World-renowned artist Pablo Picasso and some curious fact.

in #art6 years ago

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881-1973) Famous Spanish painter and sculptor who was known worldwide as Pablo Picasso. He was one of the best actors of the twentieth century and one of the pioneers of the historic Cubism chapter. After that, the artistic movement that he started in the transition of society in the transition of Europe was influenced very well by other great artists of that time. He made any imagination alive, with the help of his hand puff. More than 2,000 paintings of his unheard and hard work on that day are still scattered in various museums around the world. Politically, Picasso was a pacifist and communist. He was an active member of the French Communist Party until his death.


Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the city of Spain, Malaga.


The full name of this world-famous artist is made up of 23 words. Pablo de Diego Khosse Francisco de Paula Khán Nepomusheno Maria de los Remedios Ciapriano de la Santícíma Trinidad Marti Patricio Clito Ruiz e Picasso.

His mother's name was Maria Picasso e Lopez and father's name Khosse Ruiz Blasco.

After Picasso came home, the midwife thought that the dead was born.


For this reason, the midwife was busy keeping the child on a table and serving the mother. During this time, his uncle came forward after seeing the baby was frozen on the table and the baby was moving just after throwing the smoke of the cigarette smoke in the face.

The first word that was pronounced from the face of Jesus Picasso was "Piz".

The word Pij is a short form of the word lapiz. The language of Spanish is called the pen pals.

At the age of 9, Pablo Picasso completed his life's first oil painting work.


"El Pikadoro" (1890), who stabbed the bull with a spear in the fight for the cavalry bull.

Picasso has created more than 20 thousand art works in his lifetime.


At the age of 14, Picasso figured in a series of religious films, which he never showed interest in selling.


From 1900 to 1904, the Blue Prix was in the life of the artist. During this period, the canvas of the artist only reflected the grief, tribulation and misery of the people.


From 1904 to 1905, the golden years in the life of the artist. In these days he was attracted and inspired by the Paris city and the circus party.


The creation of the craftsmanship was the period of Cubism period from 1908 to 1920.


In 1981, Picasso's last wish was returned to Madrid from the Modern Art Museum in Guernica, New York.


To implement Picasso's will, then the waiting period was to wait until Franco's fall.

During World War II he was humiliated and persecuted by the Spanish fascist government.


In 1947, Picasso joined the Communist Party of France.

On April 8, 1973, at the age of 91, the world-renowned artist died in the town of Muigi in France.

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