"Bit Coin" A Conversation

in #bit7 years ago

I hap­pen to stum­ble on this video which was very infor­mi­tive. How ever many did not seem to under­stand what lane they were in.

Take some time to lis­ten to the video. If you hold Bit-​Coin you may learn some­thing you didn’t know. Read the com­ment and if your hold­ing Gold and Sil­ver you may Learn some­thing you did’nt know.

From Truth­N­ev­er­Told Youtube channle

Here is some of my conversation, Here I hope you will come to understand that Bit-Coin as well as Gold and Silver have a lane of there own!


Bit 2.png






There is more post there but I think you can get the idea from here.

Thanks for letting me share with you!