She Is Not An Object: The Rebuttal Against The Bad Research On Female Objectification

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)


Preview Argument

I got the motivation to make this post because, of a video I saw from Black Pigeon Speaks; it was about how women like to objectify themselves, and it seems that most viewers nonchalantly agreed with his video. But I didn't agree, because his video was poorly researched, and made broad general assumptions about women and feminists; it looks like he also tried to make it into a alt-right vs feminist, divide and conquer video. I may have to make multiple parts to this post, due to the amount of stuff I had to research, and also there are other things that came into light that I can't 100% fully put into this article.

Additional Reason

I also want to make this, because I don't want other Steemit users, and other people to be heavily misguided by people like Black Pigeon Speaks, or anyone who's on the right-wing vs left-wing divide and conquer with false and misleading facts, which heavily contradict logical thinking.


The reason I say his video was poorly researched, was that he gave out an article (from national geographic, like they're are trustworthy on research right?) for his "proof" on why men automatically sees women as objects when they wear a bikini, but however I looked into the research papers themselves, and found that the research itself was bad; it wasn't just bad, but it was extremely terrible.

Preview Research Critique

Now this research that the natgeo article was talking about was about hostile sexism, basically the feminist researchers decide to take 18-22 year old college students from New Jersey. And want did they do, as in the video that Black Pigoen Speaks there were many objectifying words and objects being used to put next to pictures of bikini clad women (Why couldn't you just have actual bikini clad women in the labs than pictures? Oh, that's right you can to manipulate your tests to fit your results).

Now this is the kind of test used for the bikini hostile sexism test, does it seem familiar to any of you readers?
It's one of those "tests", I've been subjected to these "tests" before; but it's basically a Are you a racist? test, where they assume you're a racist, base on your reaction time in the test. I'll stop right here, because I got a bit more of a presentation like set of paragraphs, I've written sometime ago right below the __ lines. Because I may ramble on like a researcher/scientist, and speaking of science. Thanks to James Corbett, this brings to my attention to the use and weaponization of science.

Scientism and Justification

The problem with the alt-right and any right-wing type of people, including video makers like Black Pigeon Speaks for an example, is the use of science to justify, what may be "necessary" to call out want is the problem in society. So if any conservative want to ban African Americans from staying in the US, due to "research" such as African American gangs killing each other off, and not the fact that the African American communities have been manipulated by the Soviets to kill each other off, and cause resentment against Caucasians in America; then some the conservatives may put in bad research to justify exporting millions of African American people to other countries for the higher crime rate.

Not all science is bad and has heavily contributed in helping society, but at times there can be research that's conducted that can be questionable at best, if the experiments can be made to only make the result to justify the assumption, rather than discover new things in the area of science. But science isn't magic, or should not be used to automatically should down other opinions and arguments.

This is what the whole attention to how bad the bikini is in Black Pigeon Speaks video looks, but I got a lot more paragraphs that rips into his video much more including links. The post bellow the line goes much further in explaining on why BlackPigeon's video is quite bad. In using basic logic and skepticism, you can see why his video falls apart.

Also this can also bring up something very nasty, not just objectification of women in scantily clad clothing, but the objectification of everyone else; as an agenda against everyone else to be and seem like objects under collectivism, due to societal manipulation.

Main Argument

I usually dislike Black Pigeon Speaks videos, and some that I've dislike such as the Christianity and Athiest video, and the video titled MGTOW and the Cancer of Porn, which has been criticized by people like TurdFighting Monkey and Amazing Athiest. But there's a video that didn't feel right with me the second time I saw it, it was the video was on why women loves to Objectify. When I go into a bit more detail into it you may get my perspective on the subject matter later on the subject of the video.

Dave Chapple and the Prostitute Uniform Bullshit

So in the video BPS brings up a clip of Dave Chapple joking of how the lady he saw was wearing a whores uniform, and says it is confusing to men. BPS then brings up Feminism and the slutwalks(sigh)...

I mean looking at Dave Chapple's joke, and after examining it a bit let me say this. Being a police officer is legal, and prostitution is illegal; with that knowledge in mind, it makes Dave's joke look a rather silly, because the Police Uniform is officially made in distributed in specific uniform for as what kind of officer you are, such as Highway or State Patrol.

Prostitutes on the other hand, can come in multiple different flavors and clothes such as dresses, or sometimes regular clothing, because some of them would try to hide their profession from the Police officers. With that in mind, this means that prostitutes would have to wear multiple different kinds of clothing, because sometimes standing outside waiting by the sidewalk wearing a suggestive uniform can be too obvious for them, and they also got undercover police officers to worry about. But thanks to this thought, we may have to rethink of how our society can work.


