Play the game together.

in #colt6 months ago

We all win, working together.

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I see on twitter and on Hive. People are concerned about the value of the tokens they hold. I wonder how much those who have created a game, have made from the game. There is also concern about the value of NFT's that just keep falling in value.
The falling of a tokens and NFT's value's were highlighted by myself with the first game Splinterlands. On day one of hearing about the development of the game. I will give aggroed credit for his brain power in how he organised the start of the game. That was feckin genius and most everyone missed it. A common thing when one is placed as an idol. I do not know aggroed on a personal basis. But I did try rip into him in DM's from time to time. My feeling is I was dismissed because of stature not the words.

If you read any of that as against anyone. Then you are a feckin eejit for not reading what is being said. I think aggroed knows I respect his mind while not knowing the person. Well he has never turned against me for speaking out my thoughts. Either has any of the witness for the times I spoke against the words they typed.

Looking at the responses others at times got from people with the HP. I might be lucky to have survived as well as I have here on Hive. I have had luck in gaining support for my thoughts and what they may be able to do if put to practise.

The structures are the reason why the values drop. All games rely on the continuation of new players from a limited number of players.

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Each time I have spoke about the value of something I get the same reply. Value is determined by the markets. Stronger the demand for something the greater the price becomes. To some extent this is true. It is the way things work in todays society. This method has been developed over many generations. A method of devaluation or increase in cost of living. It does not have to be so. When you work for 50 years and your pension is not enough to live on. That is by intent design. It does not need to be so.

The creation of a new value system can be made now. Crypto enabled that. Sure was BTC not meant to remove some of the power from the banking system. Why did that fail?

It failed because all of crypto falls in to the FIAT game.

Games on Hive need more than just players to survive. They should also invite players from other chains to make use of Hive to earn their crypto's. The unfortunate part of this, people want the crypto to turn to FIAT. Who can blame them?

Support need for game tokens.

@splinterland @terracore @woo @exode @dcity @cryptoshots @risingstar @apeminingclub @drops @stardom

These are the game I know about. There is probably more out there too. All of those tokens need support in various ways. Players seem to be the main one that the games focus on. For the game unfortunately it needs much more than that. They all seem to fail in bring new and retaining the new players, sometimes even the original players.

The ability to see the needs the game will need in the future, are dismissed as far as I can see. When speaking of it, the title of shit stirrer and it is your choice to play or not is thrown back. There is truth in that. I ask all of the players though, why they play. The most common theme is to grow finance or to support their lifestyle or improve it. Hodling in hopes for a future.

Has any game actually done this long term?

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Demand value.

Going back to demand. I brought about a demand for a token COLT. The acronym stands for Cherry Orchard Loyalty Token. It will expand its reach and ability to provide to the local community. Then expand to other area's. Currently with an average buy of €55 a week to purchase the COLT token. The release value of this token will increase in by just under 5% at the end of April. An increase in purchase power is expected, in the next two weeks. There is more HIVE stored in the @huckleberrie account than purchase to ensure no one gets stung. A buy wall of 500 HIVE has also been established to ensure minimum loss should anyone need to cash out.

Risk should be avoided as much as possible. This should be provided by the game makers/token creators.

Anyone making a token or game should does much as they can to ensure those who might buy in to their game. Does so with the minimum of risk to their finance investment to the game. This is an obligation in my view. I do not see that happening with any game. From what I have seen. The Risingstargame has done most to try ensure this. Longer term I do have some doubts. Various reasons for this which I would only go in to with Jux. The risingstargame does hold unique features though. Kudos for that.

In bringing about demand for the COLT token, the value is rising. One increase of 5 has already happened. A buy wall at the initial release value has begun with 500 HIVE buy wall just below. This token can support all of the game tokens and the NFT value to the tokens.

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Is it just the players who want to retain value for the token or NFT?
Do the game makers want this too.
My history here shows anyone who has tried the experimental test to this project have all gained in HIVE from participation.

I want to do this again supporting more than just one token. By coming together, this can be done to support all of the games tokens and NFT's on the chain.

Additionally it will bring more players to the Hive chain. Because the values of what is offered will remain and possibly increase the purchase power of the tokens utilised.

Current holders of COLT.


Snook Marshalmugi Tommys shop were the original investors to the project and created the demand for the token held now. Those purchases were done at the first mention of the token and gained the best value for HIVE. A total of 34 account have held the token. Some given out as reward for support to other test cases. 12 of them sold the token. This did delay the buy wall for a short time. By the 1st of march expect purchase should increase to €80 - €100 per week.

