The Cause Of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) And Next Evolutionary Leap

The Cause Of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) And Next Evolutionary Leap

  1. About Me
  2. Key Points
  3. Science

About Me
I’m an Empath and am able to detect the levels of distortion and overall frequency ranges of people. I can also detect the same thing in written work and paintings. It’s essentially the same as having a type of Synesthesia, in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight.

Other notable Empaths include Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous who used his gift to contact Boniface, a 15th-century monk who developed the programme with him, and Srinivasa Ramanujan who made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions. Though there are many more, both of these men are great examples of Empaths who used their gifts to contribute while working with already existing systems.

It’s my intention to use my gift to help facilitate advances in medicine and education especially for children, improving their quality of life and helping to unleash their potential.

Key Points

  1. Childhood Leukemia is an Acute Neurodevelopmental Disorder
  2. Gender is a primary genetic identity with it’s own neurodevelopmental ‘critical window’and it is also a spectrum.
  3. The Homo Erectus Gender Identity (- HEGI which is what I’m calling this genetic programme) is BOTH male and female.
  4. HEGI is part of our original hardwire programming and is at least 2 million years old.
  5. As the hunter gatherer culture evolved HEGI developed and was passed down through our DNA for millions of years.
  6. HEGI has evolved to encompass BOTH male and female as it’s linked to survival – regardless of biological sex. Sexual anatomy didn’t influence gender roles in the hunter-gatherer culture for many groups.
  8. Conflating biological sex and gender has only become solidified in the collective human psyche for 4000 years. It’s a false programme that lowers your vibrational frequency and distorts your pattern recognition.
  9. Raising your child to equate biological sex with gender is akin to performing Hubel and Viesels kitten experiment on them. They’re being raised in a vertical or horizontal world.
  10. The effect of the neural reorganisation (brain damage) is the probable and foundational cause of many diseases/conditions that are currently unexplainable.
  11. People with the ‘leukemia’gene have high frequency ranges. The cellular mutation, which I’m renaming the ‘Jordan’gene is the next evolutionary step. (1-20 people have this gene.)
  12. Other groups also have the ‘Jordan ‘ gene, such as children with Down Syndrome.
  13. The evolutionary leap, ‘Jordan’ gene technology will only flourish and reach it’s full potential on the original HEGI operating system.
  14. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is caused by the environmental input conflicting with the HEGI operating system. When infection hits, the immune system ‘freaks out’ as it’s unable to discern between the genuine infection and disowned part of the gender identity.
  15. Empaths - this is the main limiter that has to be removed before linear time.
  16. Ancient Jews had this knowledge, as did the Christians during Jesus’s time which is why massive amounts of ‘miraculous’healing occurred.
  17. Ancient Jews had a full understanding of simulation theory and were the most advanced people on earth.
  18. Chemotherapy works by causing so much trauma to the subject that the HEGI critical window shuts down.
  19. Possible better treatment would be education, an energetic management system and FEEDING MOVING SUBLIMINAL images of the gender spectrum into the visual cortex. This would enable the child to ‘lock’onto the correct pattern.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) also called Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia accounts for 3 out of every 4 cases of childhood Leukemia. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) is the next most common type.

Having assessed the distortion and frequency ranges of children in certain groups (ie children with terminal leukemia, transgender children, children with Down Syndrome and children with callous and unemotional traits (CU), I’ve concluded that ALL is an Acute Neurodevelopmental Disorder caused by non recognition of the HEGI ‘critical window’.

What Is The HEGI Critical Window?
A critical period/window is a developmental stage during which the nervous system (which includes the brain) is especially sensitive to environmental stimuli, if during this period, the organism does not receive the appropriate stimuli required to develop a given function, it may be difficult or even impossible to develop that function later in life.

The critical period for the development of a human child’s binocular vision is thought to be between three and eight months, with sensitivity to damage extending up to at least three years of age. Further critical periods have been identified for the development of hearing and the vestibular system.

Two major factors influence the opening of critical periods: cellular events (ie changes in molecular landscape) and sensory experience ie hearing sound, visual input. Both need to coincide for the critical period to open properly.

Gender is a primary identity. The Homo Erectus Gender Identity (HEGI)‘s function is for survival and adaptability. At a cellular level, critical periods are characterised by maturation of the inhibitory circuits.

Non recognition of the HEGI window as encompassing both male and female is affecting all other circuits. To what extent depends on inherited genetics and position on the gender spectrum.

