The Slumdog Millionaire

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

There was a dog that just started hanging around the neighberhood at the begining of winter. Just right before the cold hit. She started hanging around our house, I guess cause we have dogs? So, I seen she's always sniffing around. So I put out a bowl of Dog food. Cause she was looking skinny like ain't ate in a few days. I knew that cold weather was about to hit. So I opened my shed full of tools just so she could have shelter from rain and ice. Which we had no luck of getting her to go in first few times. I put food in and she would go in just long enuff to eat, Then run back out. There was no luck with that. Then she was gone all night to maybe her home?
I looked her up on internet that she was a American Eskimo Dog. I read a lot of stories on breed of dogs.

After reading a few things made me wonder why would a 1930-1940's German dog be called a American Eskimo?
Later that evening after I came back from doing one of my outtings. I seen a dog laying by some trees in a ditch all rolled up in a ball shape. I felt bad for dog as it started to snow. and the temperture was getting ready to really drop to even colder. Then after I got home the dog was in our yard already as I was getting ready to go get her. She looked really bad. Had icicles hanging from her hair and sheivering from the cold as it dropped down to 5 degrees fahrenheit.
I grabbed ahold of her as quick as I could. She was scared I could tell as she was trying to get lose. I got her in the house and grabbed a bath towel along my way to get her dried off.
I was raised on a farm, So I knew how and what to do for animals. The farmer way.
I got her in and rubbed her throughly like how I used to rub horses. She had a lot of hair. After drying her, The towel was soak and wet. Got her in front of a heater and some food.

I posted ads all over the internet of a lost dog. on my neighberhood page mainly hoping someone would claim the dog. With no luck there.
After she felt at home a few days later. I took her to the vet to get her checked out. And to see if she had a chip. The vet guy said she was healthy which was good. And best of all, No chip.
I hang at a neighberhood bar which allows dogs. And now I have me a dog I can bring along. So we went. My dog turned out to be the star for the day. getting everybodies attention of how I saved her from the cold.
Me being in with collecting Dogecoins gave me a idea. I'll call her the,

She loves to hang around with me as I sit on my computer and collect more Doge coins. And kinda looks like Dog on coin.

We named her Mazie, Cause it was amazing she made it threw the winter in a nice heated house where she can enjoy life. And get us both DOGE Rich!
So now,
