What is DASH?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

What is the Dash?

Dash - an advanced form cryptocurrency like bitcoin. It is created and maintained in electronic form on a computer. Centralized control in this "currency" is not - it does not produce emissions or government banks and miners. They are remunerated in the form of tokens (coins) DASH, when the new transaction blocks are formed. Dash is very similar to bitcoin, but it has a number of improved features that allow the project to solve the problems that currently impede development bitcoin.

The Dash is different from the usual rates and bitcoin?

As well as cash and bitcoin, DASH can be used to purchase goods - with the help of electronic devices.

As bitcoin, the Dash has no central control, which regulates the distribution, rate of inflation and everything else that is usually associated with currency - all the parameters of its existence are determined by algorithms.

These algorithms run on a variety of individual computers and provide a decentralized network of Dash.

Who created this cryptocurrency?

In January 2014 Ewan Duffield Dash created as a fork of the code bitcoin. At first it was called XCoin. Later, in February of the same year it was renamed DarkCoin. And in March 2015 the words "Digital Cash" formed a new name - "Dash".

Evan Duffield created algorithm X11 and developed on the basis of its own project. According to him, he did this, realizing that developers bitcoin never accept the code. Code require changes to the core protocol that was unacceptable to the bitcoin developers.

Now Dash's market capitalization is $ 88,126,663, and, according to coinmarketcap, Dash is among the five main cryptocurrency. In March 2016 Dash held 1% of the daily trading volume of all cryptocurrency.

Decentralized management based on blokcheyna (DGGB)

Although recently it has been a lot of hype around the project THE DAO (Autonomous Decentralized Organization), but few people know that the Dash - is the first project, which began working in DAO mode - there is valid sheltered from attack Sybil decentralized management system and self-financing. This means that it is impossible to cheat the system by creating multiple psevdoanonimnyh node to artificially gain more control over the network, what could have one user. Therefore, funds for development are distributed in a decentralized manner through the network permission.

Members make suggestions on sites that belong to the community. Each owner Masternody have one vote. If the proposal receives the necessary support to the network, it will automatically be funded when the next superblock blokcheyna Dash extracted next month.

By March 2016 the monthly budget of a self-financing system was almost 30 000 $. According Dashninja.pl production next superblock, scheduled for June 5, 2016, will help distribute the award in 7.329 DASH, which is about $ 59,660! To finance the proposals allocated 10% of the miners, the extracted amounts of DASH. The remaining 90% is distributed equally between the operators and miners, Dash Masternod (plus the fact they have also a right to vote).


As mentioned above, in contrast to the traditional currency, the Dash release is not controlled by banks or other central authorities. Instead Dash «extract" using distributed computing resources. Furthermore, unlike bitcoin where the network supports only miners, Dash has a two-level network, for which maintenance work equally meet and miners and Masternod operators. Anyone can download the software Dash and support the work of the network by running the "full node." But Masternody provide more services than just the usual full node. For this they receive remuneration. Masternody provide a basis to ensure the functional instant transactions and anonymization, which is absent in bitcoin transactions.

Also in the future, as the development of the network, Masternody will provide more and more services. To start Masternodu, the user must confirm the presence of his 1000 DASH as collateral. These DASH remain at the disposal of the user. Through this logic to gain control over most too hard Masternod, as it will require huge expenses. Masternody Owner may at any time withdraw, to spend and to do anything with this pledge, but then lose the status of a node Masternody and cease to receive compensation.

What is included in the value of Dash?

Like bitcoin and unlike traditional currencies that are provided by government regulation, or raw materials such as oil, Dash - a decentralized currency and its value comes not from material resources, but because of its unique consumer features. There is an algorithm that specifies how and when are the DASH. The software is open source, so anyone can start his or check.

Key features

Since Dash - fork cryptocurrency bitcoin, it has many similar features to it. Some of them are improved (for example, the aforementioned system Masternod). In fact, a key advantage Masternod system is that it ensures the achievement of consensus on the direction of development of the network and the project management structure (in addition to the functions of anonymization transactions and instant transaction confirmation).

The proof can give you an example: while in bitcoin community for the past two years arguing about the block size problem, Dash community at the beginning of 2016 decided the same task in 24 hours. Masternod owners voted to increase Dash block size to 2 MB. Compare this smoother process with a PR nightmare in the project bitcoin, where disputes often end up moving into the hot online verbal war.

To summarize on the benefits and features of Dash:

Currency decentralized. As mentioned above, the Dash has no central authority that controls it. No one can hold your cash, a transaction block or disable your account. You literally become your own bank. This is a fairly unique opportunity.
Currency is easy to use, and the project Dash easy to join, and no matter what role: a node operator Masterody, miners, software developer or a user.
It can be completely anonymous. Bitcoin works in a mode of pseudo-anonymity. This means that there is no direct link to you, but in principle it is possible to trace the transaction and link them to a specific person. In Dash transaction can be mixed with others in a way that would be impossible for them to deanonimizirovat.
Low per transaction fee. As bitcoin in Dash is easy and inexpensive to carry out a transaction.
Transactions are very fast in the Dash. Unlike bitcoin Dash generates blocks 4 times faster: every 2.5 minutes compared with 10 minutes in bitcoin. This means that even without increasing the block size of up to 2 Mbytes, Dash network could process 4 times more transactions than bitcoin.
Finally, as in bitcoin, the Dash can not cancel the transaction (unless the recipient did not send them back). If money is sent - so they sent to all 100%!
Source: https://www.crypto.com


Thanks for the info, Love Dash

Thanks for the info! I like Dash.

Brilliant, thank you. I will be using this as a reference for future discussions and thoughts on DASH

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