dusk atmosphere {23}

in #busy6 years ago


dusk atmosphere {23}

Dusk is a part of the day or half dark on the earth after sunset, at this time different beauty will be created at all times

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when the sun plate as a whole has disappeared from the horizon. This time begins after the sun sets when light is still visible in the sky until nighttime



After we read, see and enjoy all the natural beauty that is in this article, the conclusion of this article is, the conclusion of this article is, every part of nature has its own beauty, and the beauty of nature is never the same at all times, will follow the existing situations and natural conditions


Suasana senja {23}

Senja adalah bagian waktu dalam hari atau keadaan setengah gelap di bumi sesudah matahari terbenam, pada saat ini akan tercipta keindahan yang berbeda-beda di setiap saat

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ketika piringan matahari secara keseluruhan telah hilang dari cakrawala. Waktu ini dimulai setelah matahari tenggelam saat cahaya masih terlihat di langit hingga datangnya waktu malam



Setelah kita membaca, melihat dan menikmati semua keindahan alam yang ada dalam artikel ini, kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah, setiap bagian dari alam memiliki keindahan tersendiri, dan keindahan alam tidak pernah sama di setiap saat, akan mengikuti situasi dan kondisi alam yang ada



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Bagi anda yang ingin bergabung dengan busy.org anda bisa bergabung dengan cara klik link berikut ini ''https://busy.org/i/@riostarr''DISINI setelah itu ikuti petunjuk yang ada, atau sesuai dengan gambar ini, kita bisa mendapatkan upvote gratis dari @busy.org jika memenuhi ketentuaan yang sudah ditetapkan, dan kita bisa mempelajari selengkapkan


everything I say in this article, is personal opinion, according to thought and knowledge which I get from various sources, if there is deficiency please forgive


semua yang saya katakan dalam artikel ini, adalah pendapat pribadi, sesuai dengan pemikiran dan pengetahuan yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai sumber, jika terdapat kekurangan mohon dimaafkan

I hope you lovo it

Aceh, 20/09/2018


images results edit adobe photoshop @carrinm
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Wow.... Very very wonderful photo and lovely photoshoot...my dear I always love your photography.

Wow luarbiasa Pemandangan nya bang

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow. so beautiful nature photo i like post.

Lagak that pemandangan lamblang bang rioTeungoh seumula bak sang bang @riostarr

Begitu teduh. Pas untuk tempat menikmati hari tua.. Saleum, Bang @riostarr :)

nyoe betoi rakan

Bereh aduen


Allah has created all beautiful men & women, and ugly ones also.If not created ugly then we had couldn't justify, praise beautiful ones. But we shouldn't ignore them.
all island, hill, mountain, forest,ocean everything is made by Allah, seeing it we become fascinate, but very few we ever think who made it? Why made? He is Allah, we have to back again to Him. He is free from all partnership. thank you very much for such a good post.

Posted using Partiko Android


Brother very very thanks for your vote & comments

Posted using Partiko Android

Allah has created all beautiful men & women, and ugly ones also.If not created ugly then we had couldn't justify, praise beautiful ones. But we shouldn't ignore them.
all island, hill, mountain, forest,ocean everything is made by Allah, seeing it we become fascinate, but very few we ever think who made it? Why made? He is Allah, we have to back again to Him. He is free from all partnership. thank you very much for such a good post.

Posted using Partiko Android