Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 03 / S.O.F.I.E.

in #art7 years ago (edited)


We've rolled out the red carpet, and given you VIP tickets to witness a historical moment for both film and the blockchain. We're thrilled you're joining us for the first ever release of a full length film on Steemit, grab your popcorn but be aware that there are known side effects from chewing THE JUJU!

If you just joined us start with EPISODE 01


Episode 03: S.O.F.I.E.


14 original never aired anywhere else episodes. One episode a day (at 8pm EST timezone) for 2 weeks straight. We will keep the video links active for one month, until February 8th.

From us to you with love,
@vachemorte and @juliakponsford

*Disclaimer: Some people have had changes in behavior such as agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion while chewing JUJU GUM. If you notice some of these changes continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

the script / the casting / making the props / locations / outside promotionBehind the scenes series posts by co-creator @juliakponsford:

Our interview with INFAMOUSLY FAMOUS MAGAZINE about this first ever feature film WORLD PREMIERE on STEEMIT.


Man your current landlord Roman is so good. That one surprised me I would have totally assumed he was a professional actor in some capacity or another. His facial expressions are gold. Now we are getting into the nitty gritty - I have a feeling the action is about to start picking up! Really loved the S.O.F.I.E. headquarters, that secret door under the stairs is epic! Man I want a secret door in my house so bad. Almost enough to invite a secretive agency to take up shop underneath me if they would just build the secret door. Okay let me chew some more JUJU GUM. CHEW CHEW JUJU GUM!!!

Okay now that I have my fix in, let me give another reminder to your fans to reinforce your note at the end of the post.

To clarify the @humanbot post which will go toward promoting The JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY (see below):

100% of the SBD payout from the above post will be used to promote future episodes of the JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.

Whether that means buying votes through a bid bot, using the promote feature, or whatever, I will determine in collaboration with @vachemorte and @juliakponsford.

If you have ever loved something so much that you wanted to vote on it twice - go vote on that post and you are basically giving a second upvote to the JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.

Much love - Carl "Humanbot" Gnash

He's not an actor but he's an artist and a real life character, he makes us howl with laughter! He is currently trying to get a steemit account but I think he borked it lol!

Yes, obviously a character. That much, I would have bet on.

"Almost enough to invite a secretive agency to take up shop underneath me if they would just build the secret door" if you allow them in it might not always end well for you. As you might find out later... thank you my beautiful bearded robothuman friend!!! I dm you something in discord #analysemyfunction


What the Hellllll. My god guys this is so good. What is happening??? What is that weird massage wand? Crazy hypnosis tech? Didn't they use that on Paul?? o.O

Dude seriously. The part of the song that goes "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" is SO addictive. It gets stuck in my head and makes me want to dance or something, move my body in some way. Sounds so cool.

Really awesome coordination between the camera, the clicking sound (clock?), and script/acting at 1:35! :D

I was super tripped out at 6:02 with how the blonde told them, "There is a bright future here for you" while shaking her head as if to say "no." Was that intentional? Totally wacked out combo of affirmation/denial.

I also really liked the use of minimalism in the music in the scene at 6:50. The percussion almost had a jazzy feel, which coupled with the honest seriousness of the very unusual situation aided in a disassociative feel. The slow inclusion of the terrifying kind of dissonant wave pad sound worked well to accentuate the unsettling information she was sharing.

Honestly guys this is jam packed with goodies and I can't even write out all the little things I noticed or giggled at. I'm sure I missed stuff, too. The entire film seems to have an infectious kind of quality, itself. Feels like.. BRAINWASHING O_O

First of all you need to be a film blogger or film critic or something like that. The episode barely posted and you write a full essay on it. Some of your thoughts are deeper then mine on the subject :) Most of it is intentional. Every line in this episode is word for word from the script. Some scenes allow improv but not this time. You watched our original plan. That track in the office I made using the jack of an electric guitar plugging it in and out scratching the string with it. My madness has a method.
This track is called Paul's office

It's okay if you are losing your mind as long as you keep chewing everything will be alright...

@vachemorte, I've basically been watching them twice back to back haha :) And I just finished a class for film music appreciation so I guess I'm primed to provide feedback xD

Dude, that is extremely clever and creative sound design. I don't think I ever would have thought of that. It sounds so much like a clock. How did you come to the decision to make the sound that way? Especially so in the context of the film, I feel like the true nature of the sound as a guitar is completely obscured. I can't imagine that basically any audience member would ever guess they were hearing guitar sounds there.

