Thank you very much for your forgiveness and your time creating this answer, too.
Still I have to react on some assumptions you make. For myself: I've gone to a Highschool run by benedictine monks, and my mother was a "hardcore" system christian. I, too suggest to every person to read the bible as a mean to understand what our culture is. You cannot understand literature, art, poetry, morals and many other things going on, without having read the bible. This is anything other than trivial to me and pure logic, so far.
On the meta-level it is up to any person, what to make, feel, understand about it. I am glad to hear, that you found there what you needed.
I opened myself up to this platform in a way, that I did not do anywhere else and so I somehow repeat myself when I say:
I struggle and I am dependent on every Cent I earn, here and in real life. And I am angry often. Anger is an important tool and it is rightous you speak out against people that steal.
I have the impression that you think, I somehow spoke out FOR stealing, which I did not. Stealing is bad, it's immoral and there is no doubt about it (Even if someone did not read, understood or believes in the bible)
What I said (and probably that is due to my anarchist way of thinking) is, that there are better ways to make sure, that artist, musicians, poets, writers and also photographers earn their fair share. Using laws is a way, but outdated and creating at least as much harm as they are helpful. Using the bible or morals doesn't affect nonbelievers or amoral people.
To my knowing Christ used exactly ONE TIME in the whole new testament aggression to force someone, when he "kicked out" the bankers of his fathers temple. (one of my favourite parts of the NT)
Also, I am very glad to hear, that your day was not ruined. Most people would carry that anger for days and feed it (I myself tend to do this sometimes).
I think we have to change ourselves and our ways of doing things to make sure that content creators get their fair share (and multiple other things, that COULD be changed this way) instead of relying on a created force outside of ourselves ( state, laws, police, even morals).
Thanks again for your good reply. It's very difficult to get a feel about where people are really coming from in written dialog like this - no body language or facial expressions to read. I do get the feeling though, that you are a genuinely caring person.
I realize that non-Christians are not going to be affected by what I had to say. You are so right about that. My post was intended for the Christian community and not the community at large, though.
Non-Christians couldn't care less about what the Bible says, but for Christians it's God's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! LOL! Always doing what is right is not easy, but when we know that we have done something wrong, then it is up to us to correct that wrong.
That's why it was tagged "Christian." It was written as a post for Christians to read, as sadly I'm seeing the illegal usage of images in the Christian community too. If the reason is ignorance, then I intend to educate.
Have a wonderful Thursday!