lol moments with my family #5 - 欢声笑语5

in #cn7 years ago

lol Moments with My Family is a series I started in order to document the hilarious things my children (mostly my son at the moment) had said or done that cheered up an ordinary day. For the previous lol Moments post, you can go here.

A few days ago, whilst I was playing with my son, he suddenly enquired:

Dad, what is one late? 爸爸,什么是“one late“?


Huh? 啥?

“You know, One late, two late, three late...?”
爸爸,你知道的呀,one late, two late, three late......?

Dude, it’s ‘too late’ not ‘two late’! :)

拜托啦,那是“too late”, 不是two late。 (英文的too和two发音一样,所以我儿子以为是two late,那么既然有two,也会有1、3、4、5……,哈哈,小孩的思维方式好可爱!)


It’s been a tiring winter for my family with my son and daughter constantly getting sick, but they always cheer me up. Despite having a runny nose and cough, they are still constantly smiling and bringing joy to an ordinary day.



Oh, children are inspiring. And funny ☻

I once was caring for 2 little Scottish children, and they had really nice manners - but they did love to play! It was funny (and #fun), for they'd CLIMB me like I was a Tree !

The boy was just 1 and the girl 3 ... so they were "lightweights", and it did not hurt me.

The girl liked to remove macaroni (#pasta) from the bag and play with it [it made a mess, but she was so-o-o happy ]. These 2 LOVED to play so much, that it was a DELIGHT for me each day.

I Liked your last pic best, with the whole #family (oh, and a Llama ).

Here's a cute poem by a 12 Year old, called "A Day in the Life of Flora" :

There once was a girl named Flora
Who lived next to a forest full of fauna
She liked to eat a lot of pasta
But her favorite food was pizza
She had a llama
Who gave her mama
A whole bunch of drama
If she did not get her polka-dot pajamas.

Author : Aunika Alch

Hhaha. Thanks for sharing the story and poem. You are right, children can be so funny and inspiring. :)

Nothing is more precious and important than family, no matter what is the situation. children are so funny and cute also.

This is a great idea to record all off these precious moments. The kids are adorable. Believe it or not with time you do forget some of the funny things they said. Enjoy every moment it pass so soon! Thx for sharing!

Thanks Hope! Yes, this is the intention. It’s a way for us to record some precious memories, and hopefully they will be able to read these memories when they grow up.

he very that your son @nextgen622


哈哈,谢谢 :)

Hahahah! One late, two late, three late... Laugh so much! The kids really say very funny things and so nice to listen and understand it from their perspective! The winter has been long too here mate, and since one week my daughter and my wife are sick. Since two days now, I have been affected too.
But summer is just next door now.

Yes, kids are so funny sometimes. :) Hope you and your family get well soon mate. :) Definitely looking forward to warmer weather soon.

Very cute question! I like the way he thinks! Thanks for making me smile

I’m glad he made you smile. :)

oh my goodness, that is adorable about the one late, two late... etc. Thanks for sharing :)

He's so cute!! And the baby is adorable too! Lovely family :)

And hope the kids feel better!

Thank you very much. :)

You're welcome! :) Enjoy the evening (or day!)

Nice post @nextgen622. Love to the cute kids



Great pictures and very funny post. I am a great grandmother and I have learned that being in close relationship with the children of the family keeps me forever young.

Thank you. Yes, that’s so true, children can definitely keep us young. I can see that when my children play with their grandparents. :)

Children are gift from almighty God , we have to accept them and take good proper care of them. Nextgen622 you must be a good and caring father.

Yes, they are a gift from God. I try to be, but not always patient enough.

very cute kids :) documenting precious moments is a great idea :)

Beautiful Jesus quote! Thank you for sharing :)
Best wishes, - @splendorhub

Thanks. :)

哈哈哈 你小孩好可爱!

hahah that was some cool moments you spent their you will cherish them for life :) lovely pics :D

So cute photo. :)

Funny and loving post. The kid is way to cute

It's a very good album I like him.
@amjad upvote thanks

haha:) you may enjoying with your family, Expectation you and your family get well soon mate. :)

Really funny, thanks for sharing

Woow great pictures, wonderful moments, thx for sharing

Lol really funny post. ice pictures too make me want to travel.

Pls check out my short story you might enjoy it


happy family :)
nice kids


Great i always

so cute @@@@@@>>>>>>>

Hahaha sorry I've been quite busy with a lot of stuffs, too much is going on right now but dont be a stranger! I'd like to be the first to judge if it's funneh or not :D

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There is nothing better than a happy family

great post...upvote and resteem

So cute post, thanks for sharing:)

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