On top of that, I saw a documentary, on how there is a Indian Pedophile Prostitution ring in India; and as they look, many of them were wearing dresses.


Let me throw in a couple of gears and grease the other gears (to ungrind them), and show what's the problem with the video. For the start of the sexual liberation movement, I got a few problems with this because......

I. So the officer back in the 1970's suggested the women to cover up more for precaution for any sexual assaults that can occur, in a way it's sounds right at first(then again it was the 1970's); but it's more complex because rapists and people who commit sexual assaults are opportunistic; meaning that they cause the crime when they know they can get away with it. In terms of covering up, any assaulter could rip or cut up certain clothing with scissors and knives, and it's unexpected when they attack and how. Keep this in mind Perpetrator is the cause of the crime, not the victim.

I mean, why need to police a woman on how she dresses, when a man needs to learn how not to act like a idiot?

You can watch Dangerous Analysis's video on Rape, it explains about the issues surrounding it.

Also if the rapist want to rape a woman, he or she will do so in specific circumstances, where he knows he can get away with the crime, and on top of that, he would be more aggressive and violent towards a rape victim, if she is fully covered up, or wearing some protection (anti-rape pants). Think about any of the rapes happening in certain Muslim countries with Wahhabism in it. Chances are the burka clad lady would be beaten for more than a woman in a bikini, this is due to the amount of layers that the rapist would have to get through to rape a woman.


II. BPS could say that the Sexual Liberation Movement caused a lot of harm to society for increased amount of sluts (like how some would say about how the civil rights movements for African American shouldn't have happened because of high crime rate in African population). But if there's any correlation (which will be used for two other paragraphs) on the heavy decline of Rape crimes from the 1970's to 2010, which are around at it's lowest around the 2000's.

III. I also want to add on to the still not asking for it part. Because Maddox has a very great point, on the controversy of the Spiderwoman cover in relation to this subject. I'll rephrase Maddox's statement as............

"If you do not want her to be sexualized, then don't sexualize her! Sexualization comes from the mind, some people love feet, Furries, wearing diapers, Bart Simpson, electronic objects, poop, pee, Tenticle porn, Sonic the Hedgehog, and being adult babies; but I don't know why but people love it, and everyone has a different feeling for what they think, and believe is sexual to them".

Diapers, one of the most sexiest panties ever. But according to some ABDLs, the best panties ever.

When it comes to Slut walks. Time and place is what matters, what I mean by time and place is that most men would have to be smart enough to know not to try to bang women at the time during the parade, and considering that many of the men in the area would be adults.


Feminism, Slutwalks and what to do

For the Sexual purpose thing, it depends on person to person. For the Slutwalk it self may not be sexual for some or most people, as much I don't like it some people may find it sexual, but that may have a lot to do with the different perspectives of people. I don't find the Slutwalk movement to be sexy, but others may find it sexy in my opinion. It depends on the person. As people should learn how to control and conduct themselves.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you're probably hyperventilating, heavily aroused, with a heavily throbbing heart, and wielding a hard boner around a woman in a bikini or by anything at all, and you feel like you cannot control yourself, do this.


Breath in for 4 slow seconds, hold your breath for 7 slow seconds, and exhale slowly for how long you can exhale, it's usually recommended for about 8 slow seconds; but anytime longer is acceptable as long as you exhale slowly. But on the boner part. Sorry, but I the only thing I think you could do is shake your hands, or do any cardiovascular exercise, to relieve the blood flow from your dick into other parts of your body. That's the only thing I could think of.

A disclaimer as a sexual assault victim, I do not like to make fun of rape, or anything involving any harm to men and women, including statistics of what have been going on involving any sexual assault at all.

(I'm sorry if the gif made this post to hard to read; due to memory data)

Hilariously, with the knowledge that the bikini's have been getting much skimpier and more string like, along with the timeline BPS shows in the video; it can be noted that if the rape crimes may have some correlation with our current culture, and with the ever shrinking bikini's. Then more sexy skimpy bikini ladies, the less rape crimes occur; if there is a correlation.

Now, it gets full on stupidity, when BPS brings up bikini and the objectification issue he complains about, why? Because most of time and place, most of the time you see a woman in a bikini is in the beach, by the pool, on the runway, or at places like a water park. Plus when he talks about the bikini he talking about how the bikini shows almost every part of her body. Also if a test actually proves that a woman who dresses sexually are to be view by men as objects, then wouldn't there be a heavy rise in sexual assaults and rape cases in most western countries?


