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RE: I Wonder What I Will Do Today.....

Sounds like in addition to suffering from SAD, you are suffering from guilt. If those were my piles of stuff, I wouldnt give a rip about what other people might think. In fact I seem to get a little comfort from having some stuff around. I honestly love to have things that belonged to those that have passed that I loved. For instance the table Im typing this on was from Gramps dining room. He sat right where I am drinking his morning coffee, and I like that.


The SAD thing about the dark days could be real and maybe a little guilt too, I mean, I have no valid reason to leave anything undone. It's not like I'm "too busy" to get to it, I have loads of extra time.... and yet, I definitely don't spend it wise or maybe I should say responsibly.

Yet, for some weird reason that I don't understand, I still seem content the majority of the time. It makes no sense... .and yet that's still the way it is.

I had to come back and add on. I think that is sweet that you have your Gramps table and can sit where he sat. I love things like that. I have a few small items that belonged to my Grandmother, not a chair or table, but a few other smaller things and I have a couple of them in my kitchen. I love seeing them and thinking about her.