You may remember Julia from a few weeks ago. A favorite place of mine was abloom with yellow poppies and purple lupines! Today @chriskautzer and I are going to check on the status of this year's wildflowers, so I thought I'd share some beautiful purple lupines for Purple Sunday! Hopefully I'll have some wildflower news when I report back from today's adventure!
If we find flowers, and you pay me in snacks, I may recreate these photos as the model for you today...mayhaps.
I have it in writing
I really like her dress....of all things to mention right?
The second photo looks 3D and the model is a perfect contrast for those flowers - both the lupines and the yellows in the last photo.
I thought I was the only one who said mayhaps. Then I see it here, from your hubby.
very beautiful, colors are elegant, amazing, @jhoni likes, thanks for sharing, @joleenwillis😊