Because anything you could potentially view as non human in anyway, you could feel like you can do whatever you want with an object. To add even further, there are women that are smart enough to know that if some creepy weepy jack off ever tries to use her as a sex object and the lady does not like it, she would scream to deter the person in question, and would try run to get help immediately; those tactics wouldn't be effective if she was in a secluded area of the beach, but women can still report any rape crimes anonymously, and another issue that can possibly flourish now around these days are false rape accusations.


Also here's a quote from someone who made this article about the rapes going on in India.

"In western countries, the majority of females wear skirts and even something lesser to skirts also in the public places particularly the beaches. But they are not treated as a porn material there. The dress and the culture they follow is not an invitation for somebody to come and spoil them. It is the mindset and high quality mentality which causes the female population feel safer in their country. I don’t mean that there are no rape and other type of molestation cases in the western countries. But they are not being violated every second. In India, a young woman is being violated every minute with the eyes, the words and the actions of a sick mental male."


It's bullshit that BPS brings up the "women will never want to show a picture of her in her bra and panties to family, friends and strangers on Facebook, etc.", because there are many images of women posting pictures of themselves on the net in their panties. There is a friend I know who's relative posted a picture of her butt and thigh for her future husband on Facebook to see, and my friend had saw the post when he scrolled down.


Nowadays, there are women posting pictures of their butts on Instagram, in thongs and whatever undergarment they like to wear. There are even sexual websites where there are women who both film themselves for money on the internet and sometimes sell their used panties to strangers on the net.

What BPS probably does not consider, is that men has multiple different preferences for different features of a woman; because it's not just the body it's also the face, the hair, finger nails, make up and the fact shes just a female that can make a man have sexual feelings for a woman, and sluts can attract men with those features I listed.


The Research Article

The article research BPS shows is something that I have given some time on and I've fully concluded that there are many problems wrong with the Princeton/Stanford test that was conducted. If I was to explain more I would need to possibly make another entirely new post of this section of the full rant alone. I got many data and evidence to back my arguments up on the subject.

The research article is called From Agents to Objects, if there is anything alarming is how the professors conduct the test. Here's a quick summary of what the researchers did, they used two different methods for testing out how sexist the the male participants attitudes were to women that are or are not sexualized.

There were at least 21 participants that ranged from 18-22 years old. There's one of the problems in the study, the professors used 21-22 participants, which would not be the best guess to use for all men all over the world, because all men have different backgrounds, and attitudes, etc.


Another problem is the method that was used to "measure" how sexist the men reacted to bikini clad women, using a technique called Implicit Association Test (IAT for short), which are the kind of research methods all psychologist should avoid using, because it gives a score based on a few milliseconds the person click rather than based on what people actually feels.

My personal issue with the test itself is the subliminal messaging part.

Heard and saw when BPS brought up "I handle, I grasp and I push.", those phrases make the research looks more to make the researchers wanted their participants to associate one word with the pictures in the tests the participants took.

If you want to read on why IAT are not good technique for measuring here are some links to check out. In addition, subliminal messaging look like it played a huge role in attempting to influence their participants choices and answers on the test. I archived them just in case to links go down, feel free to go to the original link if you like to support the people in the links bellow.

Psychology’s Favorite Tool for Measuring Racism Isn’t Up to the Job

In Bias Test, Shades of Gray

Maybe Clinton Lost Because of Implicit Sexism, but a Test Can’t Prove It

Subliminal Advertising

8 Ads With Subliminal Messages You've Probably Missed

7 Sneaky Subliminal Messages Hidden in Ads

Here's a quote from some one from of the first source.
"Those preambles out of the way, here’s how a typical race IAT works: You sit down at a computer where you are shown a series of images and/or words. First, you’re instructed to hit ‘i’ when you see a “good” term like pleasant, or to hit ‘e’ when you see a “bad” one like tragedy. Then, hit ‘i’ when you see a black face, and hit ‘e’ when you see a white one. Easy enough, but soon things get slightly more complex: Hit ‘i’ when you see a good word or an image of a black person, and ‘e’ when you see a bad word or an image of a white person. Then the categories flip to black/bad and white/good. As you peck away at the keyboard, the computer measures your reaction times, which it plugs into an algorithm. That algorithm, in turn, generates your score.

If you were quicker to associate good words with white faces than good words with black faces, and/or slower to associate bad words with white faces than bad words with black ones, then the test will report that you have a slight, moderate, or strong “preference for white faces over black faces,” or some similar language. You might also find you have an anti-white bias, though that is significantly less common. By the normal scoring conventions of the test, positive scores indicate bias against the out-group, while negative ones indicate bias against the in-group."

