What is the truth MONOATOMIC GOLD ? Does it have, Medical, Energy, & other uses?

in #colloidal7 years ago

What is the truth MONO-ATOMIC GOLD ? Does it have, Medical, Energy, & other uses?

Easily make colloidal gold at home Do you know anything about this? 01goldcoldial href=”>purpleGold https://scrapgoldexpert.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/what-is-the-truth-monoatomic-gold-does-it-have-medical-energy-other-uses/ WhitePowderGold /products all over the world.


Supplies needed:
.9999 Silver bar, coin, or wire
.9999 Gold bar, coin, or wire
12 volt battery
mason jar
boiling pot
2 copper wires with alligator clips
2 clothespins
distilled water
salt (I used Alaea Hawaiian sea salt )

Bring water to a boil in the boiling pot. Fill the mason jar half way with distilled water, add a pinch of salt, and shake it up well. Then place the jar in the boiling water. Use one of the alligator clip wires to attach the silver to the negative (-) pole of the battery. Put the silver halfway in the water making sure that nothing else, like the alligator clip, is in the water. Then attach the clothespin to hold the wire in place. Attach the Gold to the positive (+) pole of the battery using the other wire and make for certain that only gold in in the water.

Let it sit for 45 minutes and if you did it correctly you should have a pinkish red color like you can see in this video. If you see any other colors in the water it has been contaminated and you need to throw it out and begin again.

In this video, I detached the positive pole to show you that the bubbles aren’t from boiling but rather the electrolysis. You can also note the pinkish color of the water indicating it’s almost ready

If you wish to make colloidal silver, copper, or platinum simply replace the gold with another metal and make for certain it’s plugged into the positive (+) pole. No boiling is necessary either with the other metals. Only with gold is boiling required.

A Brief History of The Health Support Uses of Gold

The earliest records of the use of gold for medicinal and healing purposes come from Alexandria, Egypt. Over 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians ingested gold for mental, bodily and spiritual purification. The ancients believed that gold in the body worked by stimulating the life force and raising the level of vibration on all levels.

The Alchemists of Alexandria developed an “elixir” made of liquid gold. They believed that gold was a mystical metal that represented the perfection of matter, and that its presence in the body would enliven, rejuvenate, and cure a multitude of diseases as well as restore youth and perfect health.

Colloidal Gold

If metallic gold is divided into fine particles (sizes ranging from one to one hundred billionths of a meter) and the par-ticles are permanently suspended in solution, the mineral becomes known as Colloidal Gold and exhibits new properties due to the larger amount of gold surface area available.

Colloidal Gold was first prepared in a pure state in 1857 by the distinguished English chemist, Michael Faraday. Many uses were found for the amazing solutions of “activated gold.”

In 1890, the German bacteriologist Robert Koch discovered that compounds made with gold inhibited growth of the bacillus that caused tuberculosis and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery.

In the nineteenth century, Colloidal Gold was commonly used in the United States to cure alcoholism (then called dip-somania, defined as the uncontrollable craving for alcoholic liquors), and today it is used to reduce dependency on al-cohol, caffeine, nicotine, and carbohydrates.

In the United States, as far back as 1885, gold had been known for its healing capabilities for the heart and improved blood circulation. And gold has been used to treat arthritis continuously since 1927. Europeans have long been aware of the benefits of gold in the system and have been buying gold-coated pills and ‘Gold Water’ over the counter for well over 100 years.

Modern Uses

The body’s temperature stabilizing mechanism is restored to balance with gold, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, and night sweats.

Colloidal Gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It is used to improve men-tal attitude and emotional states. It has been reported to promote a feeling of increased energy, will power, mental focus and libido. According to many studies, colloidal gold increases mental acuity and the ability to concentrate. Col-loidal gold is thought to strengthen mental function by increasing the conductivity between nerve endings in the body and on the surface of the brain.

Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic and exhibits no interactions with other drugs, and is the only heavy metal that has a right-hand atomic spin and is therefore easily tolerated by the body.

The fabulous healing properties of gold are slowly but surely being rediscovered, as modern scientists and physicians uncover what the ancients seem to have known all along: That gold is indeed a very precious metal.

The Book of the Dead refers to hyper-dimension realm called the Field of Mfkzt, which is now determined as a superconductive energy field of high-spin metallurgy. With modern physicists, Laurence Gardner has ascertained that mfkzt(monatomic gold) was the secret of the pharaoh’s rite of passage to Afterlife, and was directly associated with the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant,as revealed by inscriptions at the Sinai mountain temple of Moses.

With the old science now rediscovered,GOLD is fast becoming established as a logistically placed source material to the detriment of its traditional value as a currency reserve. As Laurence Gardner details, the advantages of the revived technology are astounding,especially in the fields of medicine and space travel, but the political and social implications of IMF-approved national bullion sales could be very threatening if not contained.

No reason is given in the Bible as to why the Ark of the Covenant was so richly contrived.It is portrayed as having awesome and deadly powers,but these are not explained. What was the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Ark? What were its relationships to the Golden Fleece and the Philosopher’s Stone? What is the Philosopher’s Stone and how does it work? By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar and Royal Society archives.

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark reveal the secret of Royal Arch Freemasonry. In quantum mechanics, NASA scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two places at once. In fact,through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be manipulated;teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant material is now heralded for air transport, and virtual science has led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional existence.

In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Laurence Gardner reveals that the keys to all this are: A-mfkzt -referred to by the Institute of Advanced Studies as “exotic monatomic matter”, and B-the amazing technology of Superconductivity -acclaimed by the Center for Advanced Study as the most remarkable physical property in the universe.

It is clear however that the attributes of superconductors and gravity defiance were known in a distant world of priestly levitation, godly communication and the phenomenal power of the Electrikus.

Monatomic Gold is a truly exotic substance. Highly-valued by ancient cultures for it’s “mystical properties” and “magical powers”, it is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it. Monatomic gold has been used throughout history to heal, encourage spiritual growth and enlightenment and even affect “gravity, space and time”. Monatomic Gold is proving to be quite literally a unique “gift from the gods” that we are rediscovering in this time of spiritual need

Evolution is totally natural nutritional supplement which contains large amounts of naturally occurring Monatomic Gold, provided from the very best organic ingredients. It is also cram packed with all the nutrients necessary to encourage and promote superior health and is the only product of its kind available today. When you add Evolution to your diet you are supplying your body with large amounts of health-giving Monatomic Elements plus antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll with no effort or major change in your diet or lifestyle. That’s priceless in today’s hectic world!

Modern Science Is Confirming The Knowledge of Our Ancestors

Monatomic Gold or “the Philosophers Stone” has literally been worshipped throughout history for it’s “unbelievable” powers. That’s only to say unbelievable because until recently, science has not been able to determine what it actually did. Today, research is confirming the advanced understanding of monatomic elements that cultures such as the Egyptians had thousands of years ago. Ancient texts have shown that the Pharoahs were fed “sho-bread” containg Monatomic Gold as they were considered worthy of the spiritual enlightenment, heightened awareness and increased life span it was reputed to deliver. It was considered too important to be given to “ordinary” humans. Ancient “priestly scientists” were well-aware of the enhancements monatomic elements made to the human body and DNA as well as helping transcend the spirit to a higher state of evolution. The Sumerians recorded that the gods, or the Annunaki as they called them, came down from heaven and seeded mankind. A few selected humans were chosen to rule the rest as the “representatives” of the gods and were fed monatonic gold (also called Starfire) which made them more intelligent and able to rule the workers.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQvA-8V9t0Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7i-SJlGh3M


Thank you for sharing this. Very interesting... I can see myself experimenting with alchemy someday :) hehe