Bitconnect Music Video and Why I Don't Feel Bad for the People Who Lost Bitcoin!

in #bitconnect7 years ago

When Certain People Were Pushing This Garbage on Steemit and Youtube I Was There to Warn You.

In our crypto trading groups on Facebook we were banning people daily. Humans seem to continue to fall for this garbage.

Never Give Up Your Crypto for Possible Future Gains via Ponzi, MLM or HYIP Schemes.

When people say, "but Randy, people lost a lot of money because of Bitconnect". I don't feel bad here is my list why.

  1. A simple Google search of Bitconnect would have opened up Pandora's box.
  2. People are greedy.
  3. People are lazy.
  4. People don't educate themselves.
  5. People can't do basic math.

I Have Made Mistakes as Well.

When I first went big into Crypto I bough into an HYIP (High Yield Investment Program). The number seemed so appealing and I was still green behind the ears in crypto. I invested 1 Bitcoin and after a few weeks the website disappeared. I lost .5 BTC in that debacle. But you know what I did? I accepted my stupidness and did not blame anyone else.

I also have BTC cloud mining pools with Bitclub. I have invested over 20 Bitcoin in Bitclub. Would I recommend others do it, nope! If I knew what I know now there is no way in hell I would hand over my Bitcoin to be paid back scraps. Sure I earned my money back in USD but I have not come anywhere near a return on my BTC invested.

There is a Great Aspect of Life That People Should Utilize.

Listen to those who have come before you. We have a wealth of knowledge to pass down.

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Most people fall for these type of scams partly because of ignorance and greed, but also because of desperation.

With the economy in the USA & Europe limping along - not to mention out of control housing costs - what do you expect?

Everyone is frantically trying to make ends meet, and when income and job insecurity is at an all-time high, people get desperate and fall for these schemes.

One part of me wants to chastise every participant of Bitconnect for their gullibility, but another part of me has compassion for these hurting souls.

Good point. Everyone mad a mistakes. I did many and cost me lot of $. But I’m thankfull for these mistakes, because it didn’t kill me and I learned. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

In this case it would not kill anybody... Just make them poorer. ;)

Whoa !
I did not think that pessimist about bitclub.
Can you enlighten me more ?
A friend of mine is pushing it full steam.
Just wondering.
When it is too good to be true you know it is crap.
Keep on steemit.

make it clear for all of us


I agree that the only reason bitconnect worked at all was because it banked on greed and stupidity! This was an obvious scam. I personally thought that it could go on for longer due to the BCC token cut out and it probably would have if not the perfect storm of legal action and btc crash. Hell, they even had an ICO st the end! Now why on earth would a company with a bespoke trading bot that never lost and generated minimum returns of 1% a day, need to raise funds? Yet people still bought it!

We have to read and search a lot befor make an investment in any ico because of that so good do not give so much. Regards

How 'BAD" can it get ???!! The most tacky stuff I have seen since years :)

But you know, Bitconnect made crypto hilarious with this video. It's really funny video. It's a meme, maybe first meme.

Oh well....its still garbage in a way ...isnt it? I was laughing out loud ...thats enough

Some people made money from it, some lose, is it a galactic balance? I don't know)) WASU WASU WASU WASU BITCONNECTTTTT

You showing good point @hilarski. Peoples attracted with bitconnect those day. But finally understood better them what's a bitconnect. I believe it would be scam. Some peoples lost some money when they were invest in bitconnect. Thanks for given valuable details.

@hilarski, I seriously know Bitconnect(Shit) is really scam.. Is not only created bitcoin. It name called "Shitconnect". I have no connection with bitconnect. Nice song indeed. Nut peoples must be carefully with like as bitconnect sites. Nice information.


Great article right there Mr. Hilarski

Steemianz, peep through my related article: Bit-disCONnected: The Crypto Dip Smart Individuals Will Definitely Not Buy Into

You are right, we should listen to people we trust, even if we make a mistake, there's nothing wrong with learning mistakes, we'll have a lesson for the future. Thank you for the article.