Also another article, which is from the Newyorktimes in the other links.

Does this quote ring a bell?

"The I.A.T., which has been taken by millions of people on an academic Web site, measures respondents’ reaction times as they follow instructions to associate words like “joy” or “awful” with either blacks or whites. It generally takes whites longer to associate positive words with blacks than with whites, although some do show no bias. (To meet one of these exceptional cases, go to TierneyLab, at"


"Sexism IATs are different. As Greg Mitchell and Phil Tetlock put it in a book chapter that is very critical of the IAT, “One particularly puzzling aspect of academic and public dialogue about implicit prejudice research has been the dearth of attention paid to the finding that men usually do not exhibit implicit sexism while women do show pro-female implicit attitudes.” This appears to be a pretty robust finding, and if you translate it into the same language IAT proponents speak elsewhere, it means men don’t have implicit sexism and are therefore unlikely to make decisions in an implicitly sexist manner (women, meanwhile, will likely favor women over men in implicitly-driven decision-making). Even weirder, when you switch to IATs geared at evaluating not whether the test-taker implicitly favors men over women (or vice versa), but whether they are quicker to associate men versus women more with career, family, and similarly gendered concepts, the IAT somewhat reliably evaluates women as having higher rates of implicit bias against women than men do."

Here is the research. It's the one BPS was referring to through the National Geographic Article, the full article is on the top right corner for the pdf.

From agents to objects: sexist attitudes and neural responses to sexualized targets.

Another method that was used was FMRI. Just like with the IAT test is not fully accurate because the FMRI was able to "detect" brain activity in a dead Salmon's brain. Again if you want some links for more proof go ahead and check em. I'm using archive in order to save the pages from being deleted, if the host websites go down.

Tens Of Thousands Of FMRI Brain Studies May Be Flawed

Much of what we know about the brain may be wrong: The problem with fMRI

Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates

Data from the Research

Promiscuous Men and Women

The "slut" problem can't be completely solved, because even if women don't wear bikinis or skimpy sexual clothing, sluts will be sluts, and they have been around for centuries, even before BPS was alive, sluts will find other ways to attract men in anyway. Sorry for my usage of the word slut, I'm trying to use it in a more indifferent manner like feminists uses it, rather than the slut shaming use manner many people typically use for promiscuous women.

I'm not saying we can't reduce it, because I can't speak for all women in the world, but I can say is this. Also it brings me back to the arousal part, maybe some overly promiscuous women cheat or slut it up with other men, maybe because they can't control themselves, and would need to learn how to use breathing exercises, to learn how to control themselves.

It's not a problem that women look and dress in a way that BPS finds slutty it's that, women need restrict having sex to only with the one guy they know would help breed children with them, if they want to be motherly figures. Then again I'm not in charge of her or any other women's body, so in some cases I can see why some Feminist believe in this poly. relationship stuff, but in my opinion some people are giving their bodies away to someone, right when they have sex. But then again it's her body, not mine.


In my opinion women who dress sexually to attract men, may do it because of that thrill or letting power know how she looks, or female empowerment to take control of her own destiny. But she may need to set personal restrictions in regards to whether or not she has sex right at that moment someone approaches her, so that men would have to compete for her, so she doesn't get used up like a diaper.

But the same needs to be said for men who would be able to attract as many women as possible, if he dates a lady it should be just one, so that certain slutty men and women don't eat up all the doughnuts in the kitchen for no other man or women to have left to eat.

Then again maybe there's something more wrong with how society is constructed, much more then men and women being slutty; because maybe both the promiscuous man or woman, may try to have sex to simulate what may happen during a future relationship or during marriage, before they become married.


Just because the Doughnuts are tasty doesn't mean we should eat of all it, and eating too much doughnuts can cause some serious health and social issues to anyone who eats too much of it. If men or women can control themselves from having too much sex or sexual relationships, then they could try to do some breathing exercises, and take a step back and see what went wrong, they should try using some impulse control before they engage in those activities; it may not work for all people, but it can help others in this situation. By just simply saying that the bikini would be the cause of the slut problem, shows that BPS is only attacking a symptom not the cause of what BPS sees as the problem.


Another thing to add, is that sometimes some women have sex with other people to get into higher positions of power (which is a problem), and the solution for this is to fire corrupted people; and\or have people in high position do the breathing exercise I've suggested, so they do not let their arousal get to the best of them.


