Best Christmas Present Idea: Buy Bitcoin or other Altcoins

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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All I want for Christmas is Bitcoin.

Really, now! BTC has seen massive gains in the past 12 months and it doesn't look like it's planning to stop. The same can be said about other cryptocurrencies and altcoins that managed to get to historical highs this year.

Our own Steem and especially the SBD have seen massive gains, making whales... whaleier (is that even possible?) and many people extremely happy.

Basically, most of the altcoins out there are pure gold and with 2018 marking so many upcoming innovations and progresses on most of their roadmaps, prices are going to skyrocket.

This means that the best Christmas gift you can buy for yourself or a loved one right now is Bitcoin. Or Steem. Or Steem Dollars. Or Ether. Or IOTA. Ripple. eOS. XEM. Bitcoin Cash. Litecoin.

I think you get the idea: any of the big cryptocurrencies are hot right now, with a lot of potential coming from the smaller ones which can see huge gains over the next year.

Just remember that in December 2016, the price of a Bitcoin was around $800. Now it's freaking $15,000 or more. So $800 then are worth $15,000 now. $1,000 invested then would be worth $18,500 today. That is a Christmas gift you can't afford NOT to get for yourself or your loved ones.

And now is the time to act! Now is the time to buy Bitcoin and buy it from using your card. Or buy it on whatever exchange you prefer - just make sure it's a large one and you don't get scammed. Get your hands on Bitcoins and other altcoins now!

Many of my friends tell me that they are waiting for a price drop, that Bitcoin costs too much now and it's too big of a risk. But do you know what's the biggest risk? Not buying it!

If they had waited for a price drop in December 2016, they would have to spend now 18.5 times more in order to get theirs.

Do you know when I got into the game? In late August 2017. Do you know what happened shortly after? The big Chinese ban came and the price plummeted. Do you know what happened ever since? My portfolio's value has more than doubled and it would've looked even better if I hadn't invested in some crappy shitcoin along the way.

But even me, without any trading experience and with minor knowledge of the market, still made very nice profits. If I would've waited longer, the profits would've been smaller.

So give yourself a great Christmas present today and buy yourself some Bitcoin. Or any other altcoin you prefer. I'm sure you'll be a much happier person next Christmas. Because, yes: Bitcoin is the perfect Christmas gift. Don't miss this train!


Acum ceva vreme scria un concetatean ca ar fi bine sa ne organizam si noi pentru a aduce crypto mai aproape de Romani. Eu unul am ramas uimit cum de ani de zile, cand apare o stire despre Bitcoin toate cunostintele si preitenii ma suna pe mine sa le dau informatii. Eu sunt acel idiot care in 2010 in iarna am vandut 30 de bitcoini pentru a imi cumpara un skipass in austria atunci la bombasticul pret de 10 EUR / btc . In vara lui 2014 am am jucat alti 25 de btc la un casino online pe crypto pentru ca nu vedeam in ei decat puncte fara o reala valoare dupa ce 4 ani de zile nu se mai miscase nimic. Am avut tentative de vanzare a portofelelor offline prin 2014 pe ebay pana cand ebay mi-a inchis contul deoarece imi reprosau ca vreau sa fraudez ... ce nu stiu nici azi ... in fine cred ca este important sa ne unim si sa mai scriem si in romana despre subiect. Eu acum sunt convins de Ethereum ca si platforma in sine si investesc masiv in el dar nu prin specula ci in crearea lui.