My Sweet Rat Tofu ❤️

in #animals7 years ago (edited)


Almost four years ago I fell in Love with this little guy.

Well... now he’s a fat guy but the sweetest rat you’d ever meet.
He has never once bitten a single person, sleeps on my shoulder and in my lap.
All he wants to do is be held and cuddle.


For the past week I’ve noticed a growth on his little arm.
He’s been sleeping a lot more and when I take him out of his cage to play, he just waddles back to his cage and asks to be let back in.

He does this Little gurgling sound to communicate. Almost like a purr.


The veterinarian told me it was a tumor.
He’s had growths before but never anything like this.

She told me it was only going to continue growing larger and to keep an eye on it
There’s nothing we can do because it’s not the only tumor he has.

She felt deep in his tissue and found at least six more the size of peas.

I never thought anyone could get so emotionally attached to a rodent.
I’ve always, always loved animals but the day I brought him home, all my children fell in love with him, as did I.

Most people I know think it’s “gross” to have a rat as a pet but there’s really no difference between a hamster and a rat. Other than size, ha!
Actually the hamsters I’ve held have all bit me!

It’s going to be really hard to put him down when that time comes.
And knowing that I’m going to be the person scheduling the appointment for his death. It’s really hard to even think about.

He had a good run though. He’s always being loved on and spoiled.
He was being sold for snake food on Craigslist when I saw his picture.
He was looking up at the camera and I knew I just had to bring him home.


Tofu is just a little rat to most but it’s going to be a big loss for me.


Much Love


Sorry to hear he has such health problems, I think rats are very prone to those types of developments.
It can be very tough being a pet-owner, with the biggest 'downside' being that ultimate responsibility of deciding when to let them move on, even if it the best thing that can be done for them; then we can only remember what a great life they've had until that point.
I think the harder it is to let go, it just shows the more they've been loved. :)

Thank you so much for the kind words.
It’s been really hard for me to see him go through this. The dr said to watch for signs that he wants to “leave. “
So far he’s eating a lot still and very active for being so sick. He is definitely my fur baby ❤️

I am so sorry to read this. We had a group of 10 girls at work and we lost them simulatiously to the same thing. Sadly being descendants from lab rats it’s the usual cause to their end. I hope that he continues to live a long life with you and that you can make the overal decision :( I’m just so sorry. A true pet owner is one who can put the animals needs above their own and already you show that.


Yeah he’s definitely old enough to be going this way too. When I was reading about rats when I brought him home, I read a lot about rumors.
He was going to be snake food so I grabbed him up and took him home. He would drive with me everywhere. I took him to the park and anywhere we would be outside. He never bit anyone, even as a baby. Just a sweet boy. Thank you for the kind words ❤️

Congratulations!@elise-rhi, your post was Resteemed by @OCD!

Awesome!!! Thank you 😊

nice pics C=

Thank you ! He’s a sweet boy ❤️

Rats are very intelligent creatures with a developed sense of sociability. I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.
He’s very, very smart and loving.
He’s going to be unbelievably missed.

You can see his little (but big for him) tumor in the first picture. It’s so sad.
The dr doesn’t want to do surgery because the surgery might kill him if he’s too weak.

I get it. When animals rely on you they become your child. That empathy is a form of higher intelligence that in some people, is lacking or has faded from lack of use. It's harder to think independently than to blindly follow popular opinion but you have broader range of potential to make living a better experience for many. You provided a life that he would not have had otherwise. I recently had to euthanize my cat after 5 years of being with me during some very difficult times. She was losing her strength and ability to move during her final days and knew she was dying. Tears poured out of her eyes that last day before taking her in. I didn't know that cats could cry tears. I'd heard of elephants crying. This has haunted me since. Let him know he is being cared for by taking him in before he loses more basic functioning. It is surreal to have to make that decision for him but it's an act of love, and love gives life an immortal quality, regardless of time. It's not how it appears- life, love.. these are not about beginnings and endings.