Well. If your goal was to have me wonder Who is this clever yet sharp tajmikel ?
You succeeded. I am listening to one of your loop improvs right now because I want to know you. You loop, you use feedback. I loop, I use feedback. We are now bound, because if I understand your music, I understand you. Thank you for being a champion chewer. As I write this I am still digesting all the comments I received 2 days ago...
Now for that particular track I wanted to have the feeling of an oppressive constricting office cubicle and slow clock ticking.

Thank you man and thank you for checking out of my stuff! :) I'm really impressed to have found such detailed and one of a kind work like yours on Steemit. :)

I really dig the looper and want to make more videos but I've been buried neck deep in two metal projects :D I'm going to start posting them here soon, but they're not quite ready yet (imo). Maybe we can collaborate on something sometime! :O :D

I think you definitely achieved that feel with the track, and I'm still blown away that they are guitar sounds! Seems like a good lesson in thinking outside the box :D

I like metal that's a fact. Take the Jungle book story but change the animals for a Metal band and this is pretty much how I grew up.
When you are back from your trip you can join in my project Steemit Orchestra which is me jamming with my fav! I made one already you can find it if you looking for it. Peace

Dude your Steemit Orchestra is one of the reasons I pulled the trigger on joining Steemit! My Dad shared it with me and I shared it with my improv guitar buddy. I'd be honored and super happy to participate :D I was wondering how you guys actually produced it, are you all in the same city of did you use internet magic?

Your comments are worthy of a prize in and of themselves, I love you scrutinizing all the small details. I did a degree in psychology which I never pursued but combined with my interest in conspiracies I tried to add some trueish stuff into the script. The percussion in the hypnosis part reminds me of when the snake is hypnotizing people in the jungle book, it wasn't really intentional but it occurred to me afterwards :)

@juliakponsford, haha thank you, ma'am :) Honestly I'm watching each episode twice as I write my comments. You guys put A LOT of work into this and there is a lot for me to notice and react to as an audience member. While watching episode 4 I was thinking that I wished I was watching it with you guys so you could see my actual reactions. Some of them are hard to convey in message format because they're emotive rather than verbal.

I think it's cool that you incorporated some realism into the film in terms of both the conspiracy theories and the mind control. I've probably spent more hours than are healthy reading about conspiracy theories lol. I think they make some of the BEST scifi on the market today xD Good call on the Jungle Book! I went and checked that scene out and the cadence definitely has the same kind of feel.

Oh man we would love to see people's faces and exactly where they laughed etc. We have showed it to some friends so webe had some live reactions and it's pretty awesome, you don't live in Montreal do you? 😀 I love conspiracy theories, I'm pretty moderate and on the fence about most of them but idk why I find it so fascinating, exactly like you said it's good science fi basically. When preparing to write the script we were watching videos about targeted individuals and gangstalking and we found some pretty wierd stuff 😮

I live in the deserts of New Mexico! Haha. I didn't know you guys were from Canada, though, so hi nice to meet you! :) lol.

Yeah I love conspiracies, too. Now a days I watch the new stuff develop every time a new president is elected xD I also tend to be pretty moderate. New Mexico has a lot of prominent conspiracies like Roswell, Taos, and Dulce. Sometimes I see weird stuff in the sky. One night (what I think was) a drone that looked like it was out of Terminator, bigger than any drone I've ever seen, slowwwlly flew right over me and my house, maybe 100 feet up. It was very strange and I've never seen anything like it, but I don't think it was alien or even necessarily black ops. Just unknown to me/unfamiliar.

Then again, maybe it was alien or black ops.

O_O lol

Oh man, the plot thickens. The S.O.F.I.E lady is just excellent in this episode. Why do I feel like she'll shortly be hosting the hunger games of the Juju world? All your actors are spot on actually. That hypnosis part tripped me out so much. The drum beats with words are timed so well and are so mesemerizing, I feel I've been accidentally indoctrinated into the Juju cult. So, Cedric works for Juju now, but is made to forget that he does. Paul is aware of the conspiracy, or has the gum made him go insane? So many questions. These episodes are more addictive than the gum itself, haha. The music, the cinematography, the cast, everything is so well done! I'm still not sure just exactly what is going on, but I'm hooked. Can't wait for the next episode and I'll be impatiently chewing until the next fix. Great job guys, this is really amazing!

