Thoughts from a coffee table

in #busy6 years ago

But I'm not drinking coffee. I know, weird, I'm at a coffee shop and I'm drinking tea. Well, it's called an infusion, I'm not really sure if that's how it's called everywhere else or just in Mexico but it's like a tea but with all the fruits and the crap that flavors the water.

It's a Bora Bora tea and supposedly it will help my sire throat.

Oh yeah, I'm sick again. It's like I lose all my powers when I'm back home because whenever I'm on the road, I stay as strong as a horse and as healthy as a vegan breakfast. This is the second time I get a fever and a gigantic flu (I'm pretty sure I always get the stronger mutations) and this is the first time I leave the house in five days - and the first time I shower in six days :P - but I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get out at least to the coffee shop even though I don't like coffee.

Sometimes I drink black coffee, no sugar nor creme, I just drink it because my ex girlfriend used to say it contains a lot of antioxidants and those are supposed to be good for the body long term speaking.

This Tuesday I didn't go to the city. I was too sick to get on a bus. Besides, this bloody paperwork doesn't seem like solving itself anytime soon so I didn't even mind not going.

My brother says it's the stress from the paperwork that got me sick. My dad says it's because I drink a lot of tequila and don't wear a sweater while walking back home. My dog says I got sick because I don't play enough with them. I say it's because it's the way my body is telling me I should get the hell out of here in the first chance I get.

Anyway, I'm alone watching people and listening to some low quality jazz in the coffee shop

Oh, did you see my legs over there in the picture?

I'm not naked, I just took the opportunity to go to the gym - I haven't gone in five days, remember I am trying to get fit - and surprisingly enough, I was able to do my leg routine and my bar circuit. I thought I wouldn't have the energy nor the drive to excercise but hey, I have a surprise for you guys, and I want to be fit for when I deliver that surprise.

Apart from getting fit for that surprise, I am also trying to learn a few phrases of a mystery language. Stop asking, I'm not gonna tell you what language it is but you'll find out soon enough.

Hey btw, in case you've been living under a rock for the past few days, remember I'm organizing a world cup contest sponsored by @blocktrades. Make sure to check it out.

I'm really happy, there's already more than one thousand entries for the World cup contest. Can you imagine that? I think it's the biggest contest so far in the history of steemit. I'm not talking with data on my hand, I'm just saying that because it sounds cool: The biggest contest on Steemit. Nice.

Anyway, I'm all alone in the coffee shop and for once, I'm enjoying being with myself but then I thought hey, let's engage a bit with other steemians.

So, ask me anything, I'll reply most of the comments left on the next hour :)


I just assumed you were wearing shorts, though I suppose naked might have also been an option XD

Take it slightly easy on the workouts while you're sick (normally I'd recommend just resting up but it sounds like you were doing that regardless of intention earlier :O), you don't want to relapse! Good luck with the surprise :)


Hahaha yeah, of course I have shorts! I always enjoy that Little pony/goat you leave work your comments :D

Que bien que ya estés mejorando, es muy positivo tomarse un tiempo de relax en cualquier momento, para así salir un momento de lo cotidiano y descansar un poco. Me parece muy interesante lo del concurso hermano, lastima que no tengo la reputación necesaria para participar en el, esperemos participar para los próximos, dios te bendiga y te ayude a mejor en tu salud, saludos

Tienes todavía 7 días para conseguirla! Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos. Te dejo un voto en el comentario para ayudarte con la rep, saludos!

İt is wonderful. You are awesome @anomadsoul

Dude. You're a sasquatch!

Sasquatch legs are best legs :P
I'm glad I'm not all hair though, I wouldn'tt like having a hairy back or too hairy chest haha

I have the same thing going for me. Who needs pants!

Better go full Irish and wear a skirt ^^

Yoga pants with hair sticking through. I dare you!

That tea looks good, but tastes just as good as it looks? also continue with your exercise routine, it will be good for you in a future, never give up.

