Asian Flair in Germany - Asien bei uns!

in #asia7 years ago


Hey guys, today my friend called me and just asked me if I would like to visit an Asian restaurant to taste some Asian food. If I am honest I was not that motivated after work, my friend tried to convinced me and I said ok... you won I will keep you company. I am not sure, often I heard that Asian food is just modified for Europeans! I think we have no clue how real Asian food is tasting like. Thats why we should travel to see and to experience the reality through our own eyes. Well, still lets have an Asian day with Asian food :)

I entered the restaurant and noticed a cozy and comfy dinette, the lamp looks like a sun
I was not sure, is it a Japanese Restaurant or a Chinese one? I think the owner were Chinese people

I was ready to order food, you are able to choose your meal from the menu

or you could cross what you would like to have

At the beginning I was drinking Matcha - Tea. This kind of tea is a powdered green tea, it is often referred to "as green health" and many experts are saying that it is full of antioxidants. Japanese people are used to drink Matcha - Tea! The waitress mentioned to me not to forget the sesame candy :)

It tasted really delicious, it was very sweet but not too sweet. Filled with poppy and yes, .. sticky, I like!!

Before I got my main dish I was allowed to taste an usual sprout salad with a miso soup. Miso soup is a Japanese national dish. The main ingredients are Dashi (Fish Sud) and Miso (Soybean Paste). You will find small tofu pieces, wakame (thin green sea algae) and spring onions in the soup.

While I was waiting for my main dish I noticed a little "library" next to my table on the left side

Enough time to get some education about China

I was really surprised about the beaches in the southern part of China. I have to write a new place to visit on my bucket list. It will be Sanya, I have so many dreams xD I really would like to visit as many places as possible on our earth. We will see :)

My Bento Box included 3 Nigiri Sushi with salmon and shrimp, 6 Hosomaki with cucumber sesame, crispy chicken and vegetables that are called Tempura

I like to mix wasabi into my soya sauce, it is not that common in Germany and my friends are beginning to look strange at me :)

My dessert was a Matcha ice cream :)

At the end I said good bye to the staff and was really happy to visit such a place :) Sometimes friends are just our best motivators if we are beginning to get lazy and just want to stay at home :) !!

How was your Wednesday? Wish you a nice and calm evening! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Ein Anruf zerstörte heute meine ganze Gemütlichkeit! Diese Störung war ein Anruf, ich sollte doch mitkommen! Wohin! Asiatisch essen! Ich bin ehrlich, Lust das gemütliche Zuhause zu verlassen hatte ich nicht wirklich, nach der Arbeit wollte ich nur noch faul sein! Es wurde schlimmer, immer mehr und mehr wurde auf mich eingeredet, ich sollte meinen inneren Schweinehund bekämpfen und mitkommen. Na gut, es hat geklappt, raus aus der Jogginghose Richtung Asia Restaurant! Öfters bekommt man zu hören, dass das Asiatische Essen hier für Europäer verfälscht wird und uns nicht das präsentiert wird was in Asien wirklich auf den Tellern kommt. Deswegen ist Reisen meiner Meinung nach sehr wichtig, um die Realität durch die eigenen Erfahrungen kennenzulernen! Na gut, lasst uns den Tag Asiatisch gestalten ...

Beim Eintreten bemerkte ich die gemütliche Essecke, die Lampe sieht aus wie eine Sonne :)
Ich war mir nicht sicher, ist das hier Japanisch oder doch Chinesisch? Hmm ich glaube die Besitzer waren Chinesen

Das Essen meiner Wahl konnte ich mir in der Speisekarte aussuchen

... oder auch ankreuzen

Gleich zu Anfang bekam ich Matcha - Tee serviert. Matcha ist pulverisierter Grüntee und wird auch häufig als grüne Gesundheit bezeichnet und steckt voller Antioxidantien. Japaner trinken sehr viel Matcha - Tee. Die Kellnerin erwähnte die Sesam-Süssigkeit, die ich unbedingt probieren muss :)

Es schmeckte wirklich sehr lecker, süss aber auch nicht zu süss. Gefüllt war das ganze mit Mohn und ja es war klebrig, war gut!

Vor der Hauptspeise gab es einen Sprossensalat und eine Miso-Suppe dazu. Die Miso - Suppe ist ein Nationalgericht in Japan. Die Hauptzutaten sind Dashi (Fisch Sud) und Miso (Sojabohnen Paste). Kleine Tofustücke, Wakame (dünne grüne Meeresalgen) und Frühlingszwiebeln gehören ebenso zur Rezeptur dazu.

Warten auf die Hauptspeise muss nicht immer negativ sein. Ich entdeckte eine kleine "Bibliothek" auf der rechten Seite nicht weit weg vom Tisch

Genug Zeit, um sich weiterzubilden und mehr über China zu erfahren

Überrascht war ich diese Strände im Süden von China zu sehen. Nun ja, kommen nun noch mehr Orte auf meine To-Do Liste. Ach ich habe noch so viele Träume xD. Gerne würde ich so viele Orte wie möglich auf unserer Erde besuchen :)

Meine Bento Box enthielt 3 Nigiri Sushi mit Lachs und Garnelen, 6 Hosomaki mt Gurke und Sesam, knusprige Ente und Gemüse, das als Tempura bezeichnet wurde

Wasabi vermische ich gerne in der Soya Sosse, ziemlich ungewöhnlich für viele Europäer, viele Freunde gucken dann immer ganz schief :)

Mein Nachtisch: Matcha Eis :)

Nun heisst es: Adeeee!! Ziemlich froh war ich darüber, dass meine Freunde mich von meiner Couch aufkratzen konnten :) Manchmal sind Freunde die besten Motivatoren und können uns vor der Faulheit schützen :) !!