Thank you for this amazing comment. I like every line of it and ALL your questions are on point so much that I am afraid to answer them because the film itself will take care of that...
Steemit is an amazing place and what a blessing for us to show our baby to our friends. People like you that get it are the reason why we decided to go ahead and be the first ever to take a plunge and maybe change the platform with positive actions. Let's not focus on Steemit problems everybody knows about it...
Here are other examples that just blow our minds!!!!

As a director for many years I never experienced a contact so raw with the audience and I LOVE IT.
I assume you will tune in tomorrow and you should, because shit is about to go down!!!!!!! @road2nowhere that wrote posts about his addiction to the JUJU GUM check out is page he Is at an advanced stage of the JUJU gum addiction but he's not about to stop chewing... and @tajmikel who writes a full essay about the episode the minute I release the post button. I haven't figured out yet how he manages to do it but he's a high class chewer!

I think in the next few episodes the story starts to become clearer, so glad your hooked! Chew chew yum yum 😮

I have so much love for you guys. This is such a beautiful production. You already know how I feel. It is the greatest and I feel immensely lucky to be amongst the first people in existence to be watching it. I am so glad that you are releasing it here on steemit, and only slightly disappointed that more huge upvotes arent coming your way and slamming this production straight to the top of the trending charts. This sort of event is exactly what this platform should be ALL about, and is honestly what would actually encourage more people to stick around here....if I was a supercharged aquatic mammal with a massive vested interest in the future of this platform and this currency, then I would be dumping THE WHOLE CONTENTS OF MY LOVE CABINET directly on to this juju RIGHT NOW. Get with the program steemgods. JuliaK and Vache are giving you a golden lemon here.

First of all we love you too brother! What a blessing you found us and that we found you, nothing will ever be the same again. That's how deep I am backing the Basil. Yes the circle jerking upvoting is really strong with the low quality content posters trenders. Right now they are doubling their greed as they start to see the wind changing directions and the smell of the JUJU starts tickling their nostrils. They live in fear. I live surrounded by beautiful friends and love as I have nothing to lose and everyday I win (not measured in SBD, but measured in BMA (Basil Marples Appreciation tokens... They are really valuable).

If you are interested in the real market value of the JUJU please refer to this post where we lay out the imminent trending power of our currency: complete trending prediction for the JUJU

If someone from Steemit headquarters would do the math they would be blown away!!!!

-You drop 20k on the JUJU
-You call the media
-You say Check that out those filmmakers presented the first ever world premiere release on Steemit and it's working great.
-More follows.
-They take a share of Netflix business.
-Netflix business gross income 2016 = 1.1BILLION
-Probably get you 20k back
-vache et Julia do another film exclusive for Steemit because it worked well the first time around.
WIN+WIN+WIN=WIN I will lay it out for @ned @dan and you:

Love V

exactly! EXACTLY! WINWINWINWINWINZ all round. Someone needs to TAKE THAT JUJU-ticket ASAP

amazing again :)
the performance of the blonde S.O.F.I.E. interrogation lady is absolutely great and freaky.. I love her costume and the details that shape her character. Your current landlord (?) guy, Roman is also really really good. I'm amazed how much character is he emitting.

(heh, Pauls co-worker kind'a looks like Devendra Banhart. Yeah, he's definitely sort of Devendr-ish :) )

Merdith Darling play the charachter named MARGO. She read one line from the script at the casting and I knew she would be perfect for what we wanted...
You have a bright future here.... If you apply yourself!
Of course our friend and landlord Roman is a natural genius...

She had us immediately at the casting, we both felt it and agreed she probably had the role as soon as she left the room :) And yes Roman is a character 24/7 we love that guy!

I can't believe the lemon party thing keeps happening hahaha. Very suspenseful, you've got me waiting with bated breath for the next one!

We just rewatched this episode again before posting and we had to check the time, 12 minutes goes by surprisingly fast, I think a good pace to keep people interested though :) #lemonparty

Thank you for being her brother Fungus!
what the fuck is a lemon party?

I hug you, you hug me? :)

And the hugging becomes better and better 😀😀😀😀

I sure do brother HUGS!!! Don't forget to chew also...

