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RE: ❇️ Evidences of Jesus' Existence: How Authentic the Bible is? 📜

in #bible7 years ago (edited)

i am from australia and this is the latest from Oz media

organised religion is a dangerous place for your soul to dwell because it is all doctored.

if you didnt know already, the world we live in is a lie, and edit "organised" religion is at the heart of that lie.

Sort: make me laugh ..have you ever asked yourself how you came into this world..

i have asked myself and a myriad of entities that very question whilst traveling the void , maybe unlike yourself who was only told what to believe, i don't know, as I don't know you. You got your answer.
I found Die Antwoord.

there's a lot we get scared to face, may be because we feel safe in our beliefs... but believe me I have personal experience to really show he exist and is alive.. and I know even in your ignorance of him, he still loves you

ok cool, thanks. im glad somebody does. i never made any comment regarding whether jesus did or did not exist, or is alive or dead, only that organised religion is a manipulation of faith for nefarious means.
it is the apathetic's handing over their own spiritual responsibilities to god knows who.
the lazy mans quest for enlightenment.

that's coz you have seen people using to xtort others or manipulate them

Well I guess everyone has seen religion and atheism do horrible things. So I guess we can eliminate religion and atheism, and just say that Humans do abhorrent things in general, like manipulate and back stab other humans for personal gain.

And then just expand that out to abhorrent like minded Humans getting organised, and imprisoning other Humans inside their own feeble minds, setting up systems to control masses like cattle, starting wars, trafficking people, etc etc, you know all the horrors.

What if I told you that this Realm we exist in is actually the afterlife? That it is supposed to be Heaven? But it is only heaven for a very small percentage of the population, and their pathetic method for obtaining their Heaven is drain the life force, the hopes and dreams, the souls of others? Like a Wraith or a Succubus?

You wouldn't believe me anyway, so there is no point telling you that ;)

yea I know this actally suppose to be the heaven.. and that's how God wants it to be for us ,,that's why he came down from heaven to die for us ..thereby nailing all our pains worries anxieties illness, that got us down and depressed to the cross, so that any 1 who believes in the name Jesus would be saved, even in the midst of war we can find an inner peace, even when there is we don't have it all we can find satisfaction.. that's how it ought to be, if we all on earth follow the teachings of Jesus Christ there wont be suffering greed hatred or envy or even unforgiveness ..u know what I mean

Oh and I am not a test tube baby, I came into this world via a Womb and vaginal passage, better known as the Devils Anus lol

funny you....happy Easter any way

Happy Easter.

It had some humor in it but it is essentially correct. Women are the Devil, they were created as a temptation for Man. Satan is a Fraud, Women are all too real, don't get them angry, you wouldn't like them when they are angry lol.

The sooner Women realise this the better , or we have Hell on Earth, oh wait we already do.

The sooner Men remember this and work with Women, and not degrade them by grooming children for sex and creating disgusting derogatory hardcore incest porn, the sooner we can realise our full potential as a United Earth.

My God - The Goddess, maybe not for too much longer. Notice how heaps of Men are just turning Gay? Not that theres anything wrong with that :O

"Hesiod writes, "From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth" (590-594)."