About a year ago I was out in the back yard cutting grass behind my shed and scrub brush when I seen movement in the brush ,I reached in and pulled these guys out ,actually this pic was a few days later ,we got these guys so small that all 3 would fit in your hand and momma was nowhere around , we bottle fed them and decided to keep them, here's a couple pics of what they look like today , couldn't ask for sweeter cats they are two males one female
We also have 3 dogs lol but everybody get's along with absolute no problems , was truly amazed
Look at them all grown up and still together! That is a lovely end to the story. Bless you for taking them in. Upvoted
Thank you for your comment and vote , they are about a year old now and we love them dearly , and I have had several cat's over the years, these 3 are by far the sweetest and behaved cats I ever had ,they don't tear up anything , play together, sleep together, and get along great with our 3 dogs