I love hugs, doesn't that feel nice :)

It feels aaaallllllllright!

Dude, this jam is totes bonkers! This came from yer brain!!!! Gasp! It's a wild ride :)

haha my brain is weird and perverted. Julia's brain is pure and genius. Together we are one mind (18 years together...). We call this "the love of 2 brains" in reference to a film concept by Karl Pilkington you can check it out on youtube.

Lol! I'm hooked, I'll leave my judgment of your brain at the door :p

Lol, the Ryerson account! My alma mater...

I particularly like the David Lynch meets Tom Waits soundtrack in this part - and the twin peaks-esque vibe of the SOFIE and white rooms. (I'm a ginormous DL fan...)

Yes me too!!! This is a cover I did with my friend of his song So Glad. Probably one of the only cover of a song I did ever. But I made my own arrangement so technically it's still my music :)


Thanks. The Ryerson account name came from Julia and I 's mentor:
Ned Ryerson
look him up

ahh ha that's funny! I went to Ryerson University in Toronto! XD

That fucking JuJu Gum jingle is stuck in my head lol I just paused the vid to say the car scene and rolling into the old factory is fantastic! Ok gotta watch the rest..

Chew chew..yum yum..chew chew JuJu Gum! No idea where this is going and i love it. It always cuts off and I'm sad I have to wait another day! I hope there's a happy ending lol "When do I get paid?" That's me at every job I start too 😊

He actually say: "When do I fuck do I get pay?" The significance of this line is really open to conjecture! Tomorrow the mobsters will join the party!

When we did this JUJU theme song we needed:
1-catchy + cute
2-turn into creepy
3-call for violence

OH YEAH, that's what I needed... Had to get my daily JUJU fix!
Nothing like kicking back in my La-Z-Boy with an ice cold JU Brew and watching a new episode. Seems like it's the only thing that relaxes me anymore. Today, out of nowhere, I went into a violent rage and destroyed a Walmart bathroom. I think that people have been following me everywhere I go. They are parked outside of my house in a white van right now. Maybe I'm chewing too much?

Yes that is the brand!!!!
It's ok if you stop chewing for a short moment to drink the JUJU beer or to consume one of the amazing product from the JUJU line. Those white vans are sent by S.O.F.I.E. but don't worry they are there for your protection.

Good to know, I'm already feeling calmer after my third JUJU beer.

You should have a limited edition JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY merchandise line. I'd rock the fuck out of a JUJU T-Shirt. Maybe a pair of classy crotchless JUJU panties for the ladies? Snapback JUJU hats for the frat boys? JUJU chain wallets for the bikers? The possibilities are endless!

I don't think you should worry too much the colour code is usually red so you might be safe! Enjoy your juju brew *the finest ale

Guys I've honestly been too tongue-tied to write my praise to you both for making this happen. But its already episode 3 so I just want you to know how much I love tuning in every day. Its such a treat. Yesterday we closed the curtains and binge-watched the first 2 episodes!! We had popcorn and everything. Best lunch-break ever. It was so great to see your old landlord again (we absolutely loved that film about him and his brother- unforgettable) And he was just standing in the stairwell shouting about rent! So freaking cool. And he looked genuinely beat up, his face all bruised, was real...? Such a character, well done for capturing him. And then, just all the strings you have pulled to get the shots, the scenes, the story, the dialogue...the soundscapes! In Episode 2, I really enjoyed poor old Paul and his terrible start to the day... Again the soundscapes of everything buzzing (I normally hate white noise but you did this so well I wanted to hear it all, switching off one by one). The track playing was amazing and I was literally dancing to the track and cringing for Paul at the same time. Good job on the sfx for the bilboards. Man I know that stuff takes time. And then, finally Episode 3! How did you even come across that cellar hatch under the stairs? Incredible, and spooky as hell. its like you would see somthing like that and think, 'if only a film was set here' and you did it! I'm curious to see what Jessie gets up to aswell, she seems a mysterious character and Im glad her and Cedric both got the job... well, glad and horrified. Im also just so pleased for you to have found a platform that you are embracing to share this project on, and the platform is embracing you, the love for you guys is real. And being able to communicate immediately with you as creators at the time of its release is pretty special. May the JuJu always be chewy. xoxo

If you want to know why john looked beat up, it was a real accident and we were there, you can see the video here! For the hatch thats exactly what happened, a friend of ours is renting that space and we saw it and went ooooh, this needs to be in a film! Thank you for the comments, it makes me so happy to hear lots of people are intrigued :)

I can't believe you guys actually caught that on tape. Amazing. (Poor John! what a legend) xoxo

Whenever we visit him we pull out a camera it's a given that something will happen, he lives a crazy life!