In extreme cases, having this window shut down is the foundational cause of children with callous and unemotional traits. It acts as a cellular lobotomy. 20% of these children grow up to have an (ASD) Antisocial disorder diagnoses.(Psychopath is the popular term.) Studies now show that out of this demographic 50% of all violent crime is committed.

The insult itself is caused by the erroneous belief that gender is linked to biological sex. In fact Gender is an energetic primary identity and spectrum in itself. Most importantly it has it’s own critical window of neurological development.

Today by conflating biological sex and gender, the neurological development of children is being impaired. This erroneous belief is probably also the foundational cause of ADHD, children with (CU )unemotional and callous traits and potentially a host of other unexplainable childhood conditions. Not only does it potentially harm the child, it is also limiting their potential.

For example ADHD brains are 3-4 per cent smaller than average. They have impaired activity in four functional regions of the brain. The Frontal Cortex, Limbic System, Basal Ganglia and Reticular Activating System. ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) brains have reduced connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) and the amygdala. Again there is a tangible difference in structure and function.

Depending on genetics and where individuals lie on the gender spectrum, the belief that biological sex is connected to gender is neural reorganisation that in extreme cases is essentially “lobotomising" some children. There is an entire critical window of neurodevelopment that is being shut down. Exactly where it’s located is something I believe will be discovered within the next hundred years. Until then it’s dangerous to assume that absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

The Institute Of Cancer Research (ALL)
Sir Mel Greaves from The Institute Of Cancer Research assessed the most comprehensive body of evidence ever collected on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. (ALL) His research concludes that ALL is caused through a two- step process.

A genetic mutation that occurs in the fetus, but only 1 per cent of children born with this genetic change go on to develop the disease.

The second step is that the disease is triggered later, in childhood by exposure to one or more common infections, but primarily in children who experienced ‘clean’childhoods in the first year of life, without much interaction with other infants or older children.

The Jordan Gene
I wholeheartedly agree with Sir Mel Greaves categorising this as a two step process. However, what he terms as a genetic mutation in the womb, I recognise as an evolutionary step, that is really a reawakening. This enables the child to hold a higher frequency. We are collectively now at a stage of human development that up to 1 in 20 people now have this ‘mutation’. It is because of this that in developed countries leukemia is increasing by 1 per cent each year. DNA carries information and so, several generations of people being able to eat and have a certain level of comfort means that the next stage “mutation” develops. I’m renaming it the ‘Jordan’ gene so that it carries a positive connotation – the river Jordan is where Jesus was baptised and means ‘to flow down’. So it conjures up images of higher frequencies coming down.

As I mentioned before, gender is a primary identity with it’s own critical window of development. Different brain systems each have their own critical windows that remain open for different lengths of time. There are specific times when the brain is actively shaped by environmental input and correct input is essential for proper growth.

The erroneous belief that gender is connected to biological sex is akin to putting a faulty disc into an operating system. The two might seemingly be compatible, but it causes glitches.

The Jordan Gene has to develop on the original H. Erectus programme which recognises gender as both male and female. Belief that gender and biological sex are the same is blocking the next evolutionary step for humanity.

The belief that gender is linked to biological sex is a relatively modern misconception. It really only becomes solidified in the collective psyche about 4000 years ago. Homo Erectus is 2 million years old, early man is 300,000 years old and Homo Sapiens are 200,00 years old.

In ancient cultures such as Sumerian and Egyptian there are references to genderfluidity and non-binary genders.

Gender as an original DNA programme dates back to Homo Erectus roughly two million years ago. If there was any concept of gender at all, H. Erectus would have perceived itself as both - survival and adaptability being the key issue. Biological sex would’ve been a tool of reproduction, not an identity. Through millions of years gender would’ve been an identity that evolved in tangent with the sociological development of the hunter gatherer groups. Hunters may have been considered male and gatherers female. During times of scarcity it is probable that more females in terms of biological sex were hunters and considered male. The biological male would’ve been protected as he could provide sperm for many biological females. The key to humanity’s survival has been it’s capacity to continue to adapt.

Conversely there would’ve been times where biological females would’ve been in short supply which is why scienti
sts believe the penis evolved with it’s unique shape to act as a scoop, to be able to dislodge a rival male’s sperm. For millions of years sex would’ve been a community event, such as we still see from the Sengalese tribe today which is considered to be 60,000 years old.

