You seem to have quoted Vitalik Buterin in jest but you leave it up to the reader to realize it was in jest and try to figure out why this claim doesn't hold a lot of weight.
Obviously I know why Ethereum won't have Visa scale transaction capacity in two years...
..but most people read headlines like that, and immediately believe it. We're a headline based society.
My recommendation is to not post quotes (especially those in jest) without a little comment to go along with it?
It's just a recommendation.
::intelliguy ducks::: covers head:::
P.S. I know you figured the comments would be self-explanatory for discussion. I get that.. Many people don't read comments. The visit, READ the blog, upvote, write a comment and leave. Never even reading comments unfortunately. :(
We have to hand hold those negligent people to stop them from propagating half-truths...