<p dir="auto">她巧笑嫣然的样子和关切的话语,让他所有的不爽情绪都烟消云散,并且有一点点小自得,哼,还来打探消息还来警告我,莫非真的以后他是老乡我就要给他面子?莫非真的以为收了我五元钱的社团费就真成了我的领导了?也不照照镜子,明显没有我帅嘛。从来对自己相貌不太自信的他,此刻或许因为酒精的缘故,竟然开始变得自信满满了,破有种普天之下,舍我其谁的感慨。
<p dir="auto">“哈哈,谁敢欺负我?谁能欺负得了我?”他这样回复,觉得自己这样好帅好帅。她扑哧一笑,用手半掩一下小嘴,“没想到,你还这么厉害呀?”他有些赧然,觉得自己的牛皮吹得有点大了,“呵呵呵呵”他尴尬的笑着,伸手去够啤酒瓶,脑海中不合时宜的响起了一段歌曲:
<p dir="auto">喝完了这杯,请进点小菜<br />
人生能得几回醉,不欢更何待<br />
[白] 来,来,来,喝完这杯再说吧!<br />
<p dir="auto">和她同桌喝酒聊天,恍然如梦。酒醒以后,她还在吗? <code>今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月想想有点悲怆呢?她的手并没有够到酒瓶,因为被她拦了下来。不知何时,她已经从他的对面座位来到他的旁边。“别喝酒了,喝多伤身体,我给你要了些茶水。”
<p dir="auto">于是,这桌上就有了这样奇怪的一幕,他一大杯一大杯的灌茶水,她一大杯一大杯的给他斟茶水。歌声响起,依然是时下最流行的《月亮惹的祸》,不知道社团的哪位男成员这么有才,唱得和原唱有得一拼。
<p dir="auto">我承认都是月亮惹的祸<br />
那样的夜色太美你太温柔<br />
才会在刹那之间<br />
<p dir="auto">他抬起头看向窗外,没有看到月亮,只能看到楼下街道上的车水马龙以及对面高楼的灯火辉煌。“月亮都没出来,就赖月亮,有些过分”他暗暗想着,不过此时此刻,他真的想和太美太温柔的她,一起到白头。
<p dir="auto">正在恍惚,一杯热茶又送到跟前,他突然有些讨厌这个饭店,为什么要弄这么大的一个茶壶啊,这得装多少茶水,再喝下去,会不会撑死?不过宁愿撑死也要死撑,他不再是那个拒绝饮料女孩饮料的青涩男孩,虽然也不是什么情场老手,但是该讲究的礼仪还是要讲究一下,尤其是面对貌美如花且又心仪的学姐。
<p dir="auto">一杯一杯又一杯,刚刚还在讨厌这个饭店,现在竟然又有一些感激,这么大的茶壶,装了这么多茶水,才能让他们在一起聊这么久吧。
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Love is blessings
We've some amazing Chinese writers at Steemit and there are some translators as well. Someone should help Google translate Chinese articles into English because their translators are not even below average. The title of this post intrigued me so I put this article in Google Translator and here is how it translated it into English, "She clever smile and look at the words of concern, so that all his bad mood are vanished, and there is a little bit of small, hum, but also to inquire about the news to warn me, if he is really fellow I will give him face? Could it be really that I received five dollars of the community fee really became my leadership? Do not look in the mirror, obviously no me handsome thing. Never look at their own appearance is not self-confidence, at the moment perhaps because of alcohol's sake, even began to become full of confidence, broken under a kind of popular days, homes who my feelings.
"Haha, who would bully me? Who can bully me?" He replied, feel so handsome handsome. She Puchi smile, half of his hand to cover his mouth, "I did not think you are so powerful?" He was some Nangran, feel that their cowhide blowing a little big, "Oh Oh" he embarrassed smile, reach out Beer bottle, the mind out of time out of a song:"....
May be Google needs some funds to hire better translators. :D