BitShares (BTS) Short Term Consolidation

in #bitcoin7 years ago


The below shows my short term outlook for BitShares. Forward discernement is showing an a,b,c,d,e triangle potential as shown in below chart. The alternate is an a,b,c and if so, a bit more down, but this is an alternate and not shown in chart. The white waves target now $0.52

The below is the BTS/BTC pair and the blue waves shows one more higher high as it is behined the USD pair.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**


I love me some BTS....and STEEM.

Go Dan.

Both will change a lot of lives.

Definitely. Already changed mine. Can’t wait to see bts at a dollar

That is awesome @tt-dogg.

Mine isnt changed since I havent sold a single token...@haejin might not be the end all but I have not seen him as enthusiastic over a token as he is with BTS. That says something to me.

I wont hold him to his $364...I'll settle for a cool $100 a token and be grateful.

Always good to see you.

Yes indeed! Go Bitshares, Go Steem! and go EOS!

Music to my ears. Sir.

I gave some friends of mine little bits of Dash or Bitcoin in the spring when it was much less expensive. Now I'm helping them roll those profits into bitshares. Just trying to pass along the good fortune I've had. This is how real wealth and freedom are generated!

This is really true though - "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink."

Great job spreading the gospel!! You're a good man!!

Thank you Lyndsay! If things keep going like this, maybe we'll buy a summer place in Nova Scotia :)

Love it! Abundance is best when shared. Onward and upward!

Love your tag line, following you now Pyramid John. Music and food, I get it!

I had a margin trade that got force settled last night during the correction losing over 20 thousand. Very hard on me and unpleasant. Learned a big lesson master Haejin. Must be more cautious.

This happened to me as well. I had good profits going on and then I actually lost almost all of my initial deposit. I actually stumbled upon Haejin just after that. We both learned the hard way, but it's a part of the process.
I wish you MASSIVE profits!

A good trader is a bad trader who forgives himself for his mistakes and learns his lessons and tries again!

I never forgive myself I’m constantly arguing with the voices in my head. Lmao.

A great Trader today could be a bad one tomorrow,10 wins can be undone by one loss. Lessons never cease.

Sorry to hear about that. What did you leave your collateral ratio at ? Here an upvote to get you back on your feet

margin training is not cheap

Margin trading in DEX is interest free. As long as you keep you ratios high then it’s less risky.

One of Haejin's rules is no margin trading, it will bring your account to 0. With the volatility in cryptos, this is especially true. I only ever do it very short term when I want to put on a position and move fiat into the account later.

i have 8X collateral ratio.... bts would have to correct to a 80% or more for me to get margin not really concerned plus with no interest its also less risky...when i sense a top...way before the top i close out my margin positions...wait to bottom out then reopen again.....haejin has his rules...i have mine...i have been trading crypto since 2010 and mining also fyi

plus i have an alarm set when BTS gets too low...if it gets too low i can close out my margin position in seconds with bitUSD in reserves or i can reduce my ratio all the way down for a force settlement...too many ways to skin a cat...

Yes, with an 8x ratio, you’re pretty safe lol. I think for 90% of new traders out there, avoiding margin is a smart move.

yes that we can agree on as newer traders are i do not need to be greedy as i have enough....thanks matthew for watching out tho brother

What margin were you using? 2x? Maybe try 4x next time to be more conservative.

Sorry to hear about this... I have a margin position but have my ratio at 4:1. This is still a low volume market which allows big holders to push price around. I may close out my position until the volume picks up to avoid this type of situation.

Could you please analyse Decred?

Haejin, great post as always. What made you lean towards an ABCDE vs an ABC correction? I realise you have an alternate not shown in the chart. But which is more probable and why? Much appreciated!

a,b,c was my alternate, it'll be different paths but same destination...UP!

it took the ABC and shot UPPPPPP

anyone watching digibyte? thoughts?
I thought we'd see a breakout yesterday and today is hopefully the day.

thanks for share@haejin good job bro.

Hi haejin, what is your analyses on QSP?

Thank you

Thanks Haejin.
Can some explain the red 03.35 number next to the current line marking of price at 1593 on the right side? What does the 03.35 mean?
Thanks Steemers!

Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience

you a bot or are you saying that it's the time of the price?

Thank Haejin, looking forward to the next TA! I do hope Cardano (ADA) is on that list :) Massive profits to you.

Thank you!

I really have a bit trouble reading the IOTA chart with heajin's method, am I right that the correction is just about to be finished?

IOTA was being manipulated by Tether, and Bitcoin is still being manipulated.

