Looking at the picture, I thought "hey that looks like Amsterdam"...Seems I was right. Hope to be back soon for a home visit.
Looking at the picture, I thought "hey that looks like Amsterdam"...Seems I was right. Hope to be back soon for a home visit.
Yup, spot on! May want to wait till next summer when the weather is nice again ;p
I am from Holland. Just been away for too long and feeling home sick.
Aha, where are you atm?
I have been to Beijing this year, interesting culture. What are you doing in China?
Beijing is nice but it's huge, I've lived there back in '06 for 6 months but a lot has been changed since then. I am in the mid of a job application. The process takes some time unfortunately for foreigners. Let's see the outcome, otherwise I am heading back home. Where are you from?
Huge is an understatement, also so busy! But I think that is more common in China. Yeah, they are not so foreign friendly.
I am from Amsterdam