The official website of the anime adaptation "Aho Girl" has aired a new PV on Tuesday. This new PV play the theme song "Zenryoku ☆ Summer!" Sung by angela.
Keizou Kusakawa (Juuou Mujin no Fafnir, Sekirei) will be the main director, and Shingo Tamaki (Day Break Illusion) will direct this series in studio Diomedea. Takashi Aoshima (Gabriel Dropout) served as a script writer, and Masakazu Ishikawa (Ika Musume) served as character designer. <p dir="auto">The comedy series tells the story of Yoshiko, a high school student who is very very stupid, he continues to cause problems against their friends thanks to the action. <p dir="auto">Further information about Aho Girl anime you can find through the articles below: <pre><code> Announcement of the anime adaptation Announcement of the theme song Disclosure of live date Visual appearance and seiyuu additional Voiced