Marijuana and Yoga: Enlightening or Inhibiting?

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Currently, twenty-six states and the District of Columbia have laws that broadly legalize the use of Marijuana. There are three other states that will be joining them after recent measures have passed that permit the use of medical marijuana.

There are seven states and the District of Columbia that have adopted expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use.

As the legalization of marijuana continues to inch its way across the country, especially within the medical community, people are finding new ways to combine their daily activities with their cannabis use.

Yoga is one of those activities.

Lately, there has been a merging of marijuana and yoga within the yoga community. While many people do not find an issue with this, there are still Yogis who are vehemently opposed to the practice of combining yoga with weed in any form.

One of the biggest arguments against the practice of “high yoga” is that Yoga places a high importance on having a heightened sense of self and of establishing a solid mind-body-soul connection. They feel smoking marijuana would prevent this from happening.

Those who are in favor of it (like myself) support it for that exact reason. There are numerous strains of marijuana that give users an increased feeling of self-awareness, mind-body-connection, euphoria, and spirituality.

So, what’s the verdict?

With both sides arguing in a similar fashion, what’s the verdict on using cannabis during Yoga? Does lighting up before a Yoga session inhibit your mind and keep you from reaching that level of self-awareness you’re striving for? Or does May Jane work her magic and heighten that awareness?

First, we can take a look at history. For centuries, Yogis have used cannabis to enhance the flow of their vinyasa and to reach about that spiritual awakening cannabis can bring about. In fact, ganja/hashish (cannabis) was considered to be revered and a salient aspect of the culture in India, the birthplace of Yoga. Cannabis was consumed in multiple forms, and yogis often drank bhang (a milky beverage made from the female cannabis plant flowers) as part of a daily meditation ritual with their asana. Furthermore, temples burned cannabis incense, which basically hot-boxed the room during meditation, yoga, and other rituals.

Fast-forward through history, and the combination of yoga and marijuana has reached the West. Poets/artists/free spirits, like Allen Ginsberg, publicly discussed their practicing of meditation and yoga while high off cannabis.

Many of today’s yogis still maintain that marijuana helps them create a heightened connection with their body. For example, it can be hard for some people to truly feel each movement of their body, and to really be connected to it. This can make it hard to breathe fully and deeply into your lower back or from the crown of your head, both of which are important during yoga and meditation. However, smoking pot helps people be able to do that as they draw in their breath, and it doubles as something that heightens relaxation. The pain reducing properties of cannabis also help users hold the positions with better form, and for longer periods of time.

The whole point of yoga is to become as relaxed as possible, and to create a bridge between the body, the mind, and the spirit. Marijuana most definitely helps people do that.

However, those opposed to the idea of mixing marijuana and yoga believe drugs just flat-out do not belong in yoga. Period. This is based off the idea that marijuana intoxicates the body, something that goes against the principles of yoga.

Too many benefits to ignore

When it comes down to it, though, the long list of benefits of marijuana is too noteworthy to ignore. It helps with everything from PTSD to anxiety to joint pain to epilepsy.

Scientists have also discovered that low doses of THC can actually reverse the decline in cognitive abilities that comes from aging. Which means cannabis plays a big role in scientists figuring out a way of slowing brain aging in humans.

With something that beneficial, it’s hard to think of it has something that should be frowned upon.

But, the best thing about yoga is the fact it’s a deeply personal activity. Those who practice yoga seek to improve their body, mind, and soul. To that end, if incorporating marijuana into that practice heightens the results, then it should be something that is celebrated and accepted.

What about you? Are you going to bring our old friend, Mary Jane, along with you to your next Yoga session?


I don't do much yoga, but I do find many benefits of edibles while I cycle!

I'm going to have to try that!

Does wonders to help slow my breathing. There are quite a few blogs out there about endurance athletes using cannabis for various reasons, including boredom!

Really nice post, directly resteemed! Yoga and weed together are a really good combination! I do it also, together with weed smoked with Mugwort, a good can of herbal tea in front and some solfeggio frequencies, perfect for lucid dreaming too!

I've done a little of both in the past but never together.Very Fascinating and Deep article @alexiapbullard

Thank you very much, @missiontothemoon! (Love your username, by the way.)

I've been doing Yoga since I was about nine years old, and have recently combined my practice with smoking. I know several people who have been doing this for years, and I'm glad I finally learned about it and had the opportunity to try it.

I find it definitely heightens my mind-body connection, and it does help with my vinyasa. It makes the flow easier, and it reduces the pain in my back (I have scoliosis). It's incredibly relaxing, and I find it makes the "zen" feeling from Yoga last for a longer time after I'm done with my practice.

I highly recommend it.

When I hurt my back several years ago I was forced to participate in yoga! Being the Macho Man that I was at the time I wasn't too Happy about it but was told it would help. Little did I know the Wonderful benefits Yoga would provide and it solved several of my back issues(Sciatic). Now as far as Mary Jane, I haven't seen her in quite some time. I could see how the two could intertwine and might one day have to give it a GO...

Mary Jane's a pretty great Yoga partner, to be sure.

I know several "macho men" who regularly practice Yoga, and it keeps them flexible and limber for their MMA matches and other things.

Combining the two will likely reduce your back issues even further, based on the experiences of myself and others. (I'm not a doctor.)

Great Points. Ok, You just convinced me to start up Yoga again! Thank You!

Well, that's just AWESOME! :)

I think ganja shouldn't be used in yoga classes when you are there to learn fro a teacher. As it can be misinterpreted by the other people if they notice this from you, unless you have a very specific reason for doing so.

In your personal practice though, I can advice anyone to give it a try. I myself do it from time to time and when I am able to stay concentrated it will put me in a really deep flow state when I go through my asana practice, and my pranayama will become meditative.
Also my session would often take more clock-time when I do this as I put in a lot of poses where I can go deep into myself (think of yin stretches, long sarvangasana and sirsasana holds).

Wonderful article @alexiapbullard.

I agree that cannabis use can enhance any spiritual practice, and for me, is a form of meditation in itself. I often combine marijuana with reiki for self treatment and include it as part of treatment for many of my clients who also resonate with the healing properties of our dear friend Mary Jane. :)

Much Love my new friend!

Cannabis is such a fantastic catalyst for that, and it definitely heightens my meditation. It's almost like there's nothing Mary Jane can't do. She's pretty helpful. :)

Thanks for reading, @thereikiforest!