers. Because you felt like you won an argument with someone that can't argue does not validate your position no one person speaks for everyone who believe the earth is flat. I believe its most likely flat until we have proof and all they have to do is show us a real picture we haven't gotten one yet you don't find that to be the smoking gun? cause I do it very simple show us the ball or as neil tyson says now the pear even though ever photo released by NASA is perfectly round and the continents and colors do not match one from another. How much proof do you need? what would be proof for you? All your responses to real arguments is a smart ass remark whos being immature here?