Bitcoin, Camming and Awards

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Today i want to talk a little about camming and specially camming for bitcoin.

As some of you know, i have been a cam girl for a long time now and exclusively a bitcoin cam girl on Xotika.TV for just about 3 years.

Let me tell you, it's not easy. Being paid in bitcoin it's trully wonderful, but streaming for a site that only accepts bitcoin is very niched!

All that being said, you guys know my love for bitcoin is huge...reason why my tattoo...


...and i think that love for bitcoin is what drove me to keep streaming and earning it and hodl it for so long and the same love is what makes me want to tell and teach everyone about it(specially my fellow models). It really gives you a lot of independence and can secure your financial future.

This year, despite the whole "bitcoin niche", my efforts in promoting camming for bitcoin are showing signs of reward. And one of these rewards came in the form of a nomination to one of the biggest awards show in cam industry: LiveCamAwards!

I got in late..very late, yet my name went right in the final votes. I was so proud of myself. Winning any award in the cam business is very hard, but even being nominated in any category means a lot. It means people are seeing you, follow what you do and appreciate you enough to put your name in there.

Now i know i might not win, as much as i would love to win my first time i am nominated, but that's ok. I still consider it an accomplishment and it made the start of 2018 just a little better.

However if you would like to cast a vote for me it would be greatly appreciated and it would make this whole bitcoin and camming adventure even better.

Here is the link:

I was nominated in the Aspiring Live Cam Model of the Year, so please register and click on my name and vote.

Screenshot 2018-01-24 20.42.44.png

And while you are there and if u feel like it, cast a vote for Xotika.TV too in the Best Emerging Live Cam Site category.

Thank you so much for reading and for the support Steemit has always shown!


Well done.....I am proud of you my friend.....upvote for you.....:)

Thank you :)

Good post,,, thank you