Getting some decent sized crowds !

in #asean2 years ago

It is the time of year when all of our seasonal members who live their lives in the west start to come back to Thailand so that they don't have to suffer through a winter in Europe or North America. A good half of our overall numbers live in this sort of "half the year here, half the year there" type of way and we normally see a good influx of participation from November to around February.


We find it kind of endearing that one of the main reasons why people come back to Thailand, or Chiang Mai more specifically, is because they really enjoy the Hash House Harriers.


This is something that I can relate to because there are plenty of other places that I could live but I am sure that I would be making multiple trips a year at some expense to come and visit my HHH brothers and sisters. Honestly, for most of us it is our favorite days of the week and the large events like the Ballbreaker and CherryBreaker are like another Christmas for us.


We also tend to hang out with one another on non running days and in that regard we are like one big family.

There is truly nothing I have ever been a part of that is as special as the Hash House Harriers and the few times that I have visited other Hash chapters elsewhere in the world I was welcomed there as if I had always been a member. I have many friends all over the world now because of the Hash and even though I tell people they should get involved in a regular basis, I truly think that they should.



Talk about the best of both worlds living 6 months elsewhere and 6 months in Thailand. Must be much more festive with bigger numbers.

there is a sweet spot somewhere in the 30-40 range. when we had an international Hash event here in Chiang Mai we had 600 people attend and that was actually too many people by a long shot.