Jack and Sally - A love beyond the graveyard

in #art7 years ago

Hello Errybunny, So I am a HUGE fan of Tim Birtons art and movies, I am basically a huge fan of creepy and cute things

this image is a google image and not my property - https://www.google.com/search?q=tim+Burton&client=firefox-b-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6jPPu6djbAhUpBcAKHVQUCVsQ_AUICigB&biw=1252&bih=600#imgrc=7jm90QiEMFxqMM:

And yes his head is home to the most beautiful peculiar ideas and I love LOVE the ideas this man has. All cute love stories.

As you may have come to notice

I hope you all know the magical Movie of Mr Burton, Nightmare before christmas.If you do not know it, it is definately a huge MUST WATCH on your list of movies to watch.

So in honor of this love I have of this movie I drew up some cutesy main characters in the movie, Jack Skellington with a twist:

jack skellington.png


Sally with a twist

My heart is made of Rag.png

My heart is also made of rag

So I am doing the digital art things for those of you who do not know, and I am still fairly new in the digital art game, so I am bound to have art mistakes made with these. DO NOT JUDGE TOO HASTILY ON MY ART

I am being thrown into a new era of art in my life, and I am still learning pen preassure and layers and how to shade these things I draw up. It has been a very exciting kind of journey of mine, and I think I am slowly but surely getting the hang of this digital art thing, I am not as shaky as I use to be with the pen, so I am getting the line art down pretty good, if I say so myself.. The shading is a lot of hard work, with pens and stuff I rarely have shading problems, but this? this is not just pen art anymore. this is digital art and it is a looooot harder than just quickly shading something with a finemarker or a pencil

I hope I will get better soon

Oh well





nice post well done it's not easy to be creative keep it up

Thank you so much!!