HEROIC - Decentralized Cybersecurity Powered by Artificial Intelligence!

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Снимок экрана 2018-08-10 в 21.53.33.png

Every day on the Internet there are new threats to the security of our data. Despite the fact that thousands of specialists are working on this issue and this area is constantly developing, hackers are always ahead. So far we have seen how to hack any data warehouse or exchange and steal millions of dollars. Even multibillion-dollar corporations are at risk, because the protection system is still not perfect and can not guarantee 100% protection.

The number of scams and attacks increases every year. All created anti-virus solutions can not keep up with the development of viruses and quickly lose their effectiveness.

Despite the existing problems, there are still not enough specialists in the development of anti-virus SOFTWARE on the market. And the most interesting demand for them is growing every year.

With the advent of blockchain technology, developers have new opportunities!

The HEROIC project intends to solve the existing problems thanks to the blockchain and artificial intelligence!

HEROIC is a global decentralized antivirus. It is a single database, which includes a set of all existing antivirus software, which is available to all interested developers. Everyone can make a contribution to such a system and to improve security for everyone. Of the pleasant benefits for the user will be free use and reward if the computer is infected with a new virus.

The HEROIC system will consist of 3 components, and each will perform its tasks:

  1. Arc Reactor-performs the role of artificial intelligence. Its purpose is to collect and store all the necessary data on existing threats, as well as to store the developed solutions;
  2. Finding solutions will do a site Guardian who will also function as a community. Then, all ready-made anti-virus solutions will be transferred for a fee to Arc Reactor;
  3. In the R & d development environment, you will be able to make your own solutions, and any developer will be able to access it.

What are the benefits for the user?

  1. Free use of the global antivirus solution;
  2. Reward for using antivirus (if the program finds a unique threat, the user will be rewarded);
  3. The opportunity to become one of the developers of anti-virus HEROIC;
  4. Corporate customers will also be able to use HEROIC for a fee. They will get the best solution, so it will be a global database, and will be able to compensate for some of the costs when their computers will find new threats.

Why is it profitable to become a developer of anti-virus HEROIC?

The main drawback of all existing systems is their own base of threats and solutions. The opportunities that gives HEROIC are not comparable with any company, because the developer can be anyone and anyone will be able to access the global threat base. In addition, the developer will be rewarded with HRO project tokens for the found solution.

Project team

It consists of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in cyber defense and security systems.

Conclusions and Outlook

HEROIC is an interesting project in terms of investments, as well as built relationships. All participants of the system will improve it and receive rewards for active actions. The main advantage of the project is its focus on global scale. Today, this project has already signed a partnership with a world-renowned company. You still have time to buy tokens of the project and get a pleasant bonus of 20%.

Follow the links and and become part of a new global super-secure decentralized antivirus HEROIC!

Снимок экрана 2018-08-10 в 21.29.25.png

More information you can find here:

11111.png Website 1111.png Bitcointalk Thread wp1.png Whitepaper

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Powered by AI ?
Like the same Ai that’s all hype and going to fail and push self driving cars back by 50 years? I’m gonna look into this project but the whole AI hype is just that hype. It’s reactive software not real thinking AI

'"Like the same Ai that’s all hype and going to fail and push self driving cars back by 50 years?"

Oh come on! nothing will be pushed back. Study on AI development can be pretty old but 'deep learning' AI is something extremely new and its understandable that it takes time to implement it on real world situations. On the other hand things are already getting fast on this issue. If you talk about AI progress in 80's and 90's you could be right.

@fako, I think the progress in artificial intelligence will surprise the whole world in the coming years.

Is a positive way, yes, but it is really depends on who is using it. ie. Th communists can use AI to centralize the ruling architecture as well.

@ artgirlnyc, right, most of the time it's a hype. Artificial intelligence is simply a collection program that is capable of learning. Most people confuse these concepts and think that AI can think, but in fact it is only able to sort through the options. In general, for the full deployment and performance of AI, it is necessary to first solve the problem of scalability, but I think until this project is launched, the Ethereum team will already solve it.

That means the main objective of this project is cybersecurity and this will more beneficial for a crypto trader as well for securitisation of their crypto wallet.

Thanks for sharing such a useful information...

@ rishikeshlahane, that's right) It will be beneficial for everyone, both for the trader and for the holder and for the ordinary user and for large companies. After all, in our time, security plays a key role. You are welcome🤝

Really promising project and most importantly useful for all

@shagimardanov, yeah man) I think so)

Just wanna see how it goes Powered by AI?

@littledesign, I think when the project starts, we can all see it. I'm also interested)

As long as there is no summoning The Devil with this AI, as Elon Musk is rightly concerned with, this project will be a disruptor.

@mdyoung, this area has not yet been explored and only time will show whether the project will be able to implement its plans

I will love to be part of this project.

@hayyu4, great!) Are you programmer?

Hey, this is a very interesting and necessary thing! To make the world safer is this good cause.

@cryptoprofitman, we will wait for the product together! I can't wait to try it)

what is the shedule of the project? When working version be possible you know?

Снимок экрана 2018-08-12 в 08.08.13.png
Снимок экрана 2018-08-12 в 08.08.24.png@ fako, Hi!) Public release wiil be in Q1 2019 and the full implementation of the roadmap is also in 2019. More details you can study it on the website: https://tokensale.heroic.com/

Got it thank you. I saw download is available so that thought it is already working. Or just the bandwith sharing system is running for now.

@fako, it's just whitepaper)

I wonder does it ever work somewhere this artificial intelligence?

@vesna1, I think they will be the first who implement it)

Cool idea! I think society will like it very much)

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