Yeah, you're touching another important point: there's always been a clear focus on investment and development. User experience, UI, content structure, content quality, curation and all that stuff has always been secondary - including the community of average internet users. In the end these are the ones who keep this place alive (and would ensure mass adoption ).
I believe that there needs to be a paradigm shift in management in order to ensure a healthy retention of human beings. Otherwise it'd be hard to seriously call this place a social blockchain...
Yeah, there needs to be a shift, but they could apply the same concept to development projects.
Applications want eyes and users. If Steem wants to attract application developers, a healthy, happy user base is a huge selling point.
I know I sound arrogant, but I totally don't think they get the idea that the value is in the traffic and the endusers. I don't think they get the business case at all.
I don't think you sound arrogant at all, you just struck a nerve and talk straight. That's what many - including myself - appreciate.
50K active users are not attractive or relevant in terms of business to any business. If we seriously aim for mainstream adoption, then we need a different approach. Retention doesn't require magic, but a product that attracts everybody.
I'm planning to voice those ideas at Steemfest and hope to enter some constructive debate.