For the individual.
This token offers it will repurchase any COLT at an increasing value in relation to HIVE as time passes.

For games.
The same can be done or an alternative option can be locked. This would require game investment to the token. The COLT token would ensure a purchase of the game token or NFT or both token and NFT, depending on the wish of the game creator.

If you would like to gain support for the tokens or NFT's you hold. Campaign your game creator to discuss prospects. Encourage them to invest to the future of the game. Where has all the finance gone that was put to these games? That now they want to fleece more from the blockchain DAO to support the games. Using a proposal to provide themselves with more finance after the initial finance was claimed and used for? Obviously not to support the future and value the game can offer.

The token can also help with support for front ends.

Get this right and we can create a decentralised currency and remove that power the banking corporate system hold over the daily lives of people all around the world.

To do this I invite all witness to participate with HP HIVE or HBD support. In return. We establish a multi sign for the release of any funds to grow the ability to support and grow the values of the features Hive can offer. Tagging the witness in hope they might see a future available.

@gtg @arcange @blocktrades (Thank you for previous support, It helped to get me here). @stoodkev @steempeak @good-karma @ausbitbank @themarkymark @therealwolf @rolandp @deathwing @quochuy @ocd-witness @acidyo @yabapmatt (This is something I seen on X you want) And the DAo is not needed). @smooth.witness @guiltyparties @abit @emrebeyler @pharesim @threespeak @engrave @mahdyari (We discussed this). @anyx @howo @someguy123 @curie @leofinance @cryptobrewmaster @jesta @drakos @timcliff @town-hall @actifit @cervamtes @brianoflondon (I gave you support twice when requested). @cervantes @neoxian @pizza.witness @thebeardflex @disregardfiat (This does that)/ @hextech @aggroed @aliento @r0nd0n @steemitboard @ura-soul @rishi556 @steempress @dalz @hivecuba @liketu @innerhive @reazuliqbal @c0ff33a (Thanks you for all your support). @apshamilton @fbslo @sagarkothari88 @louis.witness @detlev.witness @brofund @balaz @crowdwitness @qurator @cadawg @primersionm @stayoutoftherz @patrice @ndcommunity @klye @ctpch @wrestlingonline @bobonson @hiq.witmess @empo.witness @hispapro @la-colmena @igormuba @kevinwong @discovery-it @jedigeiss @blue-witness @fermandosoder @liotes @earn.hive @crypt0gnome @nuthman @atexoras @cervisia @dimeilaz @techcoderx @schmoogleosukami @crimsonclad (Because I brought this to your attention many times. Maybe this time).

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Free to play:

Music game:

Get involved.


You spelt my name wrong as most people tend to do :p

Anyways.. My understanding is you want to make a DHF proposal and/or witnesses to provide some level of financial buy support for tokens for games?

Problem with that is WHY? Honestly the game should have build into it's tokinomics some way to provide buy support to support their tokens. They should have taken into account inflation speed of their tokens and many other factors when creating it and already have in place mechanisms to support the token be it external revenue or w/e.

Many have in fact done just that, even still they struggle, not enough revenue not enough players. Most games don't have much presense on twitter/X or other social media, they make no effort or just don't dedicate a little bit of time each day to maintaining socialmedia presense.

Honestly... it's not a completely mad idea. but I'd like requirements on games to actually TRY exist for real and actually have a presense outside of hive so they actually get new users. If you don't shill and build a presense they will never come.

But the chance of a DHF proposal like this getting funded is basically 0. DHF is hardly functioning properly as it is with serious lack of engagement.

Have a go either way, Personally it's not something I'd support.


It's like BTC can DWTF it wants. But when it drops. Hive should be the ship people jump to.

Please, do not mass tag people

I am in a few group tags. I have also, over the last 6 years, been tagged in a lot of posts.
I find that if I just ask the person who wrote the post to not tag me they don't.

I do not see anything in this post where tagging Witnesses is a bad thing. To me good Witnesses should be informed about the whole chain and what is going on.

If you stay only in your own bubble on Hive, do you really know what is good for the greater good?

This is a question all Witnesses should ask themselves before they sign up.

The little people saved Hive or some could say made Hive. If not for ALL the people coming together there would not have been a Hive. Something to keep in mind.

Have a wonderful evening.

I generally do not tag anyone.
But witness is suppose to have the best interest of the chain in mind.
And witness who show they do, well they get the growing support I will bring.
As you are concerned, I tagged you. The rest of the tags do not concern you. That is to grab the attention of other witness. If you hold no interest. All you have to do is say no interest. Then I will never mention you again.

I am sure the rest of the witness do not wish for you to express their feelings.