in #bitcoin7 years ago


<p dir="auto">Over the past two day's I have seen something amazing happen... The forming of a community which is still in it's infancy but growing with every passing hour and with so many dedicated people to the cause I can only see this, what seems like a 'revolution' growing even further and having a snowball affect as it grows... <p dir="auto">A little about SYNDICATE (SYNX) for those of you that don't know... <p dir="auto">SYNDICATE (SYNX) is a Master Node crypto currency ... <p dir="auto">What is a Master Node.? <p dir="auto">Masternodes are computers that run a wallet and make decisions, such as locking transactions with InstantSend, coordinate mixing of coins, and voting on budget funding. Masternodes are required to have a set number of collateral, In SYNDICATES (SYNX) is 5000, a dedicated IP address, and be able to run 24 hours a day without a more than a 1 hr connection loss. <p dir="auto">Masternodes cost money and effort to host so they are paid a share of the block reward as an incentive. <p dir="auto">So this is classed as a passive income coin, as by the more Master Nodes you hold the bigger payout you can receive just by hosting. So therefor this isn't a quick day trading coin, it's one to hold for a regular passive income. <p dir="auto">The community I have seen grow over the past couple of days understands this and has become (in such a short space of time) a movement with a goal of making money for everyone just by holding the coin. As we have seen with ChainCoin (CHC) over the past week that this really works and the more people that jump on board and join the community more successful it will become. The current number of people in the slack group is 1600 and growing all the time. <p dir="auto">Not only do we have the slack group but we are also running a Facebook group with video live streaming and updates but we are also in the process of creating a website and will be making YouTube streams and videos for people to see how the community is growing and what our next moves will be.<br /> Also we have been in contact with the new developer team for SYNDICATE (SYNX) who have told us that a new and updated wallet will be with us within the next couple of days along with a new video tutorial on how to set up your Master Node. <p dir="auto">So as you can see we have an active community of people who are doing everything within there power to make this a real crypto movement so that everyone on board can benefit from long term gains just by holding there collateral, which in turn makes the value of the coin grow because no one wants to sell which means demand for the coin will grow.<br /> NOW... is the time to get in before this truly takes off as it is still in it's infancy as I said and with such a dedicated community behind it the only way is up. <p dir="auto">So many times I have heard people say 'What coin should I buy for my portfolio as a long term coin.?' Well here is your answer (SYNX).<br /> It's only a matter of time before this really takes off and unlike the 'Pump & Dump' groups where some gain and others lose out, with this everyone gains. So if you hear any FUD I recommend that you just join our slack group & Facebook page and just see for yourself just how dedicated we as a community really are to make this work for everyone involved. <p dir="auto">As it stands we as a community are holding a massive amount of the coins in circulation which currently stands at around 11mill & we are buying more all the time, so it won't be long before we are the main share holders as a group and be able to really make this grow into the movement we are striving to create. <p dir="auto">I will leave the links to all our community pages at the bottom of this article for you to follow so you can come and be part of the new crypto movement and join the community of (SYNX) HODL. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="syndicate.png" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">As it stands you can currently get a Master Node (5000 coins) at $750 which I have to say is a steal, so if your looking to invest in a long term coin with an amazing community behind it for cheap, now is the time to jump on board and become part of a movement... <p dir="auto">Follow the links below for more: <p dir="auto">YouTube:
<p dir="auto"><span>Facebook: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> <p dir="auto"><span>Slack: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> <p dir="auto">More updates to come... <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="synx 5.png" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <pre><code> BECOME PART OF THE REVOLUTION

Getting the masternode setup tutorial is KEY to actually getting people to HODL. Please link it if you can. Thanks

Awesome coin, with a powerful community and creative developers!

Still HODLing strong here. Couldn't put a whole lot into it (compared to some others) because I was already tapped out on my budget, but I am definitely in for the haul. Great post!

Looking forward to this train leaving the station. We're just getting prepared just now and putting things in place, and things are looking great.