WTF is going on with this show?!

in #blog7 years ago


Recently I’ve been binging, a lot of Netflix and I came across a TV show that I wouldn’t recommend unless you were extremely bored. That show was Degrassi Next Class or something like that, who knows. As entertaining as that show may be, it’s also absofuckinglutely over the top. No joke ladies and gentleman. This particular show makes me cringe and not in a good way like the Inbetweeners for example. Their episode titles start with "#InsertShitTitlehere", and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The series works like this, everybody lives in their own bubble, and every teenager has their own problems. Regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, wealth… you name it, which is fair enough. However, they have Degrassi, their safe haven. Where all the kids come together and each season “tackle” a new problem that social media may be butt hurt about. And today I want to address one of these problems. Feminism.


Let's start this shit.

Look, I am all about being aware of what’s happening around you. But come on this is mainly a kid’s show, which I am assuming that their main audience or at least a huge portion of it is probably around 10-12 years old. There is no need to throw in these kids’ faces certain topics within it. First of all, I don’t condone a few of those subjects, such as racism, safe sex, etc but some of them like extreme feminism are just insane. You want to empower women. Go for it. I am all about that equal rights shit. But I kid you not. One of the episodes in the first season “#ButThatsNoneofMyBusiness”: the so-called “feminists” in the school band together to make one of the male toilets into female toilets. Since girls take longer to do their business. I know. Take a breath and think about this one for a second. Y’all good? Did you let that “I can’t believe what I’ve just read, awkward laugh out”? Good.

The episode itself states that there are an equal amount of bathrooms for both guys and girls, which if I recall correctly, it’s five each. That sounds pretty equal to me. Now ladies like I’ve stated above. I support what you are trying to achieve, not only me but thousands of men - NAY millions of men around the world do. Anyway, are you for real Degrassi? A character (Grace) in the show even states that it’s not the girls’ fault they aren’t “equipped” the way guys are. That’s not our fault either!! They even go as far as to spin it by saying that since girls use the toilets differently, they get to class late which in turn results in detention and worse education compared to the boys. WHAT-THE-FUCK? These girls are going to have a hard time when they get to University. Plus isn’t detention all about silence and studying? This isn’t teaching young women about feminism in the 21st century.

In my opinion, this particular episode (Somehow, I'll probably get shit for this) is teaching the future generation of women to see men as enemies, for anything. Think about it. Creating a whole movement because of the amount of time you take in the toilet. It’s not our fault that we don’t need to sit down to pee. It’s biology. Fuck, Degrassi might as well blame evolution. No, before. Blame the fucking Big Bang, that’s what made us humans at the end of the day, isn’t it? Fourteen billion years that’s how far your blame should go. I mean not putting down the toilet seat. Fine, although I think the whole argument for that is dumb, I can live with it, but, toilet time! Come on. Imagine if men blamed you for walking too slow while wearing high heels, and then start a movement to ban them. Because we don’t want to be late to the movies or some shit. There would be a fucking war.

  • If feminism is meant to advocate: women’s rights and equality of both sexes. Don’t televise women constantly comparing themselves to men. Show our present and future generation that women are strong and do not need to compare themselves to anyone. Because if your goal is to be equal, changing the toilet sign from male to female, kicking off on social media because a man opened a door for you like that girl a few months ago (I’ll see if I can post a link to that), is not going to take you anywhere. It’s only going to keep generating a pointless cycle of fake feminism and nothing will be changed.

That among others are problems I have with this series. A show made for kids; I’m not even going to go on about other problems they “tackle”, like racism for example, because that’s just a whole different story. The show gets a 3/10. As I said: it’s entertaining enough. Although if you are going to write an episode or season based on a popular world issue, just make sure to be impartial, make sure to relate to both sides, especially if the subject is feminism. Don’t teach children, teenagers or young adults on how things should be when it comes to certain themes. Teach them to see both sides and then be able to formulate their own opinions about it.

Nevertheless. thank you for your time, let me know your opinion on the comment section, upvote if you want to upvote and suggest on any TV shows, movies, comic books, manga, or whatever other stuff you want to hear me rant about.



PS: In the end of the episode I just talked about, the girls decide to “tackle” the E-sports club. Because the computer game they are playing has half-naked fictional blue women or something. I know right? An E-sports club, wish I had that when I was in high school.

Introducing myself to you:

Hi! After not writing for like a week or so over here. I've realized that I didn't actually introduce myself. Honestly, I think that's kind of important when it comes to writing some type of blog and shit. Anyway, my name is Pedro. Call me Ped or Podsr, if you want. I enjoy complaining, reading, comic books, manga, watching TV, movies and the most important of all beer. I’m here because of one of my closest friend’s advice to put the stuff that goes on in my brain out there. So…why not? The one rule that my friend gave me though was: “write it the way you say it” which simply means that I will swear a fuck load. I'm not necessarily sure how steemit works, but from what I can see, there is a lot of politics and crypto currency posts out there, which just so you know: that's not what I'll talk about at all. So leave now if you want. There it is. Soz for the boring intro.


AprilTrubody ~ ❤ April ❤ ~ tweeted @ 22 Feb 2017 - 12:19 UTC

A man opening and holding a door open for a woman is him subconsciously reminding her that all men are in control of a woman's choices.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.