Was habt ihr heute Mittwoch so getrieben? Wünsche euch einen schönen und ruhigen Abend!

Bis bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3

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Great post and delicious food @lenatramper.

I ate a lot asian food here in morocco like sushi, dragon eye ... its tasty and so delicious ..

Enjoy my dear and you should visit morocco I'm sure that you will love moroccan food

Hi My Dear Friend @lenatramper Thank you so much for sharing another Nice" traveling story sharing with us. have a nice" day enjoy.

Asian cuisine is varied and delicious food and strange things

Asian recipes are widely loved by many .And is famous for its special charm in the use of various spices to give the taste and the finest food

look so delicious lool @lenatramper

Congratulations tasting dishes ,, good food and delicious. your smile feels my life happy. hopefully a successful trip

good food, I always follow your activities @lenatramper

First I congratulate you on your day March 8th. The Asian food is so delicious that we want to eat our fingers after dear friend that's why I invite you to visit the Far East and bring us your beautiful tour as usual dear @lenatramper. Wednesday is a day of work for me I almost did nothing. Have a good Thursday my dear

Hmm Delicious....

I hope one day to test a mroocain food I'm sure you can love it lenatramper.

good post ... I always see your post .. Your posts all benefit ...

Hi,really i like it.. it is seems delicious...
Have a great day..

lecker. ich nehm den vegan style mit viel waaasaaaabiiiiiiii und ingwer bütttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-D gruss an die "freiheit" :-) drück euch jetzt schon ihr sweeties

You look pretty in that photo.
Asian food has been the top of my dreams to taste, sometimes i just can help but to wonder how it really do taste and owing to its appetizing look.
Friends motivates and its nice you had a great time out.

one day, you have to try cuisine from indonesia ,, because food from indonesia also no less delicious .. 😊,,have a nice day my friend..

I am so waiting for thee
Truly an incredible journey
Thank you to have shared so farWhen would you to indonesia @lenatramper

Great Post & Pictures!
Looks like a awesome place with good food.
Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

thank you for sharing information

Well I could say about Indian cuisine,it's a blend of aromatic spices with veggies/nonveg mostly,making it subtle spicy but not too hard. I promise Indian food is something that can't be explained in brief,India is most diverse country in every aspect of it including food.

Unbelievable my friend I see you have many friends everywhere until many know about the cultural structure and food typical of other places ..
I liked his friend my upvote and resteem

a very good post .. i love it let alone delicious food delicious people even more beautiful..😍😍😍

lena tramper is amazing .. your trip like never stops.
You enjoy a lot of food there.
I really like

a very fun activity your @lenatramper because it can move places, I really like the activities you do

the cafe is very beautiful and the menu that is available is very intriguing taste, to be a very impressive place yanv when visiteda very interesting post @lenatramper

I like you postGreat post @lenatramper

hi beautiful woman in red shirt .. how are you today ..?

Haben die Freunde dann wenigstens gezahlt, wenn die dich so in deiner Siesta gestört haben ? ^^

viele Freunde gucken dann immer ganz schief

Ist das wirklich nur wegen dem Mischen, oder allgemein wegen deinem Verhalten ? :D
Ich dachte, das hat nämlich die Bedienung in einem asiatischen Restaurant auch mal gesagt, dass man das macht. Oder ich bringe es jetzt ganz durcheinander... ^^

Aber für dich wäre es wohl wirklich am Besten ein Restaurant in einer Kirche zu haben.
Denn entweder bist du in religiösen Stätten oder du isst. Das du da nicht zunimmst :P

Gruß Naturicia

really very interesting posting you,
I like it very much

when to indonesia to eat food here @lenatramper

wow it looks so delicious, can you give me a little

I think the name is Chinese, but the dishes look Japanese. I am no expert though. Did you eat with chop sticks?

I was once taken to a Korean restaurant and the waitress asked if we needed forks. Then the pastor that invited me says to her, No, everyone here is eating with chop sticks or they won't eat. I wasn't sure if he was joking.

So I did remember my mom showing me how to use them when I was a child. It was a little difficult, but I got to eat. I always like to use chop sticks at Asian restaurants now days.

Hey Lena,
Wo gibt es denn dieses Restaurant? Das sieht wirklich lecker aus. Als Fan von asiatischem, besonders japanischen Essen würde ich gerne mal zu einem gehobenen Asiaten.

a cozy place and delicious food @lenatrumper. was it free again. 😉😊😀

hmmm ..... so hungrig, nachdem ich den grünen Tee und Hoka Bento Essen gesehen habe, trinke ich wirklich gerne grünen Tee wegen seines unglaublichen Geschmacks und der Gesundheit.

Yummy, everything looks very tasty and healthy! I have never heard about this kind of icecream, how it taste? Is it sweet?
Enjoy your time with friends :)

hello beautiful, how are you today???

hopefully today and so be a great day for you!!

sorry i am always late to come in your comment box 😑
I really like your post @lenatramper where you like to share culinary in other countries.

Postingan bagus..


Hello @lenatramper when you visit Aceh .. Here too many delicious traditional food .. I'm not sure you like it but you can try for the sensation of unique and different flavors .. Greetings know from me newcomers in the world of esteem

Have not Indonesian food @lenatramper?

wow, the food must be very delicious,
I very love it

They say sushi is one of those foods that you either love or hate. I am somewhere in the middle though :D Not my favorite food but not too bad either :D Great food shots btw! :)

All foods are looks delicious was it? @lenatramper

Hehe .. generally Asian food is famous for spicy, but Chinese seafood is good, very healthy.

I like your post @lenatramper

You look so beautiful 😍😍Hello @lenatramper

Many good Asian food for health, I think the Japanese food is very healthy, Chinese seafood is also very good. Thanks @lenatramper.

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