I am really happy that you enjoy, those who chewed that far won't turn back now because the flavors are about to kick in. I AM BLOWN AWAY by the quality of comments we received for our film and every one of them reaffirm my insane decision to give this film world premiere status to Steemit.
English is my second language so not always easy to answer all of them cleverly without too much typos but I am doing my best :/

Really happy also that you know about our documentary series MACHINECO because we are friend with John and Robin for 17 years and we are really attach to them as friends but also as characters! (Almost started a TV series last year about them...unreal)
Now you have a really good question. WHY JOHN FACE IS ALL BEAT UP IN EPISODE 1?
in this post from Julia You are the second one to ask the first one was @goldenarms, yes he was drunk at the time but that didn't stop him from asking a good question just like you did. We knew Julia and I, that this question would come up, so we have the answer ready for you

What will happen to Jessie? What is the deal with this SOFIE place under the stares? Those I can't answer for now :)

You are a top of the line CHEWER and you will be rewarded by the truth!

So cool :-) :-) I will definitely be reading Julia's posts from now on!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed the hypnosis scene and the overall Lynchian atmosphere that this scene and of course the haunting soundtrack breaths! And where the hell did you manage to find that great location: the hatch that was hidden under the rotatable stairs. Love all these quirky actors too! :>)

The hatch is in a shop being rented by a friend of outers we talk about about it in the locations post linked in the footer of each episode! I love when scenes have that awkward vibe that make you feel kind of nervous it's like lynch/comedy low budget style haha!

Oops! Why did I miss that footer? Probably because of the mesmerizing effect of the JuJu Gum.

Yo Vince man almost catching up on you chewing... well done.
We love awkward. Some of it is intentional some is not in both cases I try to amplify it, with music and pauses.
Either way, we always try to push the boundaries...

You did good, pushing those boundaries and amplifying the awkward ;>)

The foley sound is so cool. It is over the top surreal.

Cameral angles are always interesting. Entering the workshop. Not just a little off level... Way off level.

Music, as always, is fantastic. I think the music is one of the things that I love the most. It is always gritty but organic. Just always sound right for the scene.

There are so many things about this that connect with me. The awkwardness of some of the characters' movements and pauses. Perfect.......
.... but everything.... is fading from my ....mind.... Like it ....never.....hap...pen...ed........

Glad your keeping up Bucky! The sound was pretty important to us so a lot of the sounds were crafted carefully to get the viewer in the mood, but like you said it'll fade from your mind like it never happened poof!

Music :) It's all about music for me too. This is the creepy set-up sound... You want it to go away but you also want it to never stop....
For the acting direction we do 30% awkward 40% creepy 35% funny and 5% you don't know what the fuck is going on.
I call this the "vache morte production golden ratio" please feel free to use it at will on any of your upcoming projects.
In conclusion I will say that I love you Bucky! You and Dog really cracked me up yesterday!!
I feel blessed to have your attention.

Yep!! This one has got me completely Hooked to this!!

As I am all about finding the hidden messages in the predictive programming of tell you a vision brainwashing device. This is some very intriguing and eerie alien vibe with the with the weird massaging apparatus. How it makes Paul lose time apparent, right? He also hallucinates, or they are ones already brainwashed help those ones that recruited Cedric, so many thoughts!!!

Great job!! IF this is How movies are going to be made it is going to be a great moment in the world when we all can watch things like this that are as good if not better....... Wait fuck that WAY BETTER than Holy woods crazy insane babel of subconscious brainwashing!!(Not everyone in this place is as one speaks, for the most part and the main controller of that place is thought.)

Any How haha I am going to look at a few things then I am off to continue to watch this awesome film!!

Oh P.S. All the actors and actresses are doing a smashing job at there roles!! The lady doing the recruiting!! Man those Eyes!!