It tastes great! I don't take tea with sugar, I drink it straight and it's awesome. Its also good for my throat because of the ingredients and because it's hot :)

Esas piernas peluche, jajajaja! saludos y disfruta tu momento de relax.

Jajaja sii, sirve mucho para el frío :P

"It's a Bora Bora tea and supposedly it will help my sire throat."

Yes Sire, it might help with your sore throat :-)

PS: I just looked that up on internet, so it might not be true

Lol I'll edit the typo. And yeah you are right, I should've ask for the mint one, this Bora Bora one is to lose weight, so meh, not that bad after all.

Man don't edit it.............. the typo makes it interesting :-)

Lol gotcha there then.

Hi @anomadsoul sorry to hear that you are sick again, try essential oils they smell good and helps with the sore throat. Plus if u do have a gigantic flu, tea is way better or you. There is a type of Chinese tea leaves that really help you feel better. Got a question...last I heard there was a chance you'd be coming to Malaysia? 😊

Thank you very much for the tips! For sure, I'm going to drink a lot of tea these days :)

And yes! It's on my agenda! I'm hoping the visit SEA late this year!

You went to workout while having the flu? Hardcore.

Well I hadn't gone in five days, at least i had to try, and it was a good call! :D

So sorry about the ill health. Guess too much stress is the cause of it. Take some break and I am sure that will sought itself out.

Oh you said ask anything, when we coming for the wedding because the future is now and not tomorrow.

Secondly I don't know if you are into charity works, if yes can you check out @steemminna, a new charity group to help the poor in northern Nigeria.

It's 2:04am Nigeria time

Yeah maybe, the thing is I don't get stressed that often, I'm a chill Mexican haha.

No wedding yet my friend, hopefully not in a long time :P soon, but not very soon.

I will check the account out but I can't promise anything, I'm currently trying to support many other projects so no promises my friend :(

Thanks for dropping by and commenting!

Soon and very soon. Only hope the soon is soon.

Good to know you are supporting other projects. A little visit would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I like it so much this post!. I like the idea of it!... really nice... have a nice day my friend!

Thanks man ^.^

Que bueno que estés mejor, si, el té, o infusiones te hará muy bien...
Te felicito por la iniciativa de hacer ejercicios, siempre es bueno estar en sintonía "cuerpo, alma y mente".
Yo, creo que si uno padece cualquier enfermedad, o cualquier problema físico es porque algo no está bien, algo no está alineado, o en sintonía, por eso particularmente creo que te enfermaste porque no querías regresar a casa y tenías o tuviste que hacerlo, entonces tu cuerpo lo notó; eso siento al leer tus palabras.
  • Te mando un fuerte abrazo y las mejores energías para recuperarte.

  • Pd: Posiblemente solo es porque estás dejando de fumar y tu cuerpo lo extraña, es la etapa de desintoxicación... Te felicito por ello sigue adelante... ánimo!
    Hola, me alegra saber nuevamente de ti @anomadsoul.

    Aprovechando que abres la oportunidad de preguntarte cualquier cosa.
    Pregunto: has venido a Venezuela? Si es afirmativa tu respuesta, Cuando y a donde llegaste?.
    Ahorita quizas no es buen momento, pero vendría? .
    Saludos Eric, que te recuperes por completo. Dtb.

    Hace unos pocos meses tenía planeado ir, alrededor de febrero pero me recomendaron demasiadas personas no venir, y menos con el tamaño de mi wallet (que aunque no es mío, mucha gente solo ve una walletsota).
    Me gustaría ir, pero creo que pronto será difícil porque ya hice otros planes :/

    Bueno seria cuestión de no dar especificaciones de donde estas. Total esa wallet (que administras) te acompaña en donde vayas (Vzla, México, Bolivia, USA Europa). Dios te cuide donde quiera que nomadees jejeje.
    Seguro tiene amigos donde llegar con mayores comodidades, pero bueno, igual estamos a la orden por aquí, mi casa no tiene grandes comodidades pero esta cerca de las bellas playas del oriente de Vzla.
    Un abrazo. Dtb.