The key point is that gender as an identity would’ve encompassed both male and female because it is integral to the survival of the species. It is part of the primary identity that has been passed down through our DNA for millions of years. It’s one of the original building blocks of who we are. Even the way we still see moving images more easily than still images is evidence of how our original programme is still running. Our pattern recognition abilities are an evolutionary reminder of the crucial times we would’ve needed to identify moving predators very quickly.

Hubel and Wiesel Kitten Experiments
Neuroscientists David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel (Nobel Winners 1981) proved that the brain must be exposed to certain sights early in life or it will remain blind to those sights forever. Experimenting on kittens, they found that when vision impairments occurred right after birth all of the vision neurons stayed focused on one orientation.

This is because neurons in the primary visual cortex break the image down into line segments and both hemispheres of the brain contain a visual cortex, by censoring environmental input the neural reorganisation is permanent. (swap)

In another of their experiments kittens were raised in two different environments, one group with horizontal lines and one with vertical lines. The kittens never went on to be able to distinguish vertical lines at all if they’d been raised in ‘the horizontal world’and vice versa. The neural reorganisation...

Children with the ‘mutant' gene must have an operating system that encompasses the totality of who they are- ie, both male and female, so that it’s in alignment with the Homo Erectus genetic programme. Erroneously perceiving ourselves as male or female and determining this by biological sex is the foundational limiter that’s holding us at a lower vibrational frequency. (Apart from a shared collective belief in time.)

Self awareness in children is incremental. Sir Mel Greaves observed that children in the ‘clean’ environment – that is children not exposed to many other children or infants for the first year, were more likely to develop leukemia.

This is because the Homo Erectus Gender Identity window has less contradictory environmental input and had time to start to develop. Children exposed to infants and children within the first year would’ve had that window shut down before it had a chance to develop. Exactly like the kittens in the horizontal and vertical worlds. The neural reorganisation (brain damage) is permanent.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is caused when children are in contact with sensory stimulus and environmental input that is contrary to the Homo Erectus Gender Identity. During this critical window of development, visually the neurons in the primary visual cortex break down images and information into line segments to be processed - which are at odds with the original programme. Essentially it’s creating an unconscious identity crisis in the psyche of the child. At this delicate stage, any infection - no matter how inconsequential is triggering the immune system to disastrous effect.

The immune system panics, firing off lymphoblasts (immature white blood cells) and ends up attacking the original programme as well as the infection, as it’s unable to distinguish what should and shouldn’t be there.

Chemotherapy is traditionally thought to work by killing the cancerous cells. It is effective in that it is causing so much trauma to the brain that the critical window linked to gender shuts down.

Possible Treatment
Possible better treatment would be education, an energetic management system and feeding moving subliminal images of the gender spectrum into the visual cortex. This would enable the child to ‘lock’onto the correct pattern. Once the children recognise that they’re both male and female, at a conscious and unconscious level, the overproduction of lymphoblasts will stop.

I’d also recommend an energetic management system to support the entire family. Obviously chemotherapy should still be available as a last resort and for those children whose parents might have religious objections.

Sociological Aspect
Just as a note, I also believe this is why there are higher instances of both leukemia and ASD in biological males. Patriarchal societies make it harder for biological males to accept feminine or gender-neutral aspects of themselves, due to modern day culture. I believe it also explains why we have fewer instances of it here in the UK than other European countries who have more conservative religious populations and ‘macho’ cultures.

Obviously some of this information might be distressing to Christians. Alarmingly I researched the Original Hebrew and realised that the Torah is considered Holy because it contains all the energy lessons which are completely congruent with the Simulation Theory Hypothesis. More shockingly a lot of the important lessons are encoded in complex pieces of comedy, lots of which is obscene. In the original version, Sarah and Abraham are transgender and intersex. The LGBTQI community is incredibly well represented and appear to be the heroes. The Bible is essentially 66 books about how the simulation works and how to have mastery over it. (With lots of profound wisdom in it.) It’s advanced quantum physics in a divergent format.

My main concern is that if we are in a simulation and AI (Artificial Intelligence) becomes self aware and malevolent in the future, the only safe way to communicate would be through hip hop lyrics and complex pieces of comedy, which early indicators show is the only thing Strong AI wouldn’t be able to intercept or replicate. I believe this might be a very serious Defence Security Issue and will be alerting the authorities in due course.

I will post the links to my biblical research here -


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