
roger ver mad.jpg

I can think of more than one situation in my life where I simply should have done the Roger Ver rage quit. Still not buying (into) BitCoin Cash though.

pimpemon, thanks for reesteeming! do you happen to know how i can embed the actual video in my post?

This video is embedded in the page and doesn't have a link like a youtube video so i am not sure if you can display it like you would a Youtube video. I am looking for a specific address this video comes from but i am not sure if that will work either.

I did the same thing, didn't find anything.

I found the direct link with the help of this reddit post ~~~ embed:beta/comments/73iw18/feedbackvideos_open_in_direct_link/ But it still does not embed the file like a Youtube video. I guess you could download it from the link and upload it to D.Tube but i am not sure if that is kosher. reddit metadata:fGJldGF8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2JldGEvY29tbWVudHMvNzNpdzE4L2ZlZWRiYWNrdmlkZW9zX29wZW5faW5fZGlyZWN0X2xpbmsvIEJ1dCBpdCBzdGlsbCBkb2VzIG5vdCBlbWJlZCB0aGUgZmlsZSBsaWtlIGEgWW91dHViZSB2aWRlby4gaHR0cHM6Ly92LnJlZGQuaXQvd245MWd3NGIzdGUwMS9EQVNIXzYwMF9LIEkgZ3Vlc3MgeW91IGNvdWxkIGRvd25sb2FkIGl0IGZyb20gdGhlIGxpbmsgYW5kIHVwbG9hZCBpdCB0byBELlR1YmUgYnV0IGkgYW0gbm90IHN1cmUgaWYgdGhhdCBpcyBrb3NoZXIufA== ~~~

Thanks for the research! No I don't steal content, I only wanted to embed it.

Maybe you could recruit Bitcoin Jesus to Steemit. Then he could put it on D.Tube.

That would be awesome!