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RE: Discovered another belief that hides obvious, and sticks around even when baseless.

in #blog8 years ago

Where is the difference, I said look up positive thinking fallacy, it's a very easy to understand concept : you shun negative things solely in a hope it attracts positive things.

In retrospect, I should have simply gave up to begin with because it's not gonna convince you, exposing you to logic and sound reason since you ascribe solely to the effect of words outside context. It doesn't matter that I pointed out a major flaw with your magical thinking, fallacy is a negative word, as I take it to you, so you're here arguing about magical thinking and how powerful words without context are.

Let me break it down:

The goal is not to have positive thinking in my own mind, it is about being mindful of how much negativity and positivity I expose others to such that they likewise interact with others better.

Precisely, the goal is not to form logically sound statements or critically challenging questions, it's to reinforced beliefs, primarily the belief that exposing people to negativity means they interact less optimal than being exposed to positivity, you cannot see it either because you linked me the magical thinking of positive thinking

In some ways people respond to words similar to actions... kind actions, kind words etc, as long as they are genuine appear to add up to healthy relationships with less ...

OK but exemplify kind actions and kind words, and maybe some studies with controls and protocols, not conjectures and suppositions, hopefully you're not turned inward into your magical think and avoid the challenge because I pointed out some more faults in your truth, is it not conjecture, stemming from conjuring or the same principle of magical thinking positive fallacy law of attraction? It's no law, clearly, and it implies in the concept that no action is required, just a priming of magical no negative thinking, and you needed to make it clear that not in yourself, gosh forbid, just towards others because why be responsible for yourself first, it's not like the adage of physician, first heal thyself means much.



Lol, do you really mean to say that if someone thinks people respond to kindness with kindness and compassion makes people more compassionate, that not only do you think that person believes in magic, but that they also are part of a logical fallacy?

That is not at all what the positive thinking fallacy is about. But even if it was, fuck accepting fallacy laws based on conjecture... it falls in line with expert worship if we accept the conclusions of supposed experts as law. Direct experience and facts have priority. If we disagree about the scope of this fallacy, the only way you can really talk to me about this subject is to actually find a way to disagree directly with the concept that people respond positively to genuinely positive things. This is the very basis of my world view, so its going to take more than the name calling of "magic" and "fallacy" to remove that foundation.

"Love, hate and violence amplify when reciprocated and only cease through antithesis."