    Que mal que te tengas gripe, lo mejor para el dolor de garganta es agua tibia, limon y miel.

    Si quieres, tambien puedes tomar miel con cebolla, sabe horrible, pero es muy efectivo para la gripe. Espero mejores pronto.

    Ya compré unas pastillitas de miel a ver qué tal me funcionan, si no mejoro pronto comenzaré con las inyecciones :S

    Lamentablemente, algunas veces la medicina natural no actúa tan rápido como lo deseamos.
    Si te vas a inyectar antibioticos pregunta bien a un doctor cuantos dias y (por mas que te sientas bien antes) por favor haz el tratamiento completo, es vital para que las personas se curen bien.

    You should try to drink green tea. It's giving real cool feelings and help your sire throat.Hey @anomasoul, I'm sorry for hear about your sick situation. But don't worry friend. You'll get well soon. Every followers pray for you. I'm totally addicted coffee before sleeping. It use with mix sugar. I know It's bad attitude of mine. I try to remove it very soon. If not my life gotta go for urgent kill :(

    Oh, did you see my legs over there in the picture?

    Oh no... I see only tea cup on the table. Lol....

    it seems that you enjoy the atmosphere of this coffee shop. Is this the coolest coffee shop in your city? What is the name? Btw the World Cup contest is really cool, and when you can marry soccer with steemit then no one is better able to unite steemians around the world except you. Good luck and I wish you will visit my blog someday to review my contents 😉

    It's my favorite one but there are other cool ones. Yeah I like that idea, steemit + football = happy community. I'll visit your blog soon, promise.

    Thx you for reply @anomadsoul 🙏. Btw I have been register in steemit since January 2018, but I started posting in march 2018. Do you think its still right time to posting “introduceyourself” rightnow? ;)

    I have a question. What is your real name?

    I hope you get well soon. I just treated malaria and I couldn't write or do anything worthwhile. It was depressing to say the least.

    I know how you feel.

    My real name is Eric! You can see it in my blog. Oh my God malaria? That's serious, I'm glad it's already treated...

    Yeah I think it's the biggest contest ever, however you're I'll now , don't you think the stress is making you ill? How do you cope with it?

    You should be called HAIRYIC😀😀😀😀

    Lol am I that hairy? :P

    They say that the tea is healthy for the body, the best thing would be to drink a lot of water to me works xD

    I when I was a kid I used to drink gallons of apple juice every time I got sick, always worked like a charm :D

    People watching in coffee shops is the best entertainment (though nowhere near as entertaining as airports). What was the most interesting person like?

    Well, it's a very small town and I already know most of the people there, I guess this time the most interesting entity i meet was "Blacky", the stray dog who we all adopted and give good everyday haha

    Haha everyone will have their reasons of complaining. Sometimes sticking to home can make you feel bad so good that you stepped out and let's prey you get ready kicking real soon. Take care and get well soon

    If by tomorrow I'm not feeling good then it's antibiotics time! I'll be kicking ass very soon, that's a promise.

    I don't drink coffee too much, because it makes me difficult to sleep. Oam also like the atmosphere at Coffee shop. It's so quiet and gentle.

    I hope your health is better now. take care

    Tea was a great idea, but, stop going to the gym until you feel 100%. It is bad to raise your respiration when you feel like you do.

    Hope you feel better and antibiotics if you don't get better asap! Like tomorrow! ;)

    Yeah I won't go to the gym until I feel 100% better, this time I went cause I went out and I figured out why the hell not :P

    Then again... wht the heck? Hope you are feeling better if you are planning a trip!

    thank you for the contest! (I also do not drink coffee)
    I have new drawings and hope you look at them:)

    Hey Eric! Maybe you should consider taking some of the stuff I talked about in my last post. I also have to make more exercise, I've been swimming a lot lately and with this freaking heat I have enjoyed it a lot. Hope you get better soon!

    You got a 41.18% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @anomadsoul!

    Bummer, I'm too late!
    But I will just try now. Let's see if you will drink coffee..... Ehm tea again today.