With this I won the contest :D

Peace <3

Everyone knows bitconnect is scam but peoples are greedy. You warn us many times. Thankyou

Cause they don't believe in you. And you have never give up tendency that's why after loosing 5 BTC you don't give up


I almost fell for the trap which was once called Bitconnect! Almost pulled the trigger one month before they closed...good thing my fiat to BTC took so long now! LoL Thanks for the post!

I am still in learning phase on this platform and yes this is the most profitable thing i learnt so far

Never Give Up Your Crypto for Possible Future Gains via Ponzi, MLM or HYIP Schemes.

Thanks @hilarski for the great piece of advise

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

A tough lesson for a lot of people, but hopefully one they'll learn from and not make the same mistakes again.

Well, some will call the whole crypto-industry a scam, due to not understanding how it works

Very true. People even react like that to Bitcoin corrections. I guess a lot of people are investing more than they can afford to lose, and not taking the time to learn anything before doing it.

wow and awesome song and really true and sure we need to search first and then beware from these scams and also our greedy minds hilarski sir

And there were people still promoting this scam shit even some hours before it shut down(well kind of) pitty

true i agree with you people are greedy and they always try to snatch what you have be aware of Ponzi scams thanks for spearing awareness

100% like and resteemThanks for the information and good article.@hilarski

I heard a lot of horror stories about people engaging in crypto ponzi schemes or mismanaging their cryptocurrencies and getting it stolen or sending it to the wrong address. I was lucky and have been very careful taking a lot of time to research both the cryptocurrencies I wish to purchase as well as the best method to secure and protect my purchase. Especially with what we saw today in Japan and how Coincheck reportedly lost around $400 million worth of NEM tokens due to a hack shows the importance of proper planning and security within this system. It is important to move your cryptocurrency off the exchanges immediately after purchasing them as the exchanges have proven themselves to be vulnerable.

I was an active Revshare and HYIP player. Lost almost 30-40 BTC in last year! But can you believe that I was the owner of a RevShare also? MytrafficAdsPay it was mine, I tried to run a scam free Revshare, but I failed. As a result of that I did refund. Yeah industry #1 and only revshare which refund all users before it shut down. BTC was at 1800 USD at that time :D After that I stopped my online investments. And I never ever trust PONZI, MLM, HYIP!@hilarski,


I totally agree people need to start doing there own research you can’t put money into things without doing your research people. Just hope the community can learn from this.

We need to peruse and look through a great deal befor make an interest in any ico due to that so great don't give to such an extent.

awesome song and really true and sure we need to search first

What a pile of trash, tbh I'm quite surprised that it is even still worth $10

Everyone knows bitconnect is scam.

The video link is broken.

Bitconect steal everyone and give you back the money a wrong way

wonderfull tune and beyond any doubt we won't give my crypto for these sort ponzi plans
what's more, I think the primary thing is just that the general population are insatiable @hilarski

question of lack of confidence I think Mr hilarski .. thank you

Great article. Nice song indeed.

Hey thanks for the head up. Im a new believer in bitcoin and looking for ways to build my wealth through bitcoin.

upvoted and resteemed.

What goes up must come down.
The ineffable act of losing while you can just invest in the right coin is priceless.
Keep on steemin'

As soon as I heard about CryptoGranny I knew Bitconnect was a scam! CryptoGranny was an older women who got into it from her son. She said she had been forced into retirement and was now making $50 a day to supplement her retirement income. She said she was "investing" 🙄

good info

hahahah wonderfull song and sure we will not give my crypto for these type ponzi schemes
and i think the first thing is only that the people are greedy @hilarski

great information.... i like it....i hope everybody like your post...thanx for shear it brother....

A very good post friend, I am a new follower and I am very happy for the great content that you upload to Steemit, that is the content that is needed, greetings my friend!

Why people do not want to educate themselves

Hip hop hurrah. Enjoy bitcoin music video. Thanks for sharing

I thought you would like this " garbage" one :)

thus i always follow you and your activities about cryptocurrency, it make better feels to take your advice.

awesome song and really true and sure we need to search first

I really proudest to watching your video.this is vary difficult. And i love more same song.thanks for sharing @hilarski

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