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RE: Parkland Shooting Story Falling Apart!

in #bondi7 years ago

Are you certain there were victims at all? Are you certain it wasn't merely a drill with some unwitting, terrified students? Are you sure Nicholas Cruz isn't just another actor? I know people die. I know bad things happen. I know they are capable of killing innocents to further a political/social goal, just like textbook terrorism. Why would they fake the whole thing? They can control the narrative. They can control the witness testimony. They can control the parents' reactions. They can control the debate. They can control the protests.

If they really killed people and it wasn't exactly the way the official story was stated, they might have a real witness. The grieving parents may not want to talk to the corporate media. The parents might support the 2nd amendment unconditionally. It would be harder to pay participants who are local and might know the victims.

There are many reasons to fake it. Is it out of the realm of possibility for you?


I wonder any time I hear about another shooting if it was a true organic event or a drill. I don't put anything past the elitists. It's entirely possible that people did not die, but I know they don't care a hoot about us or our children and wouldn't think twice about killing them.