I believe that IOTA will tank in the coming days.

Elliott Waves states that news or events shall arrive to justify the forecast, NEVER the reverse.
You seem to be going in reverse.

Gaining an understanding of Elliott Waves has given me a lot of peace: I'm no longer worried about the news. The sentiment forecast- i.e., the wave principle- provides a framework for understanding the ups and downs... the ups and downs are just puzzle pieces being placed into the waves. Thanks you Haejin for informing me about Elliott Waves- I've furthered my studies and am enjoying the path!

thank you @haejin for taking your time to read through this wall of comments and calming my mind with the EW principle. one week left for holidays to start and the books to arrive, I'm pumped!

I wish I could agree with you, but Tether completely destroys the integrity of the crypto market. Your forecasts are mostly positive which is great to see, but when Tether collapses, every single crypto asset will take a major hit. Especially Bitcoin, IOTA, and now Cardano.

Hi Kimchi-King. Loved your article a few months ago, the reason I invested in bitshares in the first place. I am a self-employed writer and would love to help the bitshares team and project in any way I can. How can I be of service?

Tell all your friends. Word is spreading on the grassroots level as more discover the proven track record of Bitshares and it's unmatched speed and scalability. Thanks to Crypto Kitties for showing us that scalability is a conversation that needs to happen now instead of later. :)

Crypto Kitties lol. Hi there, my point to Kimchi King is what else can I do but tell my friends (they all know already believe me). Can I write, hold meetings, what else can I do to aid mass adoption? I want to do my part, but not sure what exactly are my options and pathways to do this. Thanks

I really think that you could use Steemit to get the word out. You could have a blog, or a series of how-to articles, about bitshares. Then you could refer friends or anyone to your blog. I think that if the blog was organized in a user-friendly manner (i.e., going from "What is Bitshares") to more advanced topics (anything from the delegate system to margin trading... the sky is the limit here), it would be successful- and earn you Steem Dollars, as well! Steemit and Bitshares are very much tied together... and EOS is right around the corner. Best of luck!

Hi there. I think that this is a good idea, but there are already loads of articles of that type out there. Do you think that matters, is there a fresh angle to pursue. Not sure

Haej, big fan. Alright folks, all these alts have the same patten, cup and handle, breakout coming x4+. this is going to take a huge correction by bitcoin to happen, am i right?

No, they are not inversely correlated.

Get them while they are cheap!

Need help! So I've been foolish the last few days and traded some BTS for BTC. I bought 2k (BTS) at 94,000 and then in order to avg price cost my way down bought another 2k at 64,000. Leaving me at avg cost 79,000. Right now it's around 54,000. Will BTS-BTC see this again or should I cut my losses?

BTS/BTC is lagging the BTS/USD. Using the BTS/USD as the leading indicator. In other words, BTS/BTC shoudl follow.

First off thank you very much for the response. I love your work and upvote whenever possible. So the way I'm interpreting this, in the last day or so BTC/USD dropped 6-7% and regained plus so BTS/BTC in the process of that 6-7% drop and should regain accordingly. Which if I'm understanding this correctly may have it correct back to 70,000 and then I just need to pay attention on what BTC/USD does from there. If BTC goes to 20,000+, then I should be ok otherwise I may need to look to minimize my loss as much as possible. Do I have that right?

I always look forward to your posts! Thank you Haejin! Make it an awesome day. Here's to new ATH before we know it!

I wish you MASSIVE profits!

you reckon even at 0.40 Bitshares is cheap?

Looks like it just took off!
Now I gotta wait for the correction to buy more

will it hit $1 in the end of this year ?

Massive pump today, going straight up which i dont think is good. Do wish i had of discovered Haejin earlier as 100,000 and 0.04 would be a steal.

Hi all, sorry if this is a basic question, but could use some reassurance that my thinking is correct? Is the above white W5 count the subwave to the white W1 count in Haejin's long term post from yesterday? If so that would mean that I could try and trade (ladder out) the top of this short-term W5 at ~.52 cents and buy back /ladder back in at the end of the longer-term W2 between ~.17 - 21 cents and ride the 'forest'/blue W3 to $48? thanks for the help..

I always believed in Bitshares, I am glad I bought a few thousand shares at around 6 cents USD, I may buy some more.

Bitcoin is a digital currency, now many talk about betacan online now At present, bit coins are worth more than $ 17,000

This is your another informative content about bitcoin my dear friend@haejin.Thanks for sharing this.I always follow your content .I am waiting for your next post.Again thanks for giving us more educational information about bitcoin.