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RE: The Regulators Are Just Getting Started

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I like the idea of a little bit of safety an definitely like the mass adoption by the general public, but Im sure it would get there on its own. In regulation comes centralized systems of banking and that means loss on our part to pay for them to insure and other things taking away what the whole concept of crypto was created for more in our pocket no government backed system dipping out of ours and watching over our shoulders. Its like seatbelt sure they save lives but if I don't care enough about mine then what really give them the right to tell me I have to. They convince you of the eminent danger and tell you how its for your own good but really its so they can ticket and generate profit. Scare tactics have worked on the masses for well ever. This is no different, you will loose your life savings unless you give us a small portion to back it..and what happened in 09 did everyone walk away with all their home or 401k's or savings NO their are no real guarantees except that the regulators will get paid. Its a good and bad thing we just have to decide what out weighs the other. Fortune favors the bold right.


Hey man if you like flying through the winshield by your own fault or someone elses ... cause that is what the seatbelt is for.

Is it really decentralized when about 5 mining pools have the controlling stake and can just fork coins willy nilly....

But It's fair I see your point. Its exciting nevertheless!

Thats what I'm getting at it really comes down to the choice each individual wants to make depending on their own personal risk level. I would wear the belt no matter but I just don't like the fact someones taken my freedom of choice away so as to generate profit for them selves and other cronies. auto Insurance companies always made a fortune now in the las t 15 years they have tripled in size due to increasing cost to consumers because of all the points no seat belt no helmet no insurance then the consumer cost goes up in turn they become a more powerful influence on government. Banks are even worse and I really don't like the idea that they will profit off the money I have to work for thats the reason for decentralized system they can't fully guarantee our safety so what pay them.