Hey guys I thought I should just make a post real quick to let all my followers know who I've been following and who have let me in on a lot of "secrets" in the crypto space and where I have got some seriously great insight on how Bitcoin, Steem, and just about every other cryptocurrency works. I would suggest checking these guys out if you have any time. I've compiled a little list of people that I feel have very good advice on the markets and provide great information on a daily basis. I believe all these guys have a youtube channel so follow if you would like. The list isn't in any particular order I just went around copying and posting steemit links based off my main youtube subscriptions I constantly watch in a cycle to see all of their opinions on situations and the psychology of what is happening here.
Craig Grant https://steemit.com/@craig-grant @craig-grant
Trevon James https://steemit.com/@trevonjb @trevonjb
Crypto https://steemit.com/@crypt0 @crypt0
Bitcoin globe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODZ0mzp4Re6T-h_-8QSJmg/feed
Bitcoin Meister https://steemit.com/@bitcoinmeister @bitcoinmeister
Jerry Banfield https://steemit.com/@jerrybanfield @jerrybanfield
BTCSessions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChzLnWVsl3puKQwc5PoO6Zg/featured
Kenn Bosak https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKennbosak
Steem on party people and If I tagged you on my list thank you.