No Slutwalks in Japan

I agree that you won't see slutwalks in Japan. But come on, with the amount and the kind of pornography there, and the country has a legal prostitution service for gaijins. On top of that you could think of almost any fetish, and there's a chance it's there in either as a Hentai Manga, or as a live action porno. Check the link below if no one believes me. The kind of clothing I've seen some Japanese women wear in person, could show of the entire butt of some American woman's big fat gigantic butt.


The Divorce Problem

Also BPS made a large sweeping generalization of feminists on how feminists want to act and dress like a slut. Not all feminist have the same thoughts and opinions, on top of that there are feminists out there that would get married with a man who maybe a feminist supporter too.

To add even more, there maybe more to this divorce problem than women being slutty, some of the women may have been cheated on, some of them may have broken up with boyfriends, because their boyfriends may have been a jerk to them. In another sense, maybe the couples usually doesn't have enough sexual pleasure and activity between the two that they ultimately divorce. Sometimes some women would try to have an affair with another person, in order to get back at their husbands, before she gets a divorce. What about the husband who is a may be a cuck? Did the statistics bring up anything in regards to husbands who are cucks too; but decides to still be married to the woman that cucked him?

Another reason, where we could see a lot of single mothers is either that they dated an irresponsible bad boy, who will drop his wife/girlfriend in favor for women he believes to be hotter, especially if the wife gets fatter before and after pregnancy. Also there are men who would be skeptical of their wives children and assume his wife cheated on him without much evidence.


Aftermath Of Being A Porn Star

Woman can still do porn, it's the approach and when talking about marriage; sometimes it would be better to get married first if you have aspirations of starting a family and then do porn with your husband if you want to do porn. There are many people on the net who are couples and then husband and wives, that do porn, especially anonymously and that can help with their real life reputation, and that's what makes the internet so beautiful. But of you're not married and is still single, and have the urge to do porn, don't show your identity. People will want to find out who you are and a huge amount of complications can happen if your identity is out on the internet.

Don't worry Bree, not everyone would care or be open minded anyway, that's how the world works, people will treat other people like crap anyway. The fact that you're open minded can mean that you have a chance to have a husband, who can treat you with respect, just keep searching. Because not only woman would destroy their chances of marrying, but also males. On the other hand, some people wouldn't date porn stars and would shame them because they may have been used up already and that means to others that someone has already "used" her. Then again that's some people, knowing how there are many people that would want to date a porn star or marry could be possible.

I don't know what to say much about Bree, because I have never heard of her until this video, so a possible solution would be to look in places where people don't know her? I don't know where that video of her talking about that is, but there maybe possibilities that she may had a horrible time after porn because of her family, and knowing how strict some people's families are, but that's a huge can or worms I would be opening just talking about this, and I wanted to keep this post simple.


Then again, I'm also annoyed that BPS may just be using Bree's tears, just to pull some heart strings on viewers for collectivist anti-porn justification; just so that some conservatives can go,

"See, see? That little slut is crying, and all of you little sluts will end up like like her; if you ever decide to do porn at all; because men will and should treat you sluts like objects, no matter how much respect you show and ask of many normal people".

If BPS did try this deliberately, than that is a very disgusting collectivist move, against a women's individuality. So like the question I've asked before, does it give the man the right to treat a woman like shit; just because she does porn. Think about it on a logical level, how is she harming you, by just being sexy or in porn on the internet? Because there are any conservative types that would believe porn is harmful, but if you use basic logical thinking; it would be more of the fault of the user of porn if you're bringing up the addiction side, as the porn user can just either have other things to do in life, get a job, do chores or anything else if the person is to addicted, because like I said you can use the breathing exercise to help with the arousal, and then meditate like Jeff B. From The Dollar Vigilatte does. But I can't steer to far off the topic of objectification.


What Could?

What BPS could've done was research into the study more, because seeing how the professors had gotten their findings are a major concern; because we can do something that could harm society, with any wrong result we can get from the research. I think BPS should be more open minded, because not every women think or feels the same way. But then again, I might've over generalize some conservatives mental outlook without even knowing, as some readers may see.

I don't want to be hard on anyone, I just don't want any misconceptions on the whole issue of objectification; to have an area, where suddenly just because of the way a woman looks, you could go forward and treat her like a dog in some form. Which is stupid, just treat anyone as nice as you want others to treat you; I don't want any issues with BPS, I just want to set the record to logical areas. Women should not be treated based on looks, just by their actions toward other people.


Big post nice pictures

Yeah....I should've split this post into several parts then; if it's unreadable to anyone else.

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I don't understand this post way that.................................

How can't you understand the post? I could try to break the post into multiple parts, since it seems like it's too long. Just let me know, how it isn't understandable.

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