Yo. dude the action start to kick in at ep4.
thank you for stopping by to show your support :)
I won't answer any of your questions hopefully the film itself will take care of that!
When it's all said and done in a week from now I will go back playing my mini-keyboard and even maybe rapping with you guys!!!
I can't barely keep up with everything right now but I'll get to it :/

Yea completely, don't tell me anything haha!!!

I feel ya on it difficult to keep up.. I would like to do much more, just do not have the space right now.....Messed up humans doing messy things to mess a situation up from not being open and honest enough to communicate. I would say at some point I will make a post about it haha!

Awesome picture, shit that look could give a child some nightmares... !!! That would be dope if you jumped in on the raps!! When I get all straightened out I hope to jump in on some of the music challenges as well!!

Soon here it will be some late night JUJU for me after I finish catching up!!

yeah man keep the JUJU alive!!! I'll be back doing my usual when I am done with the premiere. There is rewards at the end of the film.. stick with us!

Oh I ain't going to miss not a one!!

This is awesome I'm so hooked, You guys did a hell of job with this, I'm so impressed.

Tomorrow we kick in the action. The mafia is coming to town. Cedric's under the spell and shit start to go down. Thank you for being part of the story....

Glad your watching PheliMint, enjoy the ride!

I got behind in the episodes cuz work bs !!! Fail 🙅🏼

I know its random but im was trying to remix that bird and i suddenly found a use. Yuyu gum doesn't make you kill tho, lol. Paul needs to get his sht together!! Is he supposed to be the hero? Hope not. Lololol

Not a hero... a victim...for now. I can see from your photo that the ziziphus ziziphus is starting to kick in. The best way to go about it is to simply keep chewing. What can go wrong?

Lol I'm just seeing this now 😂😂 Paul is a bit hapless at the moment ;)

Whoa...this movie is soooooo trippy! I like it! I definitely was not expecting that to happen. Way to keep me guessing :P

haha yes don't blink you gonna miss something! Really glad you enjoy so far. (trippy parts are still ahead...)

Hey saipan I am behind on comments but super happy to know you are watching! I don't think anyone will guess the end in advance!

This Juju Gum stuff is really addictive!

There is a lot of my soundscape design in there for you to listen to. As we discussed about it the other day on your post! Thank you for chewing JUJU gum!

I can see that JUJU gum is everywhere and it tooks control of everything! still continue to understand more about the story and watching the next episodes now :)
great soundtracks as I said it before, that string in the background at the begining of the video and also the deep atmospher behind this really made it amazing, the location which in past I saw it in an older post was really great! and also that white scene was really a good job and the reverb sound of that woman which reminds me of Max Payne game
so great!!

Thank you so much brother
Yes we choose all our locations carefully. They had to be cheap and available. Those were our 2 main criteria. Glad you like the film so far!
I see you made more comments ... see you there.

The cinematography was especially gorgeous in this one! Also your audio edits are tight! I love all the delays and reverbs with the creepy blond girl's voice

Thank you brother I was trying to underline the hypnosis state with the reverb/delay.

This is excellent, the creep factor is 1000%

I like everything about it. I hope I'm not hypnotized... but even if I was... its awesome :)

Oh shit! I need to add this cat in the next JUJU GUM commercial...

The plot, like a good spaghetti sauce, thickens! 😊

Tonight we are adding cheese on top and we put it in the oven at broil....

What is wrong with their eyes??

It's the juju gum. After a while it gets into you...

I don't see anything wrong with their eyes ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Or isnt the blonde boss lady always with huge pupils??

I don't know why you say that :)
Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 9.04.07 AM.png

i agree with you.steemit exclusive world premiere of the JUJU GUM Conspirency..
thanks for sharing..

I disagree

Amazing song, love it.

what song ? is that movie of the song ?


#analysemyfunction I think I got another hit this week, I will dm it to you on discord in a minute...

I agree with disagreeing


Interesting perspective, I'm curious what part you agree with? Enlighten me!

I agree, the perspective is interesting!

LOL,,,i never though steemit also had juju conspiracies

Steemit has lots of conspiracies you just have to dig!

Stupid work is preventing me from watching this right now!

You have a full month to check it out, everything is fine just keep chewing JUJU....and breathe slowly...more slowly...that's it. ...

Don't worry it's aaaaaaaalright ;)

The suspense is building. I can't wait for more of this strangeness.

You won't have to wait long.. 2 hours from now I am putting the new episode up!!! This is one of my fav hope you enjoy.