    What type of website would you develop of you had enough money and a skilled team to do so?

    I would develop my own website! I own but it's very simply developed by myself :(

    But what will the website be about? And will you try to earn money with it?

    Hahaha, hope "all the fruits and the crap" did make you feel better! Same here, never get sick on the road but tend to lose all powers when home(where is home anyway being a nomadic soul?:p) gonna get my hands on the world cup contest too, and at the same time wondering what the mystery language is... since it's not "the next hour" anymore, I'm not bothering to ask questions. :)

    First of all I hope you will feel better soon and that hot tea will help you 😊
    It's nice that you decided to go back to the gym after 5 years of break. I'm also missing going to the gym but unfortunately for me is a problem that stops me doing that kind of effort and I'm not allowed to go to the gym anymore, so enjoy this activity for me too 😔
    Oh and that's really cool that you socialize with steemians while you stay alone at the table drinking some tea, I should try that one day too when I will have that big activity on my posts too - but I wanted to say that you are not alone, just look how many steemians are here everyday for your posts and looking forward for the new ones ♥️

    Wow... Having flu and still working out?. You deserve some accolades, bro. Menh....God knows if I just develop a slight headache, that's a opportunity to rest all day. You are strong, man.

    Ha ha, favourite line in your blog post:

    I stay as strong as a horse and as healthy as a vegan breakfast.

    That part Cracked me up Eric. 😂

    it's called an infusion, I'm not really sure if that's how it's called everywhere else or just in Mexico but it's like a tea but with all the fruits and the crap that flavors the water.

    We call them herbal teas in the UK, which confuses the hell out of me as they're always fruit infused. Sometimes I have a camomile tea/infusion to calm me down when spam comments on my posts make me rage or I get 30 followers in a day and they're all resteem-teasers 😉

    Hope your feeling better soon mate

    I am addict of coffee. I like I really like unique coffee places with a soul and a different style. Greetings my friend ;) Feel better

    Literally speaking it's not reflecting as any kind of tea for me it's reflecting as some kind of fruit juice, and unfortunate to hear about your sickness and i hope that you'll be fine soon and we want to hear the mystery language soon and let's hope that it will be crazy and fun to hear or really informative. When we feel sickness, our body never support for the gym activities but at least you've performed few activities and i hope and wish that you will attain your fitness goals just continue the hard work and follow the fitness plan and you will attain the results. And good to know that your Dogs are saying that you are sick because you are not playing with them, so next time remember to play with them to stay fit and active ha ha. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

    I really like the atmosphere in coffee shops regardless of the kind of food in front of me. Relaxing!

    I'm not naked

    HAHA! Way to ruin it for the ladies lolol :)

    In all seriousness though, I really hope you're feeling better soon. Sweaters in Mexico in June...that just sounds crazy to me lol, I'd go with your dog's reasoning instead xo

    And after an hour you will not answer the comments? ((Okay, I'll talk to myself)))))) I forget to make my message about the World Cup, thank you for reminding me. Get well! Obey your family and dog and be healthy.

    Oh yes I answer them! I try to answer everything but that usually happens one day a week when I find 3-4 free hours to do it and then I answer 500 comments!

    I would go crazy, answering so much!
    P.S. your legs are very cute)))))).

    Siempre disfruto mucho leer tus post y entablar pequeñas conversaciones contigo... Pero ¡¿COMO PUEDES DECIR QUE NO TE GUSTA EL CAFÉ?!
    Es como decir que no te gusta el chocolate, o los perritos... Quizás esa sea la razón por la que estás enfermo, es tu cuerpo tratando de decirte ¡OYE AMIGO, ESTÁS LOCO, DAME CAFE PARA SENTIRME BIEN!
    Ok, basta. Yo adoro el café jajaja, nunca había conocido a una persona que no le gustará. Si algún día vienes a Venezuela déjame invitarte uno, estoy segura que el bombón te encantará, y no, no hablo de mí que también soy un bombón cabe destacar.

    P.S I never know if I should answer your post in english, in english or spanish.
    So here I'm trying to do both.