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RE: The Unapologetic Pursuit Of International Glory And Recognition

in #business6 years ago

Shit @yallapapi! I actually know what's lacking your Auschwitz Diet to really be successful without feel low of energy and still feel with enough stamina to stand a couple of days more without a single bite whatsoever.

I would tell you my little secret right away. But unless you sincerely show that you are genuinely interested in knowing it and ask me for it, I'll keep my extravagant mouth shut. };)

Oh! and by the way. Nice read this post with lots of entertaining and educational stuff all around.

Cheers!! :)


Crystal meth?

Close!! but no. Unless you are one of those who also enjoy showing a permanent smile all day long while fasting. };)

In fact, way more cheaper than MDMA my little secret is. Oh! but yes. Whatever the case may be, you should never forget to hydrate yourself well to include my secret formula into your Auschwitz Diet to make it more successful. 😂