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RE: Catastrophes: A Flaming Tale

in #art7 years ago

Naturally it's all subjective, but for me animated gifs just look cheesy. I like the original much better then the animated flames. It moves something that requires a thought process to actually take in the art and understand what the artist was getting at to a place of hey my 5 year old would instantly get that the cat caught fire. Maybe I'm just to old school...but those are my thoughts.

But really fun idea of the 9 lives book. Hope you plan to publish it (actual print not just ebook)...that is yet another POD item ;) . Book with original illustrations. You can go 2 directions or both. One towards adult readers and one for a childrens book.


I understand you my friend-
I was also somewhat against Gifs too.
I like to experiment and I have never done one before so I was intrigued.

I have actually completed half the book of which I started over 20 years ago.
I sent it to several publishers who all loved it but said the public would not go for such a concept at that time (20 years ago).
Perhaps if I tried again now I might have a better chance? The world had moved on.

I wondered if books might be dying out and if perhaps the idea might work better as a sort of animated blog. However, II was unsure if git would work.
I guess I was intrigued enough ti try.

Thanks for you honest answer, much appreciated.

I love the animation. But It only works online, I would say. Here you have the gif loving poeple. The original picture above is great but the gif has much more drama too it. Fits the story.

At the moment I am learning how to do Gifs and when I am learning something new then I am very happy and motivated. It is a joy to learn new things.
Not sure where I will go with this project but I will just continue and see.Thanks for your thoughts @sumsum-

@sumsum for some flair online it does work and I think after seeing a couple times it's growing on me. A few of them on a marketing page for selling the book would work great to grab attention of potential buyers.