Monthly art review #4 - February 2021

in #artzone4 years ago

So, that escalated quickly....

NFT sales
5 sales this month! Yay!

I had 2 artworks from Known Origin sell in Feb: 'The nomads' (shown below) and 'Megacity, gate 5'. Also, 'Heart No.1' on Rarible and 'Moonlit congress' on SuperRare. Finally, I had a piece up for a charity auction: 'Once upon a time my child, all this was snow' (see last image). This one set a new Dollar record for my work!

The nomads sm copy.jpg'The nomads', My second piece on Known Origin

New artwork minted in February
6 new pieces in total this month...

SuperRare - My 16th 1/1 landscape on this platform, ‘Doors of perception’. This was a major piece for me, and marked 2 years in the cryptoart scene (my first minted piece appeared on SuperRare on Feb 13th 2019).

Known Origin - 'Megacity, Gate 5', my first sci-fi art genre here.

Rarible 2 pieces this month...'Heart No.4' in time for Valentine's day and 'Cloud study No.5'. This marks the half-way mark for this series, as there will only be 10 cloud studies in total (link to my Cent blog below, explains this series in more detail)!

NFTshowroom A new minted piece for my 'conservation art' series. This is an old piece that I've never managed to sell on any platform as a physical print. I've minted 10 editions to try to raise money for Froglife a conservation charity that does work for amphibians and reptiles.

AGAH charity auction. This piece ('Once upon a time my child, all this was snow') was specially created for this auction, to raise money for high impact carbon offsetting schemes (more details below).

Screen Shot 20210302 at 15.54.32.pngSome of February's new artwork

Social media
My twitter followers grew again, from 718 to 864 in February!!
Rarible followers grew from 293 to 453, which is another nice increase again. These platforms have been on fire this month as the NFT goldrush sets in.

I wrote two blogs this month, again because of a lack of time! My January review here on PeakD (see previous blog entry) and an introduction to my 'Cloud study' series on Cent

Art for my collection
Bought 3 pieces this month, largely because of my sales. I like to buy an artwork every time I manage to sell one of my own. So, Left to right: Yanga, LC and Kreature Kastle...

PeakD Feb.jpg New additions to my personal collection

Other news
Getting interviewed...I experienced my first art-related interview this month for CAN (CryptoartNFTs), which features many NFT artists. Here's a link to the article.

Also, I had my first ever podcast interview by The Art Pod! This comes out 1st March - to listen, follow these links: Apple podcasts or Spotify

Also, this month, that AGAH auction I mentioned above. About 40 artists donated artwork for the auction, organised by Danil Pan and it raised a staggering 14.992Ξ ($21,590.58 USD), offsetting 1739 TONS OF C02 Emissions via offsetra!!!

Once upon a time sm.jpg 'Once upon a time my child, all this was snow', my new charity auction piece

Thanks for staying with me till the end. I realise these reviews can be quite dry. I write them for my own future benefit, so that I have a lot of information in one place to look back on. But I also think it might be interesting to some others who are also trying to make it in this new crypto art/nft space in the future (feedback is always welcome!).

Thanks for reading!


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!