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RE: The TRUTH About Open Borders Vs. Closed Borders! (With Adam Kokesh)

in #anarchy7 years ago

Hey douche. You know who I love and think are some of the best resources and attribute of the USA??


This country has been built by legal immigrants. They are the heart and soul of America. I love them and all their children and grandchildren and future generations.

You know who warrants disgrace? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS !!

I'll bet you don't leave the doors of your house open for anyone to wander in anytime they want. Why not?

Because you are a HYPOCRITE !!

There is nothing xenophobic about pointing out that LEGAL IMMIGRANTs are not the same as illegal immigrants.

You can listen to Jorge Ramos all you want. But if you are an illegal immigrant, you BROKE THE LAW and I welcome you to go back to where you came from.

If you are a legal immigrant who followed the law - welcome to the best country on earth. I'm a legal immigrant myself


Nice work. But all people are people, and all people are labeled lawbreakers by governments. So if breaking the law means you can't live in the US, then you'll have to get the hell out, too. Because I guarantee you break the law or have in the past. It's impossible not to.