What happens after Death

in #blog8 years ago


This post is not gonna be as long as the rest of my posts but it's an interesting thing, isn't it?
What happens when you die?

I'm not making this post to persuade you into believing that this is the only way it is because you have your own belief system and that's fine.

Physical Death can only be described as one thing, that your body (vehicle) is no longer in a state to let you explore this world in the physical sense, when this happens your consciousness departs from the body in an instant.

I just want to make this very clear, before you are born in this world you know exactly when you are gonna go as well, so anything that could be called an accident actually is not, as far as I know, nothing is an accident it's all part of the life.

You must understand that a portion of you, which you are most likely not aware of, is aware of anything and everything that happens to you.

And the following might shock some but most of you have actually died many many times during this life already, the thing is when you die you still have a choice to keep on living, until you make the conscious choice to go all the way into the non-physical.

So this means even if your body is totally harmed you could create an alternate version of earth wherein what happened actually barely missed you. and you would be scratching your head wondering how you survived that but in fact you didn't!

So the people you assume are dead in your life may very well have chosen to stay alive but in another parallel reality different than the one you are in.

But the death state is incredibly ecstatic, you instantly release and let go of anything that ever held you down. and you only feel this sense of amazing power rushing through you in every moment.

So, of course feeling that power why would you come back right? some do and some don't. most don't because the feeling is so intoxicating and amazing.

After you die you will have choices to do whatever you wanna do of course it really is all up to you, you could explore other realities if you wish or dimensions, even universes, you could also attend your own funeral, observe those you once called a family, you could visit other worlds, you could interact with anything and everyone on some level, there are absolutely no limits to what you can be or do or even have.

What does happen often is that the ones that die wanna assure those they sorta left behind, that it is okay, but when you die you are moving in a timeless spaceless reality and so when you turn around 1 year might have just passed by and so that's why those alive have experiences with the ones they love or feel them close, many months or even years after they died.

It's not something that can be helped really that's the nature of reality.

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Actually, you make the choice here... This life is a test to determine where you go from here. If you have led a good life- you go to a good place. If not- in the immortal words of Richard Pryor- "It's your ass motherfucker!" I'm not talking about heaven or hell... your essence is immortal and as the Bible says- "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

You make the choice of course, but it's not a test, it's merely an experience, but in the earth experience you forget because it's an immense challenge to live life with this much limitation. Whether you are a good person or have done something bad, we all go back to the same point within our existence.

You are infinite so there's no way for you to cease, personality always remains
But the Bible is a code book it cannot be taken literally.
"as ye sow, so shall ye reap" is merely another way of saying you create your own reality.

So somewhat the same I would say
And the effects of that creation is on you.

you making me worried man :PGlad to see you around @richq11 been wondering if you were still alive ^^

You're wrong my young friend... God told me.

I'm rarely wrong my old friend :D :P
but no worries we'll see when our moment comes ^^

I very much enjoyed reading this. These are things that I talk about a lot, as I think you know. All this just gets me more excited to interview you.

Great post.

Glad you like it once again :) and yes I will let you know in a few days when I could participate in your request (interview) :)

No hurry, especially since you are going to be be pre-recored and not live. My live interviews are booked into Oct.

I just find you fascinating and full of great information. Plus, I share a lot of your views. :)

Looking very forward to it as well ^^

It is a fact that we survive physical death. There is so much more to existence than the present dimension we are all familiar with. William Buhlman who has been exploring the other dimensions for over 3 decades, very aptly likens the physical world to the thin outer skin of an apple in the context of the larger scheme of existence.
The logic driven 'left brainers' amongst us would probably ridicule such possibilities. For the benefit of the curious, I would like to mention that the Monroe Institute in Virginia, USA offers guided tours of such dimensions to interested people in their 'Gateway Programme'.

Thanks for sharing @cryptopal and yeah well it's hard to comprehend right, I mean it's a big place... and the universe is but a speck of dirt compared to the sea of consciousness that is really out there.

And I actually remembered something many many years ago I was flying within a different universe and apparently I had heard about this one and decided to check it out. this prob was billions of years ago but for some reason, I remember this!!

And I can't even tell you how fast I was flying, the speed of light would be extremely slow compared to how fast I was going and through how many black holes I went, and the turns I took and dimensions I crossed it was amazing! let alone the colors that to this day remain unnameable to me, like its def beyond our understanding in this limiting form at this time.

But those that don't believe is all fine it's up to them. ;)
It's just exciting to me that day by day as i meditate more and more and learn more and more i begin to get a deeper, better, greater, fuller understanding about it all :)

Wow, that is exciting to hear! @beyondthecrypto. Wishing you well in your journeys & endeavors!

again an interesting read :) thanks!

Awesome man :) glad I can create some valuable content for you more to come though :)