“How can you say, ‘We are wise,
and the law of the Lord is with us’?
But behold, the lying pen of the scribes
has made it into a lie.”
- Jeremiah 8:8
Can you believe I've been writing "Curmudgeon's Bible" articles for almost seven years? That's why I find it hard to imagine it's taken me this long to realize how important today's subject is.
Hi, The Bible Curmudgeon here.
It's time for another rant about the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad choices made by the committees that do most Bible translations.
Fasten your seatbelts; today's episode is a doozie.
"Christ" ~MEANS~ "The King!" (source)
When Translated, "Christ" MEANS "The King!"
by Duncan Cary Palmer
I continue having sudden epiphanies about Bible words that have been poorly translated, or—in the case of today's subject—not translated at all.
The word "Christ" (Χριστός) is today's gripe.
What is your first thought when you hear the word "Christ?"
All too often we hear "Christ!" when someone is swearing. But consider its acceptable uses:
"Christ" is often part of the name of a denomination or church, as in "Churches of Christ," or "Christ Community Reformed Church." And if you read a typical English Bible, you will find "Christ" more than 500 times in the New Testament, and almost 40 times in the Septuagint (the most significant Greek translation of the Old Testament).
Perhaps it was the familiarity of seeing this word on every page that caused it to be "hidden in plain sight." Perhaps it is the fact that the vast majority of Bibles, along with all English literature, use "Christ" as if it were a proper name rather than the significant title that it is (example: only seven out of 63 English translations of 1 Peter 3:15 insert "The" before "Christ").
Never mind that I care very much about good translations that lead to a precise and correct knowledge (Greek: ἐπίγνωσις) of the Scriptures; seeing the anglicized word ""Christ"" everywhere permeated my mind and hid this from me until now.
And that's precisely the problem.
The word Christ has become so all-pervasive in English culture that it has utterly lost its true meaning. Our diminished "Christ-consciousness" has hidden that—at every appearance—the word Christ shouts out the glorious truth that humble Jesus of Nazareth, laid on a bed of straw at birth, is
"Christ" is "The Anointed" (source)
"Christ" literally means "The Anointed."
From antiquity, prophets, priests, and kings were inaugurated by anointing them with oil. Even recently, England's King Charles III was anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
In its application to Jesus, Χριστός speaks of his anointing as;
- The Anointed Prophet who brings us God's message
- The Anointed Priest who intercedes for us
- The Anointed King who rules us benevolently
His prophetic and priestly offices have been principally fulfilled, but—as Jesus is enthroned and presently ruling as The King—would it not be enlightening therefore to translate Χριστός where appropriate as The King?
"He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR HIS FEET."
- Hebrews 10:12-13
We MUST correct our translations. Were this one word typically rendered "The King," our perception of the world would be radically different.
Consider just a few examples:
How would an accurate translation of Χριστός as The King change the way you perceive the truth of these passages?
"Therefore, if you have been raised up with The King, keep seeking the things above, where The King is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you died and your life has been hidden with The King in God. When The King, who is our life, is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory."
- Colossians 3:1-3
"Honor the Lord as The King in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;"
- 1 Peter 3:15
"These are written so that you all may believe that Jesus is The King, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
- John 20:31
Those are but a few examples. Every time Χριστός appears in the New Testament, Scripture is asserting that Jesus is The King, and that Caesar is not.
Jesus is The King (source)
It may not happen tomorrow...
Translators (with very rare exceptions) may not start actually translating "Christ" as "Anointed" or "The King"... But you can start thinking rightly about this. As you read your Bible, just remember that every time you see the word "Christ," substitute its true meaning; The King.
"Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord, Jesus The King, which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, The King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen."
- 1 Timothy 6:14-16
Consider asking your pastor:
"Why isn't "Christ" actually translated?"
Isn't it about time for Jesus to take his rightful place in the minds and hearts of all humanity as the The King of kings he truly is? We already have a great King; why continue to cling to our kings, presidents, governors, and mayors?
And in the next Bible Curmudgeon...:
Your friendly neighborhood Bible Curmudgeon has much more to grouse about... Be sure to check out -> the entire collection of Bible Curmudgeon articles <- by clicking the link, and watch that library shelf for more to come...🧐🤔
Maybe next time we'll discuss this:
According to Scripture, God told us his name.
Why, then, do most translations hide it?
Lion of the Tribe of Judah (source)
NOTE: Don't miss the enlightening hyperlinks in my posts.
IMAGES are my own, open source, by permission, or fair use.
The King of kings (source)
I would love to hear from you; please join Hive and speak your mind below!
I've been digging into a lot of different perspectives as I realize how much latent Christian Nationalism still lurks in the recesses of my mind despite my best efforts. I think the old Bad Quaker podcast played a major role, and I remember when the Libertarian Christians podcast was new. The LCI now has a whole roster of audio content creators to explore, taking apart everything from politics to how we were taught to interpret Biblical terms and passages. Everything from what "Christ" means to how we should understand Romans 13 and "Render unto Caesar" needs to be weighed.
Hey, Friend!
From your lips to God's ears... You know, "The unexamined life..." and all...
Bad Quaker, Strike the Root, etc... many good efforts toward changing minds and hearts. Sadly, we are all so mired in our upbringing, dragged down by our past, indoctrinated by and steeped in the culture we've been raised in. I call it "living in Babylon." We can't help but become damaged, and it takes ever so long to unlearn all the bad stuff... It's discouraging when I consider how long it's taken me to get to my present level of clarity, and I'm still finding myself needing to unlearn things...
As in Jesus' own day, the penchant of virtually all "church leaders" to—in actual practice—elevate canons, creeds, catechisms, and tradition above the very Word of God is utterly destructive and detrimental to the advance of the Kingdom of God in this world.
The start of what promises to be an outstanding series from The Bible Project makes it quite plain that The Kingdom of Jesus/God is not only an egregiously downplayed and now missing component of the true gospel (good news), but is what King Jesus intends us to make absolutely central to our lives and motivations.
Thanks for reading and engaging!🙏😄
I'm finally trying to finish sorting some thoughts on how Christains are addressing a specific issue in public discourse today, and I am linking to your article here as part of the discussion. I'm not begging for a vote, but I would appreciate some honest criticism in the comments when you get the notification you've been tagged as it goes live later.
You've got it, Bro...
But come back and ping me if I don't respond reasonably promptly. I don't have a very good system for keeping up with things...😜
OK, then. Here you go.
Great post!
Got me thinking : the phrase 'Jesus Christ' appearing as a full name is a deep psyop (almost intentional), in a culture where names had two components - first and last, and which aspect has successfully been transferred to the East too (Indian and Chinese passports have first and last names, enforced in the Western style, even if that was not customary or directly applicable).
Hey, my dear Brother @paulvp , I see that I "liked" this post some time ago, but I must have been crazy-busy at the time; I can't believe I didn't reply.
You are 100% correct; I would say that MOST Western readers (at the very least subconsciously) register "Jesus Christ" as Jesus' First and Last names... This is undoubtedly a very intentional psyop promulgated by the Father of Psyops, our adversary Satan himself:
Thank you for explicitly pointing that out. When we falsely internalize "Christ" as merely a last name, we completely miss the utterly important awareness that Jesus is THE KING!
I hope all is well with you and yours? Would love to chat again sometime soon and catch up... Meanwhile, I do see your FB posts from time to time, and I see I need to go back and check out your more recent long-form posts here on Hive!
Blessings, Brother!
- @creatr