
And some might say you should reply to the question. :o)
Let's look at what you said.

We see a lot of Christians who beg permission to stop just short of full submission to the Lord. And we see how that:
Stunts their spiritual growth
Leaves churches in need and
Prevents Christianity from having full impact in the world

Stunts their spiritual growth : That sounds like a product of war if it did nothing else it does that.
Leave the Churches in need : What is the need of the church? People
Prevents Christianity from having full impact in the world: I'm not sure that would be a bad think looking back on history and the impact the church has had on the rest of the world's people.

Proverbs 26:4 (KJV)
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

You are right there, I should have never answered you.
You would not know an allegory if it drop in your lap.
Why would a book of peace talk of killing people? Maybe because you don't know what your reading. And that is the reason the world is in the state it is.
Dig Deeper, Question More!

You are right... that I am right. :-)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Ephesians 5:11