omg... how did I not realize you authored this, @crosheille ... my bad. Apologies, you're already well aware of my other posts and didn't need any linked or pointed out to you.
For some reason I thought I was talking to someone else.
Anyway, hooray for good timing, perhaps I'll create a 'collection' myself someday, cool feature :D Thanks for making this, you rock. 🙏
Lol you wouldn't have known. All of the efforts you see coming from the @newbies-guide is a collaboration of team effort. I just so happened to do this one and wanted to respond.
No apologies as we will be updating these so any recommendations is appreciated ;D
Yes, the ability to create collections is such a wonderful feature ~
So gracious, I appreciate it :) And it looks like comments are signed by newbie-guides team now ;)
Updates! Cool! I'll keep an eye out for other gems that may fit in the future.
And agreed! 😁🙌🙏
Yes, hopefully signing off this way will make it less confusing by knowing who the team members are when we reply ;)
Awesome thanks so much that would be great!
Yes, it's a very nice touch and I can see it helping! Smart, I